
  1. 就品牌创建方面而言,织金竹荪属于政府主导型品牌创建模式。

    Concerning in brand building , belongs to the government-led brand mode .

  2. 一方面我们政府要引进品牌,要创品牌,保护品牌,在这一方面,作为义乌市政府应该说采取了许多措施。

    As a local government , we adopted many measures to introduce in , make and protect brand of commodity .

  3. 第四章最后就其品牌营销体系进行了阐述,并强调了政府部门在品牌营销方面发挥的重要作用。

    Chapter IV in the last elaborates the Brand marketing system , and emphasizes the important role the government is playing on brand marketing .

  4. 由于政府在城市品牌传播过程中扮演着重要角色,本章还分析了城市政府在传播过程中应扮演的角色,从关系营销的视角提出了城市品牌传播的关系模式。

    Because government plays an important role in city communication , the role that government should play has been analyzed . Relationship model of city brand communication has been proposed from the perspective of relationship marketing .

  5. 其中,从世界经验来看,政府在自主品牌车企的培育和成长过程中作用尤为重要,十分的值得我们学习和借鉴。

    From the world experience , government plays an important role in the independent brand car enterprises , and thus become a tool for the growing of the foreign car enterprises . It is worth learning .

  6. 采用定性和定量的方法分析区域品牌的构建和管理,建立了区域品牌创建时集群中企业与企业的博弈模型和政府管理区域品牌过程中政府与企业的博弈模型。

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis are used in describing the construction of the regional brand . Two game models have been set up , one is between enterprises and enterprises in cluster while cultivation regional brand , another is between government and enterprises while the government manages the regional brand .

  7. 政府有打造公共品牌的责任和义务;

    The government has the responsibility and duty to establish public brand ;

  8. 各级政府大力打造地方品牌。

    Creating remarkable education brand names in different levels ;

  9. 如果中国政府想让本土品牌成功,可能要重新考虑应当支持哪些冠军。

    If the government wants domestic brands to succeed , it might reconsider which champions it backs .

  10. 论政府在区域旅游品牌构建中的作用&以珠三角为例

    On the Role of a Government in the Brand Building of Regional Tourism & with the Pearl River Delta as an Example

  11. 行业协会往往在龙头企业的推动下建立,并成为区域品牌管理维护的主体,成为政府授权的区域品牌的主要建设者。

    The industry association is organized by the leading enterprises and it is the main body for the management maintenance of regional brand under the permission of local government .

  12. 西班牙政府将查清时装品牌在广告中所使用衣服的尺寸,调查这些广告是否对年轻女性罹患厌食症或食欲过度起到推波助澜的作用。

    The study will find out which sizes are used by fashion chains in their advertising and try to discover if the industry is helping to drive girls to anorexia or bulimia .

  13. 内蒙古经济发展模式是在实践中不断总结的规律和经验,通过政府、企业、品牌和市场相结合形成的独具内蒙古特色的经济发展理论概括。

    The pattern of economic development in Inner Mongolia is summarized to rules and experiences . It is generalization through combined government , markets , and enterprises with Brand , according to the theory of development by itself .

  14. 要把构建服务型政府作为机关服务品牌建设的最终落脚点,在具体做法上不断完善和改进,明确服务要求和质量标准,培养公务员的服务品牌意识,提供高质量的服务。

    We should regard creating service-oriented government as the ultimate objection , refine and improve the specific practices , clear the service requirements and quality standards , cultivate the service brand awareness of civil servants , and provide high-quality service .

  15. 政府在农产品品牌建设中存在着农产品质量标准建设落后,对农产品品牌建设扶持力度不够,认证结果公信力不高,对农产品品牌的保护力度不足等问题。

    In the process of brand building , governments have such problems as lag behind in establishing quality standards for agricultural products , not providing enough support for brand building , low public credibility of certification results and not giving enough protection for agricultural products .

  16. 从印度采购纺织品的宜家,花费近两年时间,试图说服印度政府放宽对单一品牌零售商(如宜家本身)的外资股份限制,从目前的51%提高至100%。

    Ikea , which already sources textiles from India for its stores , has tried for nearly two years to persuade the government to raise its foreign ownership limit on single-brand retail businesses , like itself , from the 51 per cent to 100 per cent .

  17. 为了打击垃圾食品,并从中榨出收入,喀拉拉邦政府第一次对品牌餐馆和零售巨头出售的汉堡、比萨、玉米饼、甜甜圈、三明治和意大利面等征收“脂肪税”

    Thiruvananthapram : In a bid to crack down on junk food and squeeze out revenue , the Kerala government has for the first time imposed a 14.5 % " fat tax " on burgers , pizza , tacos , doughnuts , sandwiches and pasta sold at branded restaurants and food retail giants .