- maternity leave

[maternity leave] 在职妇女产期前后的休假待遇,一般从分娩前半个月至产后两个半月,晚婚晚育者可前后长至四个月
To qualify for maternity leave you must have worked for the same employer for two years
Your job will be kept open for your return after maternity leave
Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay .
Her going on maternity leave will create a temporary vacancy .
We used to do 12 weeks of salary , and women who came back from leave quit at twice the rate of men .
Your job will be kept open for your return after maternity leave .
By 1994 , 40 of 141 countries for which the International Labour Organization had data offered some form of statutory paternity leave .
Helping their female employees to have a short baby break and smooth re-entry to the workforce would minimise the problems .
American women are currently entitled to 12 weeks unpaid leave . American men are entitled to nothing .
Facebook offers four months of paid parental leave , but while most women there take all the time , men take less .
After taking two months off to spend time with his newborn daughter , Mark Zuckerberg is back to business .
With two other partners , I launched Baby Caravan-a company that helps postpartum woman navigate maternity leave and the subsequent return to work .
Zuck has just returned to work after a two month parental leave to spend time with Max - all Facebook employees receive four months paid parental leave
For younger financiers , private equity firms such as Blackstone have been touting generous maternity leave programmes .
Isn 't it funny how Sandra , Lisa and Jenny from HR have all gone on maternity leave since Geoff started ?
With two other partners , I launched Baby Caravan & a company that helps postpartum woman navigate maternity leave and the subsequent return to work .
With two other partners , I launched Baby Caravan - a company that helps postpartum woman navigate maternity leave and the subsequent return to work .
Nationwide had already trained a temporary replacement to take over Ame 's job while she was on maternity leave .
The other day , a friend of mine posted a message on Facebook FB + 0.12 % stating her frustration that people keep calling her upcoming maternity leave a vacation .
Ames was told that she could take the originally agreed upon amount of time unpaid , but doing so would raise red flags .
They have some of the most generous policies in corporate America for the period after a child is born , like four months of paid leave and a $ 4000 baby stipend at Facebook .
Exact figures aren 't available , but a report published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates public spending on parental leave cost 0.8 % of gross domestic product , or the equivalent of $ 3.7 billion in 2007 alone .
Her husband , Marten , returns to work as a computer-systems developer on Wednesday , after going on paternity leave in October .
Advocates of parental leave say they hope prominent examples like Mark Zuckerberg , the Facebook co-founder and chief executive , who just started a two-month paternity leave after the birth of his daughter , Max , will change attitudes .
The company also offers the highest number of days off for maternity leave of any firm on Great Places To Work 's list .
Companies like Facebook and Change.org are among a group that have begun to offer generous paternity leave policies , and as a 2014 survey of dads revealed , 89 percent said it would be an important criterion in looking for a new job .
Hilary Achauer , a San Diego marketing specialist for a concern , sought to return to work part-time from last year , but was offered a full-time management job instead .
The relative popularity of such initiatives in the US , says Brad Harrington , executive director of the Boston College Center for Work & Family , is a sign that some companies are trying to address the government 's failure to guarantee paid maternity or paternity leave .
Amy , who is currently on maternity leavefollowing Leo 's birth on June 30 , said : " I 've been walking in the park and hadpeople come up to me and say , ' What a gorgeous baby ' .
Netflix announced Tuesday it will begin offering " unlimited " paid time off to employees during their first year as new parents , one of the most generous parental leave packages offered in the competitive tech industry .