
  • 网络Product Upgrading;Product upgrade;Production Upgrading
  1. 技术创新和管理创新是我们不懈的追求,我们将全力地推动产品升级和行业的发展。

    Technological innovation and management innovation is our relentless pursuit , we will fully promote the product upgrading and development of the industry .

  2. 鉴于不同的特点,对于内生型产业集群跨环节的功能性升级比较容易,而在过程升级和产品升级方面比较困难。

    Therefore , Functional upgrading is easy to realize , but Process upgrading and Product upgrading are fairly difficult for endogenous apparel industrial cluster .

  3. 主要包括采用了FPGA芯片,使用VHDL语言进行编程,使其具有了更强的移植性,更加利于产品升级;

    It becomes more transplantable and easier to upgrade by using of the FPGA and programming with VHDL language .

  4. 今年11月,在本财年启动后不久,该公司发布了iPhoneX,这是人们期待已久的旗舰产品升级。

    In November , shortly after the start of the current fiscal year , the company released iPhone X , a long-awaited upgrade to its flagship product .

  5. 目前的LED显示屏控制系统主要采用单片机、单片机+工控机、单片机+FPGA的组合形式来实现,此类设计不便于产品升级和技术更新。

    We commonly use SCM , SCM + IPC and the form of MCU + FPGA combination to realize the current LED screen control system , such design does not facilitate product upgrades and technical updates .

  6. 吉姆·柯林斯:让我们首先来看看一个在价值观上持之以恒,始终坚持一个目标,同时大力推进产品升级和创新的范例。我认为这就是苹果公司(Apple)。

    Jim Collins : Let 's first of all use a current example of a kind of consistency about values , and purpose and yet tremendous evolution and creativity around the products , and I think that is Apple .

  7. 本实验室为满足公司产品升级需求,开发了基于ARM的医疗激光器智能控制系统,其中控制软件以前是采用MFC在WINDOWSCE平台上开发的。

    To meet the demand of production upgrading of the company , the laboratory has developed a medical lasers intelligent control system based on ARM , of which the control software previously uses MFC developed in Windows CE platform .

  8. 在ODM产品升级阶段,企业主要处于知识消化过程,可采取产品创新、合作创新甚至自主创新模式。

    At ODM process , enterprises are mainly in the knowledge digestion process , and could take product innovation , collaborative innovation even independent innovation mode .

  9. 但是,由于备件、老化以及产品升级等原因使得Bailey模块的维护存在不小的困难。

    Otherwise , many reasons , such as the spare parts , aging and update of the instrument bring insurmountable troubles to the normal operation of the Bailey modules .

  10. 这一点令iOS对开发者仍然极具吸引力,并且是苹果至关重要的出色用户体验的保障,正是这种出色体验使得客户在苹果产品升级换代时再度掏钱购买。

    That still makes the iOS a powerful draw for developers and guarantees Apple the all-important premium experiences that have kept buyers coming back for more when upgrade time comes around .

  11. 嵌入式Linux系统的广泛应用对文件系统提出了新的要求,如在为嵌入式产品升级系统软件时,需要对boot只读分区进行写操作。

    With wide application of the embedded Linux system , further new requirements have been brought forward with the file systems . To name one , it is required to write in read-only boot partition while upgrading the system software for embedded production .

  12. 另一种是基于PC机的软件视频通信系统,系统安装部署、扩容和产品升级方便,个性化定制,价格较低,但通用PC机非专用于视音频处理,故实现效率不高,效果较差。

    The other is software video communication system based PC , it is convenience for installment , expansion and update , also it is cheap , but it is not dedicated in audio / video data processing so that the software system based on PC is not effective .

  13. 不过Scanadu对其产品升级版本的构想已相当明确。

    But the company already has a concrete vision for advanced versions .

  14. CCSInsight分析师杰夫布拉波(GeoffBlaber)表示,尽管只提供了“渐进式的改进”,但苹果已“多次证明,在苹果品牌和生态系统的支撑下,这种产品升级循环是成功的”。

    Geoff Blaber , analyst at CCS Insight , said that despite only offering " incremental improvements " Apple had " proven many times over that iteration wins when underpinned by the Apple brand and ecosystem . "

  15. 例如,Slack计划于今年晚些时候进行一次关键的产品升级。升级后的Slack将大大简化企业IT部的工作,方便其控制企业内同时进行的不同群组聊天。

    A key product enhancement planned for later this year , for instance , would greatly simplify things for corporate IT departments that want to control the many different Slack group chats that may have sprung up inside their businesses .

  16. NEXRAD产品升级的主要内容是建立开放的雷达系统、增加新算法、建立公共业务开发环境,研发不同型雷达的资料融合方法。

    NPI includes setting up open system , developing new algorithms , building Common Operations Development Environment , and studying the integration method of various radar data , et. al .

  17. 不完全信息下产品升级组合定价研究

    The Study of Combination Price of Renovation Product with Incomplete Information

  18. 成功的战略产品升级,以维持现有的热门游戏。

    Strategic sales promotion to maintain the existing games popular .

  19. 订购包含免费产品升级和一年的无限制客户服务。

    Subscriptions include free product upgrades and unlimited customer support for1 year .

  20. 评论人士认为没什么特别的又一次产品升级,得到消费者的追捧。

    Another product upgrade critics found ho-hum that consumers have gobbled up .

  21. 软件协调员应使发货地址保持最新,以确保产品升级版的交付。

    Should keep their shipping address current to ensure delivery of product upgrades .

  22. 当一个产品升级后已有的产品被移除和替换。

    When a product is upgraded , the existing product is removed and replaced .

  23. 以技术创新为重点实现产品升级

    Product upgrade with the emphasis on technological innovation

  24. 企业产品升级投资决策研究

    Study on Investment Decision Making in Upgrading Product

  25. 大中型拖拉机产品升级换代的问题及对策

    Some Considerations on the Updated Replacement of Medium and Big Tractors in China PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS

  26. 溶洞旅游产品升级研究&以兴文天泉洞为例

    Research on Upgrading Karst Cave Tour Products

  27. 体验经济时代我国主题公园产品升级的策略探析

    Strategies Study on Product Upgrade of Chinese Theme Parks in the Age of Experience Economy

  28. 以企业联盟为手段实现产品升级、资源优化、规模扩张;

    Achieve product promotion , resource optimization and scale expansion , by means of enterprise alliances ;

  29. 差压铸造设备的设计产品升级与设备国产化

    Desing of Counter Pressure Casting Equipment Products Going up One Grade and Equipments Made in China

  30. 为了吸引用户购买,苹果公司可能希望尽可能多的进行产品升级。

    Apple may want as many upgrades as possible to entice people to buy the Air .