
  • 网络product object
  1. 基于工业设计的三维计算机辅助设计系统采用3D-CAD技术进行零部件或产品目标建模。

    3D CAD technology is adopted to build up models of parts or products in 3D CAD system based on industrial product design .

  2. 电瓷产品目标成本的实施与控制

    The Enforcement and Control of the Objective Costs for Electroporcelain Products

  3. 创新产品目标设计阶段的需求分析和研究

    Need Analysis and Study on Objective Design for Innovative Product

  4. 新产品目标设计源及寻找方法探析

    Study on Sources of Objective Design and Searching Methods for New Product

  5. 按产品目标选择新型织机的探讨

    How to Choose New Loom Type according to Product

  6. 消费者产品目标形成及引导策略研究

    Research on Consumer-product Goal Forming and Guidance Strategy

  7. 产品目标成本预测方法的研究

    A Study of Product Objective Cost Forecast

  8. 电解二氧化锰产品目标成本管理

    Target cost control for EMD product

  9. 在三维模型中,本文主要对产品目标维和层次维的价值评价进行了研究。

    In the three-dimensional model , this paper were studied the targets dimension and levels dimensional .

  10. 钢铁企业产品目标成本决策支持系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of a Product Target Cost Decision Supporting System for Iron and Steel Company

  11. 我国出口电子产品目标市场的优序分析和战略研究

    Optimal Serial Analysis of Objective Market and Research of Market Strategy for the Export Electronic Products of China

  12. 但是,现在也没有一套比较有效的产品目标客户群划分的方法。

    There is no an effective segmentation method to find customer target group for these products , neither .

  13. 制订访谈计划时,你可以利用市场研究来标志产品目标人群的年龄、位置、性别和收入。

    When planning your interviews , you can use market research to identify ages , locations , gender , and incomes of the target markets for the product .

  14. 然后从产品目标市场确定、产品价格策略优化以及产品营销渠道策略优化这几个角度出发,提出改进建议。

    Then determined from the product target market , product pricing strategy optimization , and product marketing , channel strategy optimize these perspective , and make recommendations for improvement .

  15. 运用价值工程分析的理论提出新产品目标价格的标定方式来确定产品成本控制的目标,介绍了成本控制的策略和方法,包括价格谈判的技巧。

    Using Value Engineering Analysis theory , author determines the target cost of the new product , introduces the cost control strategy and process , including price negotiation with suppliers .

  16. 项目一期和二期目前已上线运营,根据最新的数据分析报告,达到了最初的产品目标,但仍须在未来做出改良。

    The first and second versions are now in operation on-line . The initial target for the product is achieved according to the latest data analysis report , but it still needs further adjustments .

  17. 因此,制订一套行之有效的市场营销策略,加强企业的竞争优势,扩大产品目标市场占有率,是盛泰化工重新取得成功的关键所在。

    Therefore to work out an effective marketing tactics to enhance the competition power and enlarge the occupancy of the product on target market would be a key for the company to win out again .

  18. 探索建立农产品目标价格制度,市场价格过低时对生产者进行补贴,过高时对低收入消费者进行补贴。

    We will consider the introduction of a system of guaranteed base prices for agricultural products , under which subsidies will be given to producers when market prices are too low and to low-income consumers when market prices are too high .

  19. 阐述了开发钢铁企业产品目标成本决策支持系统的重要意义,提出系统开发总体思想,并介绍了系统功能结构及主要模型。

    To expound the great significance to develop a production target Cost Decision Supporting System for the products of iron & steel enterprises , and put forward a general principle for the system development and introduce the systems functional structure and some main of models .

  20. 许多商业产品的目标是简化UI开发。

    There are several commercial products whose aim is to ease UI development .

  21. 基于QFD的产品多目标规划模型

    Multi - Goal Programming Model Based on QFD

  22. 主要从理念、经营方式、结构、产品的目标市场和内容、机制和配套措施等五个方面对我国大学出版社国际化发展现状进行了分析。第五部分:我国大学出版社国际化发展的SWOT分析。

    Analyze the situation mainly from five aspects : the idea , the modes of operation , the structure , the product target market and content , the related mechanism and the coordinated sets of measures . Part ⅴ: The internationalization development SWOT analysis .

  23. 通过对旅游产品的目标市场、营销组合等多个侧面展开横向联想,来实现创新产品、开拓市场新类别。

    Lateral marketing will create new products and new categorized markets .

  24. 市场分析与产品设计目标决策研究

    Market analysis and study on design object decision of product

  25. 破坏性创新产品的目标营销战略研究

    Research on the Target Marketing Strategy of Destructive Innovation Production

  26. 我们新产品的目标人群是有手机的青少年。

    Thetarget audience for our new product is teenagers with mobile phones .

  27. 制造过程产品质量目标管理方法研究及系统实现

    Method of quality management by objectives for product manufacturing process

  28. 目标成本管理法是以市场营销和市场竞争为基础的定价方法,它以其具有竞争性的市场价格和目标利润倒推出产品的目标成本,体现了市场导向。

    Target cost management is a pricing method based on marketing and market competition .

  29. 采用不同的绿色设计策略,可以实现不同的产品环境目标。

    Different product environment targets can be attained through adopting different green design strategies .

  30. 电信服务产品多目标定价模型研究

    The Multi-Objects Pricing Model on Telecommunication Service Products