
  • 网络product value chain
  1. 在ICT等产业的支持下,生产工序实现了零散化和片段化,产品价值链被切片分离或组合,不同片段的工序表现了不同的资源要素禀赋特征。

    In support of ICT and other industries , production processes to achieve a " fragmentation ", product value chain is " slice " or a combination of separation , different " fragments " of the process performance the characteristics of different resource endowments .

  2. 其次要坚持科技兴贸战略,发展高科技加工贸易,促进加工贸易技术含量提升,延长产品价值链,提高产品增值水平;

    Second is to conduct Science and Technology promotes Trade stratagem , develop hi-tech processing trade .

  3. 此体系包含生命周期、业主方管理过程和业主方管理要素三个维度,以产品价值链为主线,构成立体封闭区间。

    The system is composed of three dimensions : life cycle , management process and management elements .

  4. 反哺农业的产业组织与市场组织&基于农产品价值链的分析

    The Industrial Organization and the Market Organization that Repay Agriculture & An Analysis Based on the Value Chain of Agricultural Products

  5. 由于现代制造业的产品价值链越来越具有空间可分性的特征,一些处在产业主导地位的厂商越来越注重于在全球范围内实现价值链的重组。

    Due to an increasingly recognizable spatial separability of the production value chain of modern manufacturing industry , some leading firms are attaching more importance to the value chain integration around the globe .

  6. 然而,中国是否能够继续保持这种吸纳的强劲势头,并在此过程中不断向产品价值链的高位区逼近,将在很大程度上取决于中国能否使自己的区位优势得到保持与提升。

    But , how to keep a rapid , forceful tendency of absorbing so as to approach a high region rank of product value links , depends on Chinese unceasing advantage lifting of region ranks .

  7. 品牌是产品价值链上的一个重要环节,但品牌作为一个企业或产品区别于其他同类产品和企业的标志,又有其特殊性。

    Though a key link in the value chain of products , the famous brand of products has its specific characteristics because it is a symbol to distinguish an enterprise or product from other products or enterprises of the same category .

  8. 在企业的战略安排上,顾客让渡价值理论的意义在于,企业必须构造完整的产品价值链,从整体顾客价值着手,在顾客心中实现准确定位,从而为企业驾驭顾客资产指明了战略方向。

    According to the arrangement of the enterprise strategy , the meaning of the theory lies in that the enterprise should have a perfect product-value chain in order that the customers have its own value in their mind so that it directs the enterprise in controlling the Customer Equity .

  9. 国外林产品加工业价值链升级研究概况及启示

    Value Chain Upgrading in Foreign Forest Products Processing Industries and Inspiration to China

  10. 从面向产品的价值链到面向服务的价值链

    Turning in the Direction from Value Chain of Production Toward Value Chain of Service

  11. 产品环境价值链分析

    Product Environmental Value Chain Analysis

  12. 传统的面向产品的价值链已经无法满足市场竞争和企业发展的需要。

    Traditional value chain which is product - oriented is now incompetent for the market competition and enterprise development .

  13. 同一产品的价值链上,资本、技术密集型的环节将处在价值链顶端,具有较高的附加值。

    At the same product value chain , capital and technology-intensive sectors will be at the top of the value chain , because they have a high added value .

  14. 而通过技术创新能力的培育逐步向产品全球价值链的高端迁移,无疑是重要的努力方向,这也符合创新型国家建设的内在要求。

    It is undoubtedly an important direction for the processing manufacturing parks to migrate to the high-end in global value chains through the cultivation of the technical innovation abilities and it is also consistent with the inherent requirements of the innovation-oriented nation-building .

  15. 更系统,更全面,也更本质的揭示企业提升竞争力的方法,在企业的价值活动实践中,丰富和发展了我国水产品加工价值链竞争力理论。

    More systematic , more comprehensive , more essential method to reveal the enterprise to obtain the competitive advantage , in the enterprise value activities in practice , it enriches and develops our country aquatic products processing value chain competitive advantage theory .

  16. 具有知识密集与创新意识特征的商业/B2B服务活动,通过外包将服务嵌入到产品整个价值链的不同片段中,对产品的价值创造作出了巨大的贡献。

    The Business / B2B service activities with the characteristics of knowledge-intensive and innovation were embedded the " service " in the different " segments " to the product value chain throughout by outsourcing . made a great contribution to the creation in value of the product .

  17. 关于区位名牌农产品的产业价值链整合的思考

    The Integration of Industrial Value Chain of Regional Branded Produce

  18. 探讨了协同产品商务在价值链整合中的应用,提出价值链模块化管理的发展趋势。

    Then the treatise discusses the practice of collaborative product commerce in the value chain integration , and the tendency of modularization management .

  19. 接下来笔者对强生视力保健的内部环境进行了分析,价值链分析结论:强生视力保健产品公司在价值链中的内部管理方面是明显优于竞争对手的。

    The writer analyse the internal environment of J J. conclusion of value chain analysis : J J internal management is better than competitors .

  20. 然后,通过对产品形成的价值链的分析,构建符合六西格玛管理要求的不良质量成本的组织体系;

    Then , through the analysis of the value chain of product , we can build an organization system of cost of poor quality that adapts to Six Sigma .

  21. 传统产业链的结构主要表现为纵向竞合架构,形态上表现为产品链、价值链和知识链的有机结合。

    The configuration of traditional industry chain mainly shows as the vertical competition and cooperation relationship . The organic combination of product chain , value chain and knowledge chain constructs the modality of traditional industry chain .

  22. 在理论分析的基础上,对一家国内制造企业――GT公司的由产品到服务的价值链延伸策略进行分析研究,提出了发展对策。

    On the base of theory analysis , studies and analyzes the from-product-to-service tactic of the value chain extension of an internal manufacturing enterprise & GT Company , and brings forward relevant countermeasure for development .

  23. 乐视北美首席研发官罗伯.钱德霍克(RobChandhok)表示,乐视正在重构电子产品与媒体的价值链,同时提供一座更优雅、直观的桥梁来解决用户体验分散的问题。

    Rob Chandhok , LeEco 's chief R & D officer for North America , said the company was reconstructing the value chain of electronics and media , while providing a more elegant and intuitive bridge that will solve the problem of a fragmented user experience .

  24. 企业产品包装竞争的价值链分析

    Study on the Value Chain of the Enterprise Product Packaging Competition

  25. 着重分析了中国电信市场不规则的产品周期,以及价值链和跨国生产网络对中国本土企业发展的促进作用;

    It mainly analysis the promoting effects of the non-complete product cycle , value system , and transnational production network on China electricity market .

  26. 供应链贸易是国际贸易研究的一个新视野,这一视野综合了中间产品贸易和全球价值链贸易两个范畴。

    Supply chain trade is a new field of vision in international trade research , which contains the concept systems of intermediate product trade and global value chain .

  27. 企业作为分工的主体,将按照各国、各地区的不同比较优势在不同产品或同一产品价值链的不同环节进行配置。

    In this process , as the main part of the division of labor , the multinational corporation will be configured according to different comparative advantages of various countries and regions in different products or different segments of the value chain of the same product .

  28. 本文从产品市场生命周期和产品价值链生命周期两个方面,提出了产品成本效益分析系统功能,并研究了用于成本效益分析的信息支持系统的集成方法。

    This paper suggests the function of cost-benefit analysis in product life cycle of market and product life cycle of value chain . The paper also studies the integrated method of information system for cost-benefit analysis .

  29. 加工制造园区作为加工贸易的重要空间载体,是我国在产品内分工条件下承接产品价值链加工组装环节国际转移的结果。

    As important spaces vector of the processing trade , Processing manufacturing parks are the results of our country to undertake value chain processing and assembly aspects of international transfer .

  30. 一是基于产品建构视角的产品建构陷阱,即产品价值链的低端锁定状态和系统创新瓶颈;二是基于全球价值网络视角的低端锁定状态。

    One is product architecture trap in the perspective of product architecture , namely lock-in status of low end of product value chains and bottleneck of system innovation . The other is lock-in status of low end in the perspective of global value network .