
  • 网络Product family;product group
  1. 基于企业DNA理论的产品族设计方法研究

    Research of the Design Methods of Product Family Based on Corporation DNA Theory

  2. 工业设计中基于本体的产品族设计DNA

    Ontology-based product family design DNA in industrial design

  3. 基于Internet的内圆磨床产品族定制系统

    Internet-based customization system of internal grinder family

  4. 提出了面向MC的产品族结构优化方法。

    A structural optimization method of product family for MC is presented .

  5. 在基于产品族功能分解原理与重构线柔性结构设计基础上,构建了基于多Agent制造案机理的系统体系结构及结合系统柔性与重构特征的Agent协商与合作机制。

    Based on product family functional decomposition and structure design of reconfigurable assembly line , framework of multi agent system and agent coordination mechanism was constructed .

  6. 基于Tabu搜索算法的产品族配置问题研究

    Research for Configuration Problem of Product Family Based on Tabu Search Algorithm

  7. 一种支持MCM的产品族信息模型的研究

    A Kind of Product Family Information Model Supporting Mass Customization Manufacturing

  8. IBMWorkplace是一个产品族,其中包括使用集中管理的富客户机技术的信息管理和团队协作。

    IBM Workplace is a family of products that includes information management and team collaboration using centrally managed rich client technology .

  9. 在产品族构件演化过程中,由相应的Agent负责演化实现的机制,包括演化功能点的获取,演化织入规则的生成。

    During the process of product family component evolution , the corresponding Agent is responsible for the evolution implementation mechanism , including accessing the functional point of evolution and generating the evolution woven rules .

  10. 基于CAX的产品族建模及变型设计系统研究

    Product Family Modeling and Variant Design System Based on CAX

  11. 面向结构建模的产品族EAC模型及应用研究

    Research on the Product Family EAC Model and Its Applications for Structural Modeling

  12. 用UML对基于图文法的产品族配置系统进行用例建模、静态建模、动态建模以及编码与部署分析,从而为系统的具体开发做准备。

    Using UML , use-case modeling , static modeling , dynamic modeling , coding and deployment analysis are made for the system , thus making ready for its particular development .

  13. 面向DFMC的产品族设计研究和实践

    Research and Development on Product Family Design Based on DFMC

  14. 给出了按订单装配模式下产品族配置问题的数学模型,并设计了Tabu搜索算法对模型进行求解。

    A mathematical model for ATO configuration problems of product family was proposed and Tabu Search algorithm was designed to solve this model .

  15. 进而讨论了实现全生命周期e定制的关键技术:面向原子级定制的产品族模型、基于在线配置器的功能-结构-设计相混合的配置方法、基于J2EE的集成框架。

    And key technologies of e-customization are further discussed , including : atomic customization oriented product family architecture modeling , online function-structure-design based product configuration approach , and J2EE based integration system architecture design .

  16. 通过改进的TOPSIS评价法,建立了产品族组合序列配置方案评价数学模型;

    The mathematics mode of project evaluation to combination serial configuration of product family is constituted , exerting to the TOPSIS evaluation method .

  17. 用户化虚拟设计中的产品族描述语言PFL

    Product Family Depicting Language for Customers Oriented Virtual Design

  18. 设计人员根据ECA规则对组成产品族的必选模块和可选模块进行选择,得到定制产品的结构;

    The structure of customization product could be generated through selection of indispensable modules and optional modules according to ECA rules ;

  19. 开发产品族作为实现大批量定制(masscustomization,MC)的一种有效方式已被学术界和工业界广泛认同,并成为一个重要的研究方向。

    The development of product family being regarded as a kind of effective way of realizing mass customization has already been broadly admitted in the academic and industrial circles and has become an important direction of study .

  20. 通过对动态的用户需求分析及动态QFD方法的应用,提出面向需求驱动的产品族设计方法。

    On the basis of dynamic customer requirement analysis and application of dynamic QFD method , this paper presents a method for customer-driven product family design methodology .

  21. 主要探索使用美国CA公司Advantage产品族来辅助实现成熟度等级中规定的一些关键过程域(KPA)的途径,以帮助软件开发单位提高其成熟度等级。

    The paper mainly explores how to implement some key process areas ( KPA ) of capability maturity model ( CMM ) by the Advantage family of products , so that the software development department can improve its maturity levels .

  22. 提出基于实体属性约束(entity-attribute-constraint,EAC)模型的产品族建模方法,将产品族表达为实体、属性、约束三元组。

    A modeling method for product family based on EAC ( EntityAttribute-Constraint ) was proposed , which described product family as triple of entity , attribute and constraint .

  23. 通过对FIA法测定液体石油产品族组成分析中所用的原材料如硅胶、吸附柱、荧光指示剂等的质量进行分析,指出了其对分析结果的影响;

    The quality of such raw material as silica gel , absorption column , fluorescent indicator when testing liquid petroleum products group with FIA is analyzed and the its effect on the analysis result is indicated .

  24. 本文在分析虚拟原型功能要求和特点的基础上,提出基于Meta模型的虚拟原型信息组织,然后提出并讨论了基于虚拟原型四个机制的主动信息服务和面向产品族的设计。

    Based on the analyses of functional requirements and characteristics of virtual prototype , the information organization of the virtual prototype based on meta models is put forward . Active information service based on its four mechanisms and product family oriented design are also discussed .

  25. GBOM作为产品族中最为广泛使用的一种BOM结构,主要由BOM结构树与选择树构成,它表达了与产品族描述、配置相关的所有信息。

    As the most widely used BOM structure of product family , Generic Bill of Material is consist of the structure tree and selection tree . It expresses all the relevant information about the description and the configuration of product family .

  26. 分别以功能域的类功能需求(GFR)和物理域的类设计参数(GDP)对大规模定制产品族进行了描述,并基于公理设计理论建立了GFR和GDP之间的映射关系。

    A product family can be described by a group of generic functional requirements ( GRFs ) in functional domain and a group of generic design parameters ( GDPs ) in physical domain . Based on Axiomatic Design theory , the mapping relationship between the GFRs and GDPs is established .

  27. 基于产品族可变型结构的配置管理研究

    Research on configuration management based on transformable structure of product family

  28. 提出了基于产品族的产品规划方法。

    The method of product planning of product families is given .

  29. 面向广义模块化设计/制造的产品族动态模型研究

    Product Dynamic Family Model Oriented on Generalized Modular Design / Manufacture

  30. 面向产品族的桥式起重机设计技术的研究与应用

    Research and application on overhead traveling crane design for product family