
  • 网络additional value
  1. 提高农产品附加值的加工业;

    Processing industries to improve the additional value of the agricultural products ;

  2. 提高嘉兴工业产品附加值的途径和方法的研探

    Research into the Measures for Elevating the Additional Value of Industrial Products

  3. 随着薄板坯连铸连轧技术(TSCR)的迅速发展,开发新品种,提高产品附加值已成为TSCR技术发展的一个重要方向。

    With the rapid development of Thin Slab Casting and Rolling process ( TSCR ), to develop new grade and high-value added steel become a new requirement .

  4. 内燃机气门的失效原因探析论产品附加值

    Discuss of Invalidation of I.C.E. Valve On Additional Valve of Product

  5. 然而,在全球价值链体系中,我国处于最低端,产品附加值低、利润空间小。

    However , Products have low added value and little profit .

  6. 然后是鼓励技术创新,提高产品附加值。

    Then encouraging technological innovation and improving product added value .

  7. 虽然在总量上具有绝对的优势,但是在纺织品贸易的结构中存在诸多的问题,家用纺织品的比重偏小,产品附加值低。

    Although china has advantage in quantity , the structure is unreasonable .

  8. 会展旅游产品附加值高,盈利能力强。

    MICE tourism was professional tourism products of high profit .

  9. 会展旅游是一种专业性强,产品附加值高,赢利能力强的专项旅游产品;

    MICE tourism is professional tourism product of high profit .

  10. 发展有机食品提高农副产品附加值

    Developing Organic Foods to Increase the Additional Value of Agricultural Products and Byproducts

  11. 大力发展芋艿加工企业,提高芋艿产品附加值;

    To develop taro 's processing , improving products ' value - added ;

  12. 为皮革产品附加值的提升及其款式风格的设计和创新提供了思路和参考。

    It gives valuable reference and ideas for leather products'design and style redesign .

  13. 完善基础设施,提高农产品附加值。

    Improve infrastructure , increase the value-added agricultural products .

  14. 再论玻尔理论中的定态假设论产品附加值

    Additional Discuss about Stationary State of N.Bohr Theory On Additional Valve of Product

  15. 关于提高家具产品附加值的探讨

    On Improving the Additional Value of Furniture

  16. 本生产投资少,成本低,产品附加值高。

    This manufacture is with less investment , low manufacturing cost , and high added value .

  17. 我们希望通过合适的设计与最好的服务为项目创造最大的产品附加值。

    We hope our FIT design and best service can bring the most value to our projects .

  18. 同时,广西加工贸易存在产品附加值比较低,对国内产业链的带动作用小;国货复进口问题严重;

    At the same time , there are many problems exist in the Guangxi 's processing trade .

  19. 开发信息产品附加值&图书馆信息营销新趋势

    Developing the Added Value of Information Products & A New Tendency of Information Marketing in the Library

  20. 论产品附加值

    On Additional Valve of Product

  21. 创立中国家具的国际品牌,提升产品附加值才是我们的核心竞争力所在。

    The famous brand and extra value of products is the core competitive power of Chinese furniture industry .

  22. 因此国内柑桔产业商品化程度不足,其产品附加值较低。

    Therefore , the citrus industry in our country is lack of commercialization and its add-value is low .

  23. 此外,随着竞争的加剧,产品附加值也在不断的下降。

    In addition , as competition intensifies , the added value of products is also in constant decline .

  24. 文化创意产业产品附加值高、消耗资源少,并且具有很强的产业关联度性。

    It has the characters of high value-added products , less consumption of resources and high industry correlation .

  25. 企业面对激烈的竞争需要更加注重设计、打造品牌、增加产品附加值。

    Enterprises to competition need to focus more on design , build brand , increase product added value .

  26. 然而,出口贸易方式主要以加工贸易为主,出口产品附加值低,中国高技术产业整体全要素生产率仍处在较低水平,缺乏国际竞争力。

    However , the main way of export is processing trade . The export commodities are low added values .

  27. 出口贸易方式主要以出口加工为主,产品附加值较低。

    Third , export processing is the main trade method and the added value of product is relatively lower .

  28. 后向一体化战略的目的是保证原料供应;重点集中战略的目的是实现更高的产品附加值。

    The backward integration strategy can ensure the material supplement . The concentrated strategy can realize higher product added-value .

  29. 在此结论的基础之上,我们运用双重差分法研究国外反倾销诉讼对中国产品附加值的影响效应。

    On the basis of this conclusion , we use Difference-in-difference study the impact of antidumping against Chinese products .

  30. 但是我国还不是世界钢铁强国,钢铁产品附加值低,整个行业在发展过程中存在着众多函待解决的问题。

    However , there are a number of letters to be resolved in the development process of the entire industry .