
  • 网络Product Segment
  1. 王振堂声称,在评估中,没有任何需要避讳的东西,甚至也会考虑宏品牌从一些特定产品段和特定地理市场消失。

    Mr Wang claims that , in this review , nothing is taboo , not even the idea that the Acer brand could disappear from certain product segments or certain geographical markets .

  2. 本文侧重研究了在电子制造业的新产品开发段,如何面向产品进行供应链设计,供应商选择、导入、成本管控和项目管理。

    This paper puts more focus on the study of product-based supply chain design , supplier selection , engagement and project management in NPI of EMS industry .

  3. 产品经过回流段以后,通过第二个主要组成部分,调速泵。

    Following the regeneration section of the system , the product passes through the second major component , the timing pump .

  4. 提出了一种以过程分离因子为基础的目标函数,可方便地用于衡量二元间歇精馏不同操作策略产品馏出段的分离效果。

    The process separation factor as objective function has been proposed , which can be used to judge conveniently the separating efficiency of binary batch distillation .

  5. 专利产品经过一段时间的使用后,可能会出现一定程度的故障,这时可以通过清洁、更换零部件等维护行为使其恢复正常使用。

    Patented products may be some degree of failure after a period of use . It can be returned to the normal use by some maintenance of behavior , such as cleaning , replacement and so on .

  6. 以分馏萃取分离相同数量相同质量产品,萃取段、洗涤段所用萃取槽总体积最小为优化目标,推导出了优化萃取比新方程。

    For the purpose of optimizing the counter current extraction process some new equations have been derived for calculating the optimized extraction factors to search the minmum total volume of mixer settler extractor or scrubbing section at the same production capacity and product quality .

  7. 换句话说,LED已经做好了普及化的准备,但是使用的产品还需要一段时间。

    In other words , LEDs are ready for general illumination ; the products they are being put into are not .

  8. 他们相似的产品已经上市一段时间了。

    They 've had similar items out for some time .

  9. 我们所有最流行的产品折扣在一段有限的时间。

    All of our most popular products are discounted for a limited time .

  10. 划分产品生命周期期段的双对数算法

    Double Logarithm for Division of Product Life Cycle

  11. 公司发言人说,消费者接受这种产品是需要一段时间的。

    ' It takes time for customers to accept it , 'its spokeswoman says .

  12. 感谢您对我公司的产品很长一段时间,售后服务的支持和援助工作。

    Thank you to my company 's products a long time , after-sales service support and assistance work .

  13. 从世界范围来看,电子机械制动系统的研究还处于实验阶段,离产品推出还有一段距离。

    Around the world , the EMB system is still in researching and developing phase . It is far away from production .