
  1. 运用群体文化学理论寻找产品机会缺口理论改良还是理论缺口&新现实主义与冷战后中美地缘竞争的分析

    Seeking Product Opportunity Gap with Enthnography ; Neorealism : Theoretical Enforcement or Opening ? & A Case Study of Sino-American Geopolitical Competition after the Cold War

  2. 而一旦发现产品机会缺口,就必然会涉及到相关造型问题,因为实物产品最终是以一定的形态和造型展现在用户面前的。

    Once a product opportunity gap is found , it will inevitably involve issues related to modeling , because the final product must be a kind of form and style to show the customer .

  3. 重点对如何利用群体文化学等定性理论去识别机会、理解机会,最终将产品机会缺口转化为产品的属性和标准的流程进行探讨。

    How key to the qualitative theory distinguishes the opportunity , the understanding opportunity through the ethnography , finally transforms the product opportunity gap for the product attribute and the standard flow on the discussion .

  4. 在土地资源利用过程中,存在两种基本反馈循环:土地持续利用→土地产出提高→产品供需缺口缩小→生态脆弱度下降→土地持续利用;

    There are two basic feedback mechanisms in the process of land using . The first one is sustainable land use → increase the land production → alleviate the shortage of production → decline the ecological fragility → further sustainable land use .

  5. 产品情感机会缺口分析

    The Gap Analysis of Product Emotion Opportunity

  6. 运用恰当的方法,设计可以弥合人类与科技产品之间的缺口。

    When performed using the appropriate methods , design can provide the missing human connection in technological products .

  7. 通用公司称,这个战略是非常有意义的,别克是中国销量最好的品牌,美国在一段时间内对于产品整容有着缺口,当油价下跌时,消费者会对SUV有更多的需求。

    GM said the strategy made sense because Buick , which is one of the largest-selling brands in China , had holes in its U.S.product lineup at a time when low gasoline prices had buyers clamoring for moreSUVs .

  8. 我们当然可以很快推出一个在法律上比较模糊的产品来捕捉这个缺口。

    We can roll out very quickly to be in of course jural more ambiguous product will catch this breach .

  9. 介绍了我国主要石化产品市场的供需缺口和对进口的依赖情况;

    The article introduces the gap between supply and demand in our major petrochemical product markets and the dependence of the markets on imports .

  10. 今年的营销策略是要找出市场缺口,开发特别设计的产品来填补这些缺口。

    The marketing game plan this year is to identify gaps in the market and to develop products specially designed to fill those gaps .

  11. 但是,近年来,受上游产业原料供应与下游产品市场需求之间缺口不断扩大的影响,广东省木材加工业呈现出发展动力下降、竞争能力变弱的趋向。

    However , in recent years , the wood processing industry has taken on the tendency of declining development power and weakened competitive capacity because of the expanding gap between the supply of the raw material and the demand of the products .