
  • 网络product layout
  1. 面向机械产品布局设计的特征及组件关系表达

    Feature and component relation expression for mechanical product layout design

  2. 模拟退火算法在减速器类产品布局中的应用

    Application of Simulated Annealing in the Product Layout of Reducers

  3. 最后,以XX多层配送中心为例,运用本文提出的方法进行了产品布局优化,验证了电梯仿真模型、产品布局优化理论模型和算法的有效性。

    Finally , the paper used an example of the XX multiple distribution centers to verify the simulation model of the elevator , the product layout optimization model and algorithm .

  4. 改进的实数编码遗传算法在产品布局设计中的应用

    Modified real-coded genetic algorithm and its application to layout design

  5. 其中,产品布局结合运用了格子式布局和自由流动式布局。

    Which layout combined with the use of a grid layout and free-flowing layout .

  6. 面向产品布局设计的组件特征模型

    Component feature model for product layout design

  7. 基于产品布局设计特征的协同设计

    Collaborative design based on product layout feature

  8. 基于功能表面的机械产品布局关系表达

    Layout relation express based on function surface

  9. 提出了优势农产品布局规划的指导思想与分区原则;

    Put forward the guiding thought and regionalization principle for distribution and program of superiority agriculture products ;

  10. 布局展示考虑了功能分区、产品布局、通道设计、展示空间。

    The layout of the show to consider the functional partition layout , channel design , exhibition space .

  11. 探讨了面向广义服务映射关联优化的模块化设计及产品布局进化技术。

    Discuss the modular design and the product layout technology evolution technology oriented the general service mapping associated optimization .

  12. 第三章分析机械产品布局涉及到的各种因素,针对布局设计探讨布局求解的原理,提出自顶向下的布局设计模型。

    Chapter Three discusses the diversified factors of mechanical product layout design and come down them to various features .

  13. 规划了大豆、水稻、玉米、小麦、亚麻5种农产品布局方向和种植分布;

    Make plan about distribution orientation and planting areas for 5 agriculture products of soybean , rice , corn , wheat and flax ;

  14. 本文结合机械产品布局设计问题,提出了有利于解决机械产品布局问题的有效和可计算的布局约束及其分类,建立了分层递阶求解模型和相应的解决策略。

    The constraint classification and a hierarchical solving modeling are put forward in this paper , helpful for the validity and calculation of mechanical product layout .

  15. 因此研究多层配送中心产品布局优化问题对于提高订单处理效率,改善客户服务水平,降低多层配送中心成本具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore , the research of multi-level distribution center product layout optimization has important theoretical and practical significance for improving order processing efficiency , improving customer service levels , reducing the cost of multiple distribution centers .

  16. 在分析机械产品布局涉及因素的基础上,针对布局设计探讨其求解原理,提出了布局设计模型。

    On the basis of analyzing the factors being involved in the layout of mechanical product , aiming at the layout design to probe into its solving principle and put forward the model of layout design .

  17. 与单层配送中心一样,产品布局优化也是多层配送中心管理的重要内容,合理的产品布局方案将有利于缩短出入库搬运时间,降低储存、分拣和补货等成本。

    Like Single distribution center , the layout optimization is also the important content of the multi-level distribution center , reasonable product layout will help shortening the storage handling time , reducing storage , picking and replenishment and other costs .

  18. 电缆布线是机电产品布局设计中研究的重要问题之一,其主要任务是确定电缆路径、长度和重量以及路径中的卡箍位置等布线信息。

    Wiring of cables is an important step in layout design of electro-mechanical products . Its task is to determine the wiring information of cables , including the route , length , weight of cables , and the position of supports .

  19. 四川省优势农产品区域布局研究

    Studies on regional distribution of superior agriculture products in Sichuan Province

  20. 繁昌县种植业优势产品区域布局规划研究

    Studies on Regional Planning of Dominant Crops Production Fanchang County of Anhui Province

  21. 产品空间布局设计研究

    Research on Arrangement Design Based on Product Molding

  22. 陕西农产品加工业布局区位因子评价研究

    Study on Evaluation of Position Factor of Agricultural Products Processing Industry Layout in Shaanxi

  23. 这将为当地正在开展的优势农产品区域布局规划提供理论依据。

    This research will provide theoretical basis for the regional layout of predominant crop products in the local region .

  24. 本文将产品的布局设计过程视为一个组件特征的布局演化过程,提出了基于组件特征模型的产品布局设计方法,并进行了实例验证。

    The paper takes the product layout design as a process of component feature transformation and develops a method of product layout design based on component feature model .

  25. 最后,就本文研究做一个总结性的归纳,提出本文研究当中存在的问题和不足之处,同时针对农产品市场布局问题提出一些个人的展望。

    Finally , I make a summary of the study and bring up the problems and shortcomings in this paper and make some personal hope for the layout of the agricultural market .

  26. 运用模拟退火算法得到了最终的产品族布局设计方案,并且从产品的生产成本角度与传统设计方法进行了比较。

    In addition , the simulated algorithm technique was applied to achieve ultimate product family allocation scheme and the proposed method was compared with traditional design method from the production cost 's viewpoint .

  27. 从目前的研究内容来看,布局问题主要集中在实体布局、空间布局和智能布局等方面,而对面向产品的布局设计涉及较少。

    At present , Layout design is mainly studied in the fields of solid layout , spatial layout , intelligent layout , etc * However , the research on Product layout design is little .

  28. 合理的产品族布局是大规模定制的基础和保障,以市场需求来指导产品族的规划是一个新兴的研究课题。

    Reasonable layout of product family is the basis and guarantee of MC . It is a new research field to study how to instruct the layout of product family by the market requirements .

  29. 但是,越来越多的外资涂料企业进入中国,并且意识中国汽车修补漆市场这块比其它涂料市场更具诱惑力的蛋糕,纷纷跟进水性漆产品的布局,竞争加剧。

    However , more and more foreign enterprises to enter the Chinese paint and conscious Chinese automotive refinish market this than other coatings market more tempting cake , water-based paint products have followed the layout of competition .

  30. 由于复杂产品的布局问题具有建模和求解的双重复杂性,特别是布局过程中还涉及大量难以用计算机模拟的人类专家的认知活动,目前工程实用性较低。

    Packing problems have high complexity in terms of modeling and computing , and especially a lot of expert cognition that is formed during the packing process is difficult to be simulated by computer . So , it needs researching process to solve project problems .