
  1. 因单一预测模型本身具有局限性,然后引入最小误差平方和组合预测模型、最小绝对误差和组合预测模型及BP神经网络组合预测模型这三个组合预测模型进一步进行矿产品价格分析预测。

    Due to the limitation of Single forecasting model , the minimum sum of squared errors combined forecasting model , the minimum absolute errors combined forecasting model and Back-Propagation neural network ensemble forecasting model were imported for further analysis and forecast of mineral prices .

  2. 基于时间序列模型的矿产品价格分析与预测

    Analysis and Forecast About Mineral Product Price Based on Time Series Model

  3. 农产品短期价格分析及预测方法选择

    Short-Term Price Analysis and Forecasting Methods Selection of Agricultural Products

  4. 我国农产品价格走势分析与对策研究

    Analysis of the trend of agricultural product price in China and the countermeasures

  5. 应用产品价格灵敏度分析法调整产品计划,可使生产计划保持在最优状态有效保证企业的效益最大化。

    Application of product price sensitivity analysis method can regulate product planning and keep production planning optimum status , which will effectively assure the benefit maximization .

  6. 在7a旱地玉米保护性耕作试验研究基础上,根据山西省寿阳县农业生产的各种投入和农产品价格,对比分析了保护性耕作技术和传统耕作的经济效益。

    Based on 7 year study on conservation tillage for maize in dryland and Shouyang local production inputs and prices of farm prducts , economic benefits of conservation tillage and conventional tillage are analyzed .

  7. 供应链产品转移价格突变分析

    Analysis on Catastrophe of Production Transfer Price in a Supply Chain

  8. 部门合并对各部门产品价格的影响分析

    The effect of price change by departments merger

  9. 谈不同计价方式对建筑产品价格影响的分析

    Analysis of the impact on the construction of different pricing methods on product prices

  10. 聚酯产品链价格相关性分析

    Correlation Analysis on Prices of Polyester Products Chain

  11. 垄断产品的价格歧视分析

    Analysis of Price Discrimination of Monopoly Goods

  12. 1995年主要农产品集市价格态势分析与1996年走势展望

    Analyses on the Price Fluctuation of Main Agricultural Products in 1995 and its Trend in 1996

  13. 我国日化产业市场结构、居民收入和产品价格的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Market Structure , Resident Income and Product Price Based on Chinese Household Chemical Products Industry

  14. 介绍了近期钨产品价格走势,分析了国内外钨市场状况,进而提出了应对策略及应当密切关注的问题。

    The current prices of tungsten products are introduced , the state of tungsten market at home and abroad is analysed , the measures which should be adopted are put forward as well as the problems which should be paid close attention .

  15. 保险销售中介与保险产品价格形成的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of Insurance Intermediation and Formation of Insurance Commodity Price

  16. 两级供应链中间产品动态价格的稳定性分析(英文)

    Stability analysis of intermediate product dynamic price in two-level supply chain ;

  17. 美国钢铁工业结构调整及世界主要钢材产品最新价格行情分析

    Structure adjustment of US steel industry with an analysis of world steel market

  18. 垄断产品的质量与价格分析

    Analysis of Quality and Price of Monopoly Goods

  19. 农产品期货价格波动性分析

    Fluctuation Analysis of Futures Price of Agricultural Products

  20. 国家政策对农产品价格波动的影响分析&以棉花为例

    The Analysis on Influence of Farm Products Price Fluctuations Under the National Policy & a Case Study on Cotton

  21. 企业如何开展电子商务。四是钢铁产品的价格策略:分析了我国钢铁产品的价格策略现状并对我国钢铁企业的价格策略提出了相应的建议。

    In this section analyzing the present situation of price tactics of the iron and steel products and putting forward the correspondent suggestion of it .

  22. 网络广告价格和产品销售价格的均衡分析能为企业进行网络广告投资和从事电子商务等商业活动提供理论依据。

    Equilibrium distribution of internet advertising and product sales prices can help companies to operate the business activities such as internet advertising investment and electronic business .

  23. 本文在研究相关理论的基础上,采用定性分析、定量分析和案例分析等研究方法,开展农产品价格预警的理论分析和实证研究,并将微观预警和宏观预警有机地结合起来。

    This paper studies the theory , based on the methods of qualitative analysis , quantitative analysis and case analysis to carry out the theoretical and empirical research on early warning of the agricultural price , and micro warning is organically combined with macro warning .

  24. 介绍了中国天青石资源现状,对中国工业碳酸锶主要用途、生产技术、生产能力、产品质量及产品价格状况进行了分析。

    The resource status of celestite in China is introduced . The main uses , technology , capacity , quality and price of the industrial strontium carbonate in China are analyzed .