
  • 网络product user
  1. 设计师也一直在通过各种设计语言和设计手段,试图满足产品使用者的情感需求和美好愿望。

    Through various design languages and design means , the designers try to satisfy users emotional needs and their good aspiration .

  2. 近年来,国内外不断发生的由突发事件引起的通信全阻事件,给运营商和通信产品使用者造成了巨大的损失和影响。

    In recent years , and have caused by the incident of all events , resistance to operators and users of products has caused great loss and effect .

  3. 该方法通过对特定的产品使用者的使用体验进行记录分析,能准确地把握使用者对产品的深层次需求,进而有效地协助设计者达成创新产品设计。

    Through record and analysis of the specific user 's experience in using the product , it can accurately seize the user 's higher requirement of the product , and help the designer fulfill the creative product design effectively .

  4. 通过参考产品使用者所发表的产品评论,用户可以挑选最适合自己的产品,厂家也可据此对产品进行改进,从而增强企业竞争力,因此产品评论挖掘技术的研究也就变得越来越重要。

    By the reference to the product reviews , customers can buy their most suitable products , manufacturers can improve their products and increase their competitiveness . Therefore , the study of product reviews mining becomes more and more important .

  5. 相反,这个词意味着,我是其产品的使用者,这精准概括了双方的关系。

    Instead the word implies that I use its product , and sums up the relationship with admirable accuracy .

  6. 任何市场的需求方面都取决于最终产品的使用者的偏好和收入。

    The demand side of any marketplace is dictated by the tastes and incomes of the users of final products .

  7. 日用陶瓷的趣味性设计除具有合理的使用功能外,更加注重产品给使用者带来的趣味性的情感。

    The interesting design in daily-used porcelain does not only have a reasonable function but also bring more interesting emotion to the users .

  8. 可用性专业人士的工作,消弭制造者和产品的使用者之间的间隙,最近已经进入一个坚硬的事业轨道之内发展。

    The work of usability professionals , who bridge the gap between the makers and users of a product , has recently developed into a solid career track .

  9. 这些是合理的措施,因为人们显然有理由担心,当前销售的产品对使用者或被暴露于它们所散发的气体中的人来说可能不够安全。

    They were sensible measures given the clear cause for concern that products currently being sold may not be safe either for those using them or those exposed to the vapour given off .

  10. 这些是“合理的措施,因为人们显然有理由担心,当前销售的产品对使用者或被暴露于它们所散发的气体中的人来说可能不够安全”。

    They were " sensible measures given the clear cause for concern that products currently being sold may not be safe either for those using them or those exposed to the vapour given off . "

  11. 消费者在某一品牌社区里能更好地使用同一品牌产品的使用者沟通与交流,同时也能更方便地与企业以及其他与该品牌相关人群的交流与沟通,最终能提高消费者对品牌的忠诚。

    The customers in a brand community can communicate and exchange better with the other customers who use the same brand and can also communicate and exchange better with the enterprise and other people who is related with the brand .

  12. 主要讨论采用虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)来虚拟常见化工机械产品,让使用者在因特网上犹如亲自操作该化工机械产品一样,从而达到一种身临其境的效果。

    It is mainly discussed in this paper how to use VRML for modeling chemical mechanism , so that the users can visit the website to manipulate the virtual mechanism personally as if it were on the site .

  13. 进口商不一定是进口产品的最终使用者。

    The importer is not necessarily the end-user of the product .

  14. 他们发现,贫困家庭是金融产品的密集使用者。

    They discovered that poor families are intensive users of financial products .

  15. 绿色产品广为使用者接纳。

    Green products are widely accepted by all users .

  16. 卖方承认前述保证是为了买方、买方的下家、买方的指定人及产品的最终使用者的利益。

    Seller acknowledges that the foregoing warranties are for the benefit of Buyer and its successors , assigns , and for the users of the Products .

  17. 此外,根据新规定,声称具有防水效果的产品必须说明使用者游泳或出汗时防晒效果能保持多久,是40分钟还是80分钟。

    The new rules also say that products claiming water resistance must say how long a user can expect to get that protection while swimming or sweating , either 40 minutes or 80 minutes .

  18. 在我们一般生活中,电子产品与大部分使用者最直接的接触即是使用者图形介面。使用者图形介面提供内部系统所支援的功能与设定。

    Graphic user interfaces ( GUI ) have a wide range of digital cameras at present and the solid user interfaces ( SUI ) have evolved from the original entity into the touch screen .

  19. 通常,检验一件产品是否满足使用者的需求,仅从质量合格或不合格来判断已不符合实际情形。

    Usually , when we test whether a product is meet the needs of the users or not only according to judge from the qualification or disqualification , it has been out of work in the actual situation .

  20. 传统的医疗产品建立在使用者是医护人员的基础上,不能很好地适应使用者由医护人员到普通病患或家属的变化。

    The traditional medical products were based on the user as the medical staff , so that cannot be well adapted to the change that the user is patients or their families but not the professional staff any more .

  21. 它是集计算机、地理信息系统、虚拟现实、可视化技术和多媒体技术于一体的高新技术产品,为使用者提供一个实时、可交互操作的虚拟现实环境。

    Unlike material sand table , electronic sand table is a new high-tech product with integration of computer application , geographical information system , virtual reality and multimedia . It can give users a real-time and interactive operation circumstance .

  22. 谁开发突破性新产品及服务是使用者还是制造者?

    Who develops breakthrough new products and services-users or manufacturers ?

  23. 为确保产品符合既定之使用者需求或要求项目,应实施设计确认。

    Design validation shall be performed to ensure that product confirms to defined user needs and / or requirements .

  24. 只有把人体测量数据正确地应用到家具设计中去,才能使家具产品更好地符合使用者的需要。

    Only when the data of human body are correctly applied in the furniture designing , can the furniture products better meet the needs of consumers .

  25. 管理者还有责任确保采取措施识别和减轻对组织的产品和过程的使用者存在的潜在风险。

    Management also has the responsibility to ensure that steps are taken to identify and mitigate potential risk to the users of the products and processes of the organization .

  26. 产品的购买者、使用者及因使用产品而受损害的第三人都是产品责任的权利主体,有权要求产品的生产者、销售者承担产品责任的义务。

    The buyer , the user and the party injured are all the right individual , who have right to ask the producer and the seller to undertake the responsibility .

  27. 对于您要整合该工具的产品,您估计该产品注册使用者的数量?

    Estimated number of registered users of the product that you wish to integrate the tools into ?

  28. 美国则规定,代言产品的公众人物必须是产品的使用者,一旦发现其信口雌黄会被重罚。

    The United States , public figures speak products must be the product users , once found his irresponsible remarks are subject to heavy penalties .

  29. Asana、Stripe和Box等公司的产品都经过精心设计,而且他们清楚,产品使用者变成了真正的决策者。

    Companies like asana , stripe , and box are beautifully designed products that understand the decision makers are steadily becoming the people who use the products .

  30. 第六节第四,有大量劳动不是用于生产产品,而是用于将生产出来的产品提供给使用者。

    Fourthly : There is a very great amount of labour employed , not in bringing the product into existence , but in rendering it , when in existence , accessible to those for whose use it is intended .