
  • 网络Function;PRODUCT FUNCTION;Features
  1. CS战略及产品功能分析

    The Strategy of CS and Analysis of Product Function

  2. 针对目前功能需求信息获取与描述方法的不足,建立了基于WEB的产品功能需求交互模型,通过对功能需求信息的模糊表达与映射,实现了模糊框架推理与基于规则的配置推理方法。

    Aiming at the current problem of lacking means to obtain and describe requirement information , it establishes an interactive function requirement communication model based on WEB technology .

  3. 以前CAD供应商直接竞争主要在产品功能的数量上。

    Time ago , CAD vendors competed on the number of features .

  4. 有些供应商的产品功能可能过于局限于满足您的SOA需求。

    Some vendors'product features might be too limited to meet your SOA needs .

  5. 查看免费的developerWorksOndemanddemo观看并了解IBM及开源技术和产品功能。

    Watch and learn about IBM and open source technologies and product functions with the no-cost developerWorks On demand demos .

  6. 三星(Samsung)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等竞争对手在产品功能上紧紧咬住它不放,从质量和价格两方面则对其业务形成两面夹击。

    Competitors like Samsung and Motorola caught onto its playbook , squeezing its business on quality and price .

  7. Stone方法是一种面向模块化的设计方法,在建立产品功能结构时充分考虑用户需求。

    Stone method is a kind of design method , which is faced to Modular design , it fully considers the user 's demands while setting up function structure of product .

  8. 这些业务参与者合作完成Simpay产品功能。

    These business workers collaborate to create the Simpay product functionality .

  9. VIP服务价值感知测评的功能价值可以拆分为服务设施功能、服务人员功能、服务产品功能和服务价格功能四个具体维度得到验证。

    The functional value can be divided into service facilities functions , service people functions , services , service product function and service price function , which are verified .

  10. •构建“基础架构即服务”(infrastructure-as-a-service)和“平台即服务”(platforms-as-a-service)等产品功能,以使企业能够使用基于云计算的软件。

    • features like infrastructure-as-a-service and platforms-as-a-service that allow companies to tap into cloud-based software ;

  11. VPD技术的基本思想就是通过计算机内的虚拟模型来模拟和预测产品功能、性能及可制造性等。

    The basic thought of VPD technique is that people simulate and predict the product feature , performance and manufacturability through the computer with the virtual model .

  12. 在全球化验证测试(GVT)中,同样要在所有受支持地区执行FVT,以确保产品功能的一致性。

    In Globalization Verification Test ( GVT ), the FVT is also tested in all supported locales to make sure the product functionality is consistent .

  13. 简要阐述用于产品功能建模的标准功能基(SFB),并在SFB基础上完成产品功能建模;

    Standard function basis ( SFB ) used to build up product functional model is briefly described , and based on SFB the product functional modeling is completed .

  14. 第一个选项提供了受标准产品功能支持的战略性的、基于标准的方法;第二种方法提供了一种具有最低ARIS工具前提条件的轻松且直接的方式。

    While the first option provides the strategic and standard-based approach that is supported by standard product capabilities ; the second approach provides an easy and direct way with the lowest prerequisites for the ARIS tooling .

  15. 系统设计&产品功能组合的手法

    System Design & A Way for Combining the Function of Products

  16. 该产品功能完善,可靠性高,具有很好的应用前景。

    It has comprehensive functions , high reliability and good application .

  17. 包装设计、产品功能、和产品设计;

    Package design , product functionality , and product design ;

  18. 较早的迭代测试初始且较基本的产品功能。

    Earlier iterations tested initial and more basic product functionality .

  19. 后续的迭代引入了增加的产品功能和更复杂的产品配置。

    Subsequent iterations introduced increasing product functionality and more complicated product configurations .

  20. 基于现代效用的产品功能评估模型与方法

    Model and Method of Assessing Product Functions Based on Modern Utility Theory

  21. 完善产品功能,提供优质服务等。

    And consummating products so as to provide excellent services .

  22. 概念设计阶段的主要活动是围绕产品功能展开的。

    The main activities of conceptual design is derived from product functions .

  23. 家纺产品功能化与纳米技术的应用

    Application for homespun fabric product function with nanometer technical

  24. 概念设计中产品功能结构建立

    The Foundation of Product Functional Structure in Conceptual Design

  25. 面向经济效益的相似性产品功能差异的选择

    Economic effect-oriented choice of differentiable functions of similar products

  26. 新产品功能结构合理性分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of New Product Function Structure Rationality

  27. 基于创新设计理论/功能分析的机械产品功能原理创新设计

    Function and principle innovative design of mechanical products based on TRIZ / FA

  28. 共沉淀乳蛋白的制备条件优化与产品功能性评价

    Study on optimal preparation conditions for co-precipitated milk proteins and functionality of products

  29. 这里,准确评价产品功能效用是产品开发取得成功的关键。

    Strictly evaluating utility of the product function is key of solving the problem .

  30. 反向鱼骨图下的现有产品功能模型建立

    Function model for products existed using reverse fishbone