
chǎn pǐn jià ɡé
  • product price;price of product
  1. 如果量太小,这将增加我们的生产成本和产品价格。

    If minimum order quantity is too small , which will increase our production cost and the price of product .

  2. 本文重点对网络广告中的信任问题,以及基于网络广告的产品价格进行了研究。

    This article focused in researching the credit issue about the web advertisements , as well as the price of product based on web advertising .

  3. 七八月间,石油产品价格下降了0.2%。

    Between July and August , oil product prices fell 0.2 per cent

  4. 在这个例子中,产品价格、名称、数据以及有关库存的数据不是ORDERLINE表的一部分。

    In this case the item price , name , data and the stock-related data are not part of the ORDER_LINE table .

  5. 基础设施BOT项目的产品价格调整机制研究

    Research on Price Adjustment Mechanism for Infrastructure BOT Projects ' Products

  6. 因此确定特许权期限和产品价格是BOT项目成败的关键。

    So the concession period and project price count for much in the BOT project financing .

  7. 首先引入产品价格间的模糊关系,建立了产品组合模型M1。

    First by introducing the constrained of the fuzzy relations between products price , a products mix model price ( M1 ) was established in the paper .

  8. 取得当前产品价格(EIS2)。

    Get current product price ( EIS2 )

  9. 这些土地已被纳入“保护区规划”(CPR),此处的农场主被人付钱,以便让这片土地保持闲置状态,目的是维护农产品价格。

    This is land that has been put into the Conservation Reserve Program ( CPR ) whereby the farmer is paid to keep this land idle so as to support crop prices .

  10. 结果表明ARIMA(0,1,1),(0,1,1)模型能很好地模拟并预测时鲜农产品价格,为农产品市场信息的准确预测提供重要方法。图6,表3,参8。

    The results showed that ARIMA ( 0,1,1 ),( 0,1,1 ) could correctly simulate and forecast the price of fresh agricultural products , providing an important method for accurately predicting the market information of agricultural products .

  11. 多年来,Intuit让微软公司(Microsoft)和其他众多潜在的竞争对手都甘拜下风,现在,它正向新的细分市场挺进,比如能帮病人理解医疗账单或让农民追踪农产品价格的手机应用程序。

    Having faced down Microsoft and many other would-be competitors over the years , intuit is now branching into new markets like mobile apps that help patients make sense of medical billing statements or farmers track commodity prices .

  12. RPMS模型可以根据企业各装置的加工能力、装置性能及状况、原油价格、产品价格、产品结构等许多因素制定出合理的优化排产计划。

    RPMS model can work out rational optimal production plan according to the production capacity , performance and condition of each plant , price of crude oil and products , products structure , and so on .

  13. 联合国粮农组织(UNFAO)周二警告称,今年下半年,农产品价格很可能继续维持在高位波动的走势。这一迹象表明,粮食涨价压力不会在近期内减轻。

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation on Tuesday warned that agricultural commodities prices were likely to remain high and volatile for the rest of the year , in a sign that food inflationary pressures would not ease any time soon .

  14. 近年来,全球农产品价格上涨引起各方面的关注。

    In recent years , global agricultural prices have aroused concern .

  15. 创新产品价格演变机理研究

    Study on the Price Developing Mechanism of Innovated - technology Products

  16. 最后,得出中间产品价格存在的区间范围的结论。

    Finally , we obtain the price scale of intermediate product .

  17. 剖析铁路工业产品价格改革的误区

    Analysis of Wrong Thinking in Price Reform of Railway Industrial Products

  18. 因此,猪鬃产业相对其他产业具有相当的产品价格优势。

    Bristle industry has a considerable price advantage relative to other industries .

  19. 建立有效的农产品价格机制。

    It need establish an effective agricultural product price mechanism .

  20. 我国水产品价格波动的周期性研究

    Analysis of Fluctuation Cycle on Aquatic Products Price in China

  21. 农产品价格数据挖掘与趋势预测模型的研究

    Farm Price Data Mining and Tendency Forecast Model Research

  22. 企业应用产品价格战略的理论思考

    Analysis of the price strategy applied by the enterprises

  23. 国际市场大宗化工产品价格趋跌

    Staple Chemicals Price Tends to Drop in World Markets

  24. 矿产品价格对采矿权价值的影响分析

    Analysis on the influence of product price on the value of mining property

  25. 推进建筑产品价格改革;

    To push on price reform of building products ;

  26. 中国金融危机与农产品价格走势的协整研究

    Co-integration Study on Financial Crisis and Price Trend of Agricultural Product in China

  27. 第三是四川猪鬃产业具有产品价格优势。

    Thirdly , Sichuan bristle has a price advantage .

  28. 我国工业化过程中的农产品价格及其财政补贴

    Prices and Financial Subsidies for Agricultural Products in the Course of China 's Industrialization

  29. 合理确定建筑产品价格的问题

    Problems on Determining Rational Price of Construction Products

  30. 建筑产品价格与工程量清单计价的完善

    The Cost of Building Products and the Improvement of Bill Quantity of Construction Works