
  1. 分析了影响产品经济性的各种因素及产品成本的形成过程,提出了基于产品全成本的经济性评价模型,探讨了不同类型产品的经济性评价策略和方法。

    The various factors that influence the product economical efficiency and the forming process of product cost are analyzed . The economical evaluation model based on the total product cost is presented and the tactics and methods of economical evaluation of various categories of products are discussed .

  2. 基于顾客满意的产品质量经济性分析

    An Economic Analysis on Product Quality Based on Customer Satisfaction

  3. 介绍了研制样品的性能和分析检测结果,最后还就国内外的市场状况进行了产品的经济性分析。

    Finally , it conducts the economic analysis on the marketing status .

  4. 对产品的经济性和实用性等作了客观的分析比较。

    The economy and practicability of the product are analyzed and compared objectively .

  5. 提出一种基于企业上游供应商零件数据分析的产品方案经济性评价方法。

    The method of product economic evaluation based on part data supplied by enterprise copartners is proposed .

  6. 阐明用运动可靠度描述机构动态精度、误差传递过程及对产品实现经济性预计的原理和方法。

    Clarify an theory and method using motion reliability for description mechanism motion precision , error impress course and production to come ture economy estimate .

  7. 90年代国内开发了相关专家决策支持系统,在降低氧气放散率和提高空气产品组合经济性取得了成效。

    In 1990 's , a Expert DSS was exploited to decrease oxygen dispersion and increase interest of the air gaseous product combination and proved effective .

  8. 国内钢铁企业供氧生产虽设备自动化程度高,但仍普遍存在的氧气生产过多而向大气放散率高和空气产品组合经济性差的问题。

    Although the most Chinese iron and steel enterprise oxygen production line is highly automatic , there still have the problem of high oxygen dispersion and low interest of the air gaseous product combination .

  9. 减小振动、降低噪声、提高乘坐舒适性、保证产品的经济性,使汽车噪声控制在标准范围之内,是世界汽车技术发展的总趋势。

    Reduced vibration , lower noise , improved comfort , ensure the economics of products , and noise control within the standard range for automobile are the general trend for development of world automobile technology .

  10. 产品材料回收经济性分析与决策

    Economic Analysis and Decision - making for Material Recycling

  11. 电站锅炉产品包装的经济性分析

    Economics Analyse of Utility Boiler Products Packaging

  12. 乙烯基聚合物由于具有品种多样性,良好的产品性能和经济性,得到了广泛应用。

    Ethylene-based polymers find a broad range of applications due to their versatility , product properties and economics .

  13. 系统采用基于精铸模特征与操作的设计思想,为精铸模零件典型特征建立数据库,将专家经验知识化,缩短精铸模工艺规划周期,增强模具产品的经济时效性。

    By the thought of expert system and operation , the feature database for refined casting mould is established and , which can enhance the efficiency and shorten the time of developing cycle .

  14. 机电产品制造业环境经济性分析

    Analysis of Environmental Economic Performance in Mechatronics Product Manufacturing Industry

  15. 根据产品性能指标及经济性因素确立较为合理的评价准则,用来对曝气机优化前后的性能指标做出科学的评价;

    Setting comparatively rational appraisal criterion according to the index of product properties and economic factors ;

  16. 文章对机电产品拆卸回收的经济性、拆卸回收性能,以及产品生命周期中的拆卸回收过程等进行了分析。

    The paper analyzes recycling economics , property of disassembly and recycling and disassembly process on mechatronic product .

  17. 本文所研究的高压共轨电控柴油机具有非常好的产品继承性、经济性、可扩充性等。

    The electric-controlled high-pressure common-rail diesel engine studied in this article possesses a good succession of products , economy , extend-ability and so on .

  18. 利用逻辑演绎与案例分析结合的方法,从理论和实证上论证了决定市场结构的产品差异化和经济性进入壁垒会影响企业纵向一体化的实施。

    This dissertation analyzes the influence of product differentiation and economic barriers to entry on vertical integration by theoretical and empirical argumentation in the method of logical deduction and case analysis .

  19. 社会经济正从产品经济转变为服务性经济,服务业在经济结构中的地位与日俱增,有关服务业管理机制的研究是具有现实意义的。

    Service industry plays more and more important roles with the change from product economy to service economy . So the research on management mechanism of service industry is significant in reality .

  20. 无论是对于质量改进项目的识别,还是对于产品或组织质量经济性的评价,这一分析模型和方法都将具有重要的理论指导意义和现实应用价值。

    The analysis models and methods will have important theoretical significance of guidance and practical value of application for not only quality improvement project identification , but also economy evaluation of product or organization .

  21. 按照所提供的模型,组织可以实现对质量决策、产品或组织质量经济性的测量或估计,以及在质量发生波动的情况下,质量成本和质量收益分别发生如何的变化。

    With the model provided , an organization could realize measuring or estimating the Quality Economics of a quality decision-making , a product or an organization , as well as how the Quality Cost and Quality Profit changes will occur when the quality fluctuation occurs .

  22. 其次,利用规模经济理论、专业分工理论、交易费用理论、信息经济理论和网络经济理论,从经济学的角度剖析了生鲜农产品连锁经营的经济性和合理性。

    Second , the paper uses the theory of scale economics , professional division theory , transaction costs theory , and information economic theory , cyber economic theory , describe the fresh produce chain operation reasonable and economic processes from the view of the economics .

  23. 通过对石油机械产品服役环境和热镀产品的经济性分析,指出热浸锌技术在石油机械产品中具有广阔的发展前景。

    Through analysis on service environment of petroleum machinery and economy of hot dip products , the paper considers that hot dip galvanizing is useful in petroleum machinery .

  24. 从零件、组合件和产品三个层次进行了产品拆卸回收的经济性分析,并提出了相应的评估模型。

    Present an analysis and assessment model for the economic characters of product disassembly and recycle on part / assembly parts / product three levels .

  25. 用马尔可夫链的理论与方法,对具有马尔可夫性产品的可靠性进行预测,既为产品的可靠性设计和产品售后服务的经济性分析提供了参考,也为马尔可夫模型的实际应用拓广了范围。

    Application of the Markov chain prediction in forecasting the reliability of product presents the reference for the design of reliability and the economical analyses of the after-sales service and also extends the application range of Markov model .

  26. 信息产品的高固定成本、低边际成本的特殊成本结构使信息产品具有巨大的供方规模经济性;而信息产品的网络外部性又使信息产品具有需方规模经济性。

    The special cost structure of information goods , high fixed cost and low marginal cost , makes the information goods hold suppliers ' economy of scale , and the network externality of information goods make it hold demanders ' economy of scale .

  27. 面向回收的产品设计能够使废旧产品得到更好的回收和重用,优化拆卸序列的生成必须基于产品拆卸的经济性分析。

    The used products can be significantly recycled and reused by the method of Design For Recycling , the generation of optimal disassembly queue must be based on economical analysis off the product disassembly .