
  • 网络Product Planning;product Planner
  1. LG移动产品策划部门主管RamchanWoo在本周二GFlex的发布会上表示,他看到智能手机正向“曲面、可弯曲、可折叠、可穿戴”设备的方向发展,但他未详细说明LG柔性设备技术会如何进一步发展。

    LG 's Ramchan Woo , head of the company 's mobile product planning division , said at a launch event for the G Flex on Tuesday that he saw smartphones moving towards " curved , bendable , foldable , and wearable " devices , but he didn 't elaborate on how LG would further develop its flexible device technology .

  2. 产品策划在产品创新设计体系中的应用方法

    The Role of Product Planning in the Product innovation Designing System

  3. 作为一个产品策划人员,您可以使用RationalFocalPoint以获取来自客户、市场研究以及内部涉众的数据。

    As a product planner , you can use Rational Focal Point to capture data from customers , market research , and internal stakeholders .

  4. 河津市旅游开发战略及产品策划

    Strategy and Product Layout of Tourism Development in Hejin City

  5. 多维尺度技术在面向产品策划的市场研究中的应用

    Application of Multidimensional Scaling Technique in New-product-planning-oriented Marketing Research

  6. 长江三峡坝区旅游产品策划研究

    A Research on Tourism Products Planning in Three Gorges Projects Dam Area of Changjiang River

  7. 产品策划与价值创造

    The product plan and value create

  8. 据调查结果,对不同类型品牌的产品策划及设计手法进行了分析。

    According to the survey , different types of brands of products ' planning and design practices are analyzed again .

  9. 第四部分,提出广州旅游营销整体规划,包括市场定位与形象策划、旅游产品策划、旅游促销策略和两大营销原则。

    Part four poses a tourism marketing plan for Guangzhou , including market positioning , image design , product decisions , promotion tactics and two marketing principles .

  10. 我国社区体育俱乐部创新性产品策划的方法研究居住区规划实践教学环节的创新思考

    Study on Design of Innovative Products of Community Sports Clubs in China ; Some Approaches on Teaching Innovations of Practical Teaching System in Residential District Planning Course

  11. 负责参与本地平台自有业务以及与运营商合作业务的需求分析、产品策划、开发协调、营销推广等;

    Be responsible for participate native terrace from have business and cooperate business with operator of need analysis , product plan , develop coordination , marketing expansion * etc. ;

  12. 并用场域理论、体验经济理论、旅游凝视理论对旅游演艺产品策划进行了理论剖析,以期为旅游演艺产品策划提供理论基础。

    This paper also apply " field theory ", " the experience economy theory " and " tourist gaze of tourism theory " to analyses the planning of acting product theoretically to provide theoretical basis .

  13. 客观、理性、科学的市场调研对房地产项目的市场定位、产品策划、产品定价等营销计划与组织的成功起到至关重要的作用。

    The objective , reasonable , and scientific market research is very important to the marketing plan which includes the market orientation , product plan , and product pricing , and the success of the project .

  14. 同时,从旅游演艺产品策划的商业模式、旅游演艺产品策划步骤、策划具体流程三方面对旅游演艺产品的操作程序进行了阐述,为实践操作提供参考和指导。

    Meanwhile , the acting product planning from the tourist business model , tourism performing product planning steps , planning the specific flow acting products research in tourism procedures were introduced , which can offer instructions for the practical operation .

  15. 通过对产品开发策划、广告设计策划、品牌设计策划、企业文化与CI策划等类别的系统研究,探讨设计策划的基本要素和理论方法。

    This part discusses the basic elements and principles of design planning , through the systematic researches in different categories , such as the design of products , of advertisements , of brands , and of corporation culture and Corporation Identity , etc.

  16. 主题的物化,主要体现在旅游产品的策划。

    Materializing is by using of the planning of tourism product .

  17. 陶瓷产品展示策划与表现方式

    The scheme of the ceramic display and its exhibiting forms

  18. 基于质量特性的产品质量策划模型及应用

    Quality planning model based on quality characteristics and its application

  19. 什么是产品质量策划的益处?

    What is the benefits of Product Quality Planning ?

  20. 先期的产品质量策划在铸造生产中的应用

    Early Product Quality Planning in Casting Production

  21. 产品设计策划的缺失&家具企业在产品设计话动中的一个问题

    Missing of Product Design Scheme & A Problem in Furniture Product Design Activities of Enterprises

  22. 一汽产品战略策划方法的研究

    The Research on the Methods of the Product Strategic Plan of the First Automobile Works

  23. 有些顾客将项目管理或先期产品质量策划作为产品实现的一种方法。

    Some customers refer to project management or advanced product quality planning as a means to achieve product realization .

  24. 服装产品的策划内容可分为造型和文化主题两部分。

    Therefore , the concepts of clothing products plan can be divided by two parts : modeling and culture themes .

  25. 价值工程的管理思想与技术,为餐饮产品的策划、经营提供了科学的方法。

    The management idea and technology of value engineering provide a scientific method to the scheme and managing of diet products .

  26. 产品质量策划在汽车行业的运用十分广泛,质量管理体系的策划工作在很多企业发展到一定规模后才开始考虑。

    Quality planning is widely used in automobile enterprises . Quality Management System Planning is to be considered only when the Company reaches some scale .

  27. 产品实现策划则是产品实现过程的设计,两者的要求是不同的,切不可混淆。

    The planning of product realization is the process design of product realization , which is different from the former , and shouldn ′ t be confused .

  28. 结合聚类算法的分析,提出了一种解决电信客户细分的应用模型,该模型在实际中得到了较好的应用并为电信服务产品的策划设计提供了依据。

    This research used lots of data and analysis to discuss the effect and application for the precise marketing base in data mining in customers segmentation , an .

  29. 并提出了成为开发商在行业竞争中处于竞争优势的理念核心的产品增值策划模式,作为未来创新和发展的一种新模式。

    And put forward a developer competition in the industry the concept of competitive advantage in the core of the " value-added products , planning " model for future innovation and development of a new model .

  30. 新兴技术和管理科学理论的发展,促使企业生产和经营活动的节奏加快,产品从策划、设计开发到投放市场的有效生命周期不断地缩短。

    With the rapid development of emerging technologies and scientific management theories , to production and business activities to accelerate the pace of product from the planning , design and development of the market to effectively continue to shorten the life cycle .