
  • 网络product maturity
  1. 产品成熟期的营销策略

    The marketing strategy of products at maturing stage

  2. 产品成熟期的特点及设计策略

    Design Strategies for Products in the Maturity Period

  3. 产品成熟期设计策略

    Design strategy in the mature period of products

  4. 其中重点研究了两方面内容:一是企业延长产品成熟期的策略。

    It focused on two aspects : First , the strategy of extend the maturity stage of the product life cycle .

  5. 产品成熟期的竞争性营销策略则调整为降低价格、调整市场、产品及其他营销组合。

    The competitive marketing strategies in maturity phase consist of reducing price , adjusting the market , product and other marketing portfolio .

  6. 现代工业企业的经济利益直接受成品率的影响,特别对于硬盘行业这种到产品成熟期也只有50%成品率的低成品率行业来讲,其地位更为重要。

    The economic performance of many modern production processes is substantially influenced by production yield , especially for the HDD area which mature yield is just around 50 % area , it is more important .

  7. 首先本论文阐述了中国塑料型材行业的外部环境,对塑料型材行业竞争状况进行全面的分析,得出塑料型材行业已经进入产品成熟期的结论。

    Firstly , this paper expatiated on the circumstance of domestic PVC profile , analyzed comprehensively the competition state in this industry , and drew the conclusion that the PVC profile industry has entered the product mature period .

  8. 在中国大陆市场综合布线产品处于成熟期,中国市场需求巨大,前景广阔。

    Cabling product is in mature period in China market and the demand is huge .

  9. 经过多年的积累和创新,现在我司的产品已经处于成熟稳定期。

    After many years of accumulation and innovation , and now I have been Secretary of the products in the mature period of stability .

  10. 由于中国和东盟特殊的地理位置、气候条件和相似的生活习惯,双方不同农产品种类或同种农产品因成熟期或品质不同而有互补性、各自对对方产品有很大的需求性。

    Due to the special geographical locations climate and similar living habits , products complementation of different agricultural categories or same category of different quality or mature date is obvious . China and ASEAN both show great demand to each other , thus trade space is huge .

  11. 最后找出产品生命周期与第三方运输的关系,在产品成熟期提供快运等较高水平的运输服务,获得竞争优势。

    The relationship between product life cycle and the TTE may provide higher-level service , such as fast transportation to achieve more competitive advantages .

  12. 同时针对专用校车产品在市场生命周期中处于成长期的实际情况,建议公司抓住成长期这一重要阶段为产品成熟期做好准备,实现销售量和利润的双丰收。

    Considering the actual situation that the special school bus products was in the growth stage of market life cycle , it is suggested that the King Long Company should make preparations for the coming of products mature stage , achieve harvests both of sales volume and profit .