
  1. 这是最新产品样式。

    This is the latest model .

  2. 麒麟在当地被奉为祥兽,又是雕刻厂最具代表性的产品样式;

    Chinese kylin is deemed as a propitious animal as well as a quintessential product model of the carving plant .

  3. 黄女士:你们的产品样式很多,但都依赖同样的芯片技术。

    MS wong : you have a wide product range , but they 're all dependent on the same chip technology .

  4. 如今,山寨又有了假冒、不专业以及国产的更为广泛的意义,它也成为了偷去别人想法,偷取著名产品样式的俚语。

    Now it has been given a broader meaning of fake , unprofessional or homemade , and a slang for anything that steals ideas or styles from already well-known stuff .

  5. 所生产的产品,样式新颖,质量上乘。

    Of the products , innovative style , quality artistic work of high order .

  6. 便携式电子产品的样式和功能日新月异,在如此多而又复杂的功能应用下,电源管理芯片显得尤为重要。

    The style and functionality of portable electronic products change with each passing day . The power management chip becomes very important with so many and complex functional applications .

  7. 可以自定义产品名的样式和措辞。

    You can customize the style and wording of the product name .

  8. 工业产品的设计样式开始于具有美学观点的设计者的草图。

    The style design process of industrial products start with the drawing of sketches by aesthetic designers .

  9. 产品种类多,样式齐全,创造流行趋势。

    Product variety , style , complete , creating fashion trends .

  10. 所有这些示例都是用来描述客户所看到的产品详情页面的样式。

    All of these examples describe ways in which the product detail page appears to the customer .

  11. 产品工艺精良,样式美观,有豪华型,普通型,有木柄,塑柄,拉齿,滚齿,规格齐全。

    Exquisite product technique , beautiful pattern , luxury model , general model are available , wooden handle , plastic handle , teeth drawing , roller teeth , complete specification .

  12. 新产品借鉴了范斯部分知名产品的样式,包括其Sk8-Hi系列的鞋子以及其传统服装和配饰。

    The collection takes some of the Vans well-known silhouettes , including its Sk8-Hi shoes and traditional clothing and accessories .

  13. 销售的产品精工制造,质优价廉。我们根据市场需求,不断开拓新产品、新样式,为客户提供各类丰富优质的水族产品。

    We produce fine quality goods with low price , creating various new products to meet the need of the market and clients .