
  • 网络attribute;product attribute
  1. 对于需要跟踪的新的产品属性,只需把它们作为新元素包含在与目标产品相关联的XML文档中。

    New product attributes that need to be tracked would simply be included as new elements in the XML documents associated with the target products .

  2. 探讨了PDM集成框架下CAPP从PDM数据库中获取产品属性信息、产品结构信息和产品图形信息的方法,以及CAPP生成的工艺文档、工艺要素及属性信息在PDM中进行存储的方法。

    Methods of how a CAPP system fetches data like product attributes , product structures , and product graphs from a PDM integration framework are discussed . Also how the technical files , and technical attribute of information are produced is detailed .

  3. 面向PDM的产品属性客户化定制技术研究

    Study on PDM Oriented Customization Technology for Product Attribute

  4. 从用户评论中挖掘产品属性&基于SOM的实现

    Mining Product Aspects from User Reviews & An SOM-based Approach

  5. 本文针对这样的Web评论文本,主要研究从文本中提取产品属性词和评价情感词,然后对客户持有的意见进行极性判断。

    The paper aims at these Web texts , research of how to extracting product features and opinion words from texts , and then holds for a client to determine polarity of opinions .

  6. 探讨了在PDM集成框架下CAPP从PDM数据库中获取产品属性信息、产品结构信息和产品图形信息的方法;

    The methods of CAPP system getting products attributes information , products structure information and products graphics information from PDM databases are discussed .

  7. 阐述了光盘行业的基本生产特点,分析了光盘的物料结构和产品属性。结合实例叙述了ERP系统在光盘行业中的管理流程。

    It analyzes the characters of production in CD factory , presents the bill and structure of material and attribution , describes the management process of ERP .

  8. 同时,结合经验观察并借鉴前人研究成果,对微博客的产品属性、产品优势、成功原因进行分析。(2)基于TAM模型,构建了微博客用户接受行为理论模型。

    At the same time , analyze the product attributes , product advantage , and successful reason of Micro-Blogging . Secondly , based on analysis of Micro-Blogging and literature research , establish theoretical model of Micro-Blogging user Acceptance behavior .

  9. 本文以2001年北京个贷市场实际交易数据为基础,采用二元Logit选择模型,定量分析经济因素、借款人个体属性和个贷产品属性对借款人个贷期限和贷款价值比选择行为的影响。

    Based on the real transaction data from market of individual loans in Beijing in 2001 , a bi-Logit selective model is used to quantitatively analyze the influence of economic factors , borrowers ' identities and property of individual credit products on selective behavior of credit period and credit-to-value ratio .

  10. 面向虚拟样机设计的产品属性提取研究

    Research on extraction of product properties based on virtual prototyping design

  11. 浅论公共财政框架下教育产品属性

    On the Education Product Property Under the Frame of Public Finance

  12. 论虚拟经营中企业运行功能的服务产品属性

    Attribute of service product of enterprise operating function in dummy management

  13. 本文主要分析产品属性的情感倾向性。

    This paper mainly analyzes the orientation of features in product reviews .

  14. 规格:规格描述一组产品属性。

    Specifications : A specification describes a set of attributes for products .

  15. 高等教育的产品属性及政府角色的转化

    The goods ' nature of higher education and transformation of government role

  16. 教育产品属性的公共性或准公共性决定了政府应承担提供教育服务的责任。

    The publicity and quasi-publicity of education require the government provide the education .

  17. 您会推荐广告中所提供的产品属性给您的朋友。

    I will recommend the product attribute ( greenness ) to my friends .

  18. 会计信息的产品属性及管制动因分析

    An Analysis of Product Attributes of Accounting Information and the Reasons for Regulation

  19. 产品属性对感知质量有正向影响。

    Product attributes positively influences perceived quality . 4 .

  20. 网页上产品属性的启动对消费者购买偏好的影响

    The Impact of Priming of Webpages ' Product Attributes on Consumer Purchasing Preference

  21. 第二、提出了一种产品属性集的获取方法。

    A method of obtaining sets of properties of a given product is proposed .

  22. 产品属性分析方法及其应用

    The Analysis Method and Apply of Product Attribute

  23. 请您给下列影响您选择游戏的产品属性排序。

    Please rank the importance of the attributes in the game that attract you .

  24. 产品属性、市场属性在企业物流策略选择上的差异分析

    Differentiated Logistics Strategies for Product and Market Attributes

  25. 医疗废物集中处置的产品属性和定价原理研究

    A Study on the Product Attribute and Pricing Principle of Unified Disposal of Medical Wastes

  26. 教育的产品属性辨析

    Analysis about the attribute of educational products

  27. 义务教育的融合产品属性

    Products The Characteristic of the Compulsory Education

  28. 基于产品属性效用的市场细分方法与应用研究

    Product Attribute Utility-Based Segmentation and Its Application

  29. 关于教育和义务教育的产品属性,以及义务教育的成本分担&与《论义务教育应该实行成本分担》一文作者商榷

    About the Economic Feature of Education and Compulsory Education , Cost Sharing in Compulsory Education

  30. 第二部分分析了教育的产品属性,并对在分析教育产品属性时涉及的主要概念进行了详细阐述。

    The second part analyzes the product attributes of education and expounds some related concepts .