
  • 网络product structure adjustment
  1. WTO与浙江纺织服装产品结构调整

    WTO and Product Structure Adjustment

  2. 齐鲁LLDPE装置改造后产品结构调整及开发方向

    Developing Trend and Product Structure Adjustment of Qilu LLDPE Plant after Technical Revamp

  3. 加入WTO给广西农业带来一定冲击的同时,也带来了难得的机遇。广西应加快农业产业结构和产品结构调整的步伐;

    After joining WTO , It would mean challenge and opportunity for Guangxi agriculture .

  4. 笔者通过对湖北省产业现状进行分析和结合加入WTO所带来的机遇,对湖北省如何提升产业结构提出了具体的构想,并着重从产品结构调整和产业整合两方面进行了详细的论述。

    Based on the analysis of the industrial situation in Hubei province and the opportunity of entering WTO , a concrete idea on how to upgrade the province industrial structure by focusing on product adjustment and industrial integration , is offered .

  5. •保时捷已成功克服品牌迁移和产品结构调整这一棘手的挑战,以运动车为基础,开发出四门轿车和SUV,同时保住了自己的忠实用户。

    Item : Porsche has pulled off the tricky business of moving beyond its sports car roots into four-doors and SUVs without alienating its devoted followers .

  6. 矫正农业政策如利用WTO规则中的绿箱政策以加强对农业的保护和支持;加速农产品结构调整、优化农业区域布局,并积极发展外向型创汇农业;

    We have to correct the agricultural polices such as applying the green box policy in WTO rules to strengthen agricultural protection and support , speed up adjustment of agricultural products structure , well-distribute agricultural regions and actively develop outer-oriented and foreign-exchange-earned agriculture .

  7. 运用战略管理中TOWS矩阵、SPACE矩阵、BCG矩阵、IE矩阵、大战略矩阵等分析方法,提出产品结构调整等备选战略。

    Applying the analysis methods of strategic management such as TOWS matrix , SPACE matrix , BCG matrix , IE matrix , big strategy matrix , etc. , to get spare strategies such as adjustment of product structure .

  8. 利用MAP装置改产S-NPK是MAP产品结构调整的方向之一,着重介绍KCl低温转化、混酸中和的工艺特点、主要设备选型和总结运行情况,并对存在问题提出改进措施。

    Transforming MAP plants into S - NPK plants is one of directions in restructuring MAP products . The paper presents process features of lowtemperature KCI conversion and neutralization of mixed acid , and selection of main equipment , summarizes the operations , and proposes improvement measures against existing problems .

  9. 黑龙江省胶合板企业产品结构调整构想

    Study on product structure adjustment of plywood industry of Heilongjiang province

  10. 黑龙江省农机产品结构调整的研究

    A Structure of Adjustment of Agricultural Machinery Product Structure of Heilongjiang

  11. 攀成钢公司产品结构调整与投资策划研究

    The Study on Investment Plan and Product Structure Adjustment of PGG CSST

  12. 熟悉产品结构调整与产品运作操作;

    Familiar with the operation of product structure adjustment and product operations ;

  13. 从品种产量看光学仪器产品结构调整的迫切性

    The Urgency of Product Restructuring from Viewpoint of Product Variety and Quantity

  14. 唐钢产品结构调整与定位

    The Structure Modification and Position of Production in Tang steel

  15. 连铸技术进步为产品结构调整创造条件

    Achievement of continuous casting technology in favor of adjustment of product structure

  16. 碳酸氢铵产品结构调整的技术经济分析

    The Technical and Economical Analysis of Structure Adjustment of Ammonium Bicarbonate Products

  17. 我国铁矿业产品结构调整的方向

    Direction of the Product Structure Regulation of China 's Iron Ore Industry

  18. 排灌机械企业产品结构调整的探讨

    Discussion on the Product Structure Adjustment of Irrigation and Drainage Machine Industry

  19. 天津钢铁工业产品结构调整的探讨

    Probe on the Structure Regulation of Tianjin Iron and Steel Industrial Products

  20. 层次分析法在产品结构调整中的应用

    AHP and Its Application to Adjusting of Product Structure

  21. 矿山机械产品结构调整初探

    First research on composition adjustment of mining machinery products

  22. 钢材产品结构调整分析

    Analysis of the structure adjustment of the steel products

  23. 税收对汽车产品结构调整影响分析

    Analysis of Revenue Impact on the Product Structure Adjustment of the Automobile Industry

  24. 文中还对该公司镍产品结构调整提出看法。

    Readjustment of nickel product structure is also discussed .

  25. 陕西省旅游业产品结构调整与优化升级对策

    Shaanxi Tourist Products of its Structure Regulation and Optimization

  26. 桂林旅游产品结构调整的研究

    Study on the Structural Adjustment of Guilin Tourism Products

  27. 吉林石化公司乙烯扩建及下游产品结构调整策略研究

    Structure Adjust Strategy Research of Jilin Petrochemical Co. Ethylene and Ethylene Derivatives System

  28. 产品结构调整步子大、速度快、成效好;

    The product structure adjustment was fast and effective ;

  29. 东风刃量具厂产品结构调整及竞争战略研究

    A Study on Products Adjustment and Competitive Strategies of Tools Plant of DFL

  30. 聚酯产业链产品结构调整的市场探索

    The Product Structure Adjusting of Polyester Industry Chain and it 's Marketing Exploring