
  • 网络performance;Product Performance;Features;properties of product;Product features
  1. 从理论上详细介绍了数字视频监控系统的产品性能、参数指标和选型依据。

    It also introduces features of digital video monitor system , parameter index and type selection basis in theory , and designs concrete monitoring point , transmission mode , image controlling and video operation .

  2. 从产品性能、制造工艺、生产成本、质量保证、配送能力等方面选择供应商或制造商;

    Selecting suppliers or manufacturers including taking into account product features , manufacturing requirements , cost , quality , and delivery capabilities .

  3. ANSYS优化设计中变数对产品性能的影响

    Influence of Variables on Product Property in ANSYS Optimizing Design

  4. PVC塑料薄膜贴合工艺及产品性能测试

    Lamination of plastic film and determination of laminate properties

  5. 有关非IBM产品性能的问题应当向这些产品的供应商提出。

    Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to suppliers of those products .

  6. 纳米TiO2光催化的活性碳纤维滤网产品性能研究

    The Characteristic of the Activated Carbon Filtration Net Trimmed by Nanometer Materials of Titanium Dioxide Activated Carbon Fibers

  7. 系统地介绍了PVC薄膜的贴合工艺及控制要点,并提供了产品性能的测试方法。

    The process conditions and control points of PVC film lamination were systematically introduced , and the test methods of the laminate properties were given .

  8. 为提高APF产品性能和对工程实际情况的适应性,相关研究仍在不断深入进行。

    Further research on the performance improvement of APF and its adaptability to the engineering actual situation is required .

  9. 本文阐述了钒酸铋颜料的基本原理与制备方法,列出了颜料性能检测结果,并讨论了温度、pH值对产品性能的影响。

    Basic principle and preparation methods were described . The influence of temperature and pH value on the properties of pigment was discussed . The testing results of pigment properties were given .

  10. 研究了PTFE废料粒径、各种填料用量及预成型压力对产品性能的影响。

    The influence of granule size of waste PTFE , mass ratio of fillers and the preforming pressure to the performance of the product is studied .

  11. 随着LED产品性能的提高和该技术的日益成熟,以LED为光源的交通信号灯和电子警察闪光灯及其控制系统,必将替代传统信号灯和电子警察闪光灯并改善其性能。

    With the improvement of LED products ' capability and technology , LED traffic signal lamp , high-power LED flash lamp of electronic police and the control system will surely take the place of traditional lamps and improve their characteristics .

  12. 连续退火机组(CAPL)的工艺特征和产品性能

    Technological features and product properties of the continuous annealing and processing line for Cold Strips

  13. 广泛使用PLD器件是提高电子产品性能和竞争能力的主要技术措施之一,应当大力普及推广。

    Using Programmable Logic Device ( PLD ) extensively is one of the most important methods to improve electronic products ' capability and competitive ability , so PLD devices should be popularized .

  14. 本文研究了甲基丙烯酸β羟乙酯(HEMA)辐射聚合的各种反应条件,如辐照剂量、剂量率、温度及气氛对产品性能的影响,并与化学引发聚合进行对照。

    The radiation-polymerization of hydroxyethyl methacrylate ( HEMA ) was described , including conditions of radiation-polymerization , such as irradiation dose , dose rate and atmosphere of irradiation .

  15. 本文研究了合成磷酸酯加脂剂的反应机理、P2O5溶液加料法、含磷酯加脂剂复配法、产品性能及应用效果,为新型合成磷酸酯加脂剂工业化生产提供了工艺条件。

    The mechanism of the synthetic phosphated fatliquor was discussed , also the method of adding P 2O 5 dispersion directly , the complexing method and the product ′ s properties and its application were studied .

  16. 无锡钢板(TFS)是一种代替镀锡板的镀铬薄钢板,它成本低廉,产品性能好,是解决锡资源缺乏,替代马口铁的理想产品。

    Tin Free Steel ( TFS ) is a tin-layer plate with plating chromium instead of tin-plating . It has lower cost , excellent performance , and is an ideal product instead of tin-plating and is a solution of lacking of tin resource .

  17. 讨论了丝光羊毛平滑剂的主要成分:氨基硅油、107胶、GH-108平滑促进剂对产品性能的影响。

    Main components of mercerized wool smooth agent , such as silicon oil ? 107 gum ? smooth promoter GH-108 influencing the behaviors of the products were investigated .

  18. 探讨了焦磷酸酯的存在对分析方法和产品性能的影响,必须将其水解转化为磷酸酯。论文采用31P-NMR波谱法对焦磷酸及其酯进行定性定量分析。

    The influence of pyrophosphate on the analysis method and performance of product was also discussed , and hydrolysis is needed to transform pyrophosphates to phosphates.31P-NMR is used as a qualitative and quantitative analysis method for pyrophosphates .

  19. 介绍采用强氧化剂直接氧化法制PFS(聚合硫酸铁)的原理和方法,讨论反应中各种因素对氧化反应和产品性能的影响.本产品应用于印染废水的处理,效果良好。

    For preparing polymerized ferri sulfate , the author describes principle and method of direct oxidation by strong oxidizer ; and discusses the effects of various factors in reaction on oxidation reaction and product properties . The product has been appied to wastewater disposal in textile printing with good results .

  20. 介绍了HAC-01纸张浸渍剂的合成工艺及应用试验,对乳化剂种类、单体配比、引发剂、反应温度等影响产品性能的各种因素进行了探讨。

    The synthetic technology and applying experiment of the HAC-01 impregnant for paper are reviewed . Discussing all factors which influence the emulsion synthetic , such as emulsifier types ? the ratio of monomer ?

  21. 现代防水混凝土已普遍采用外加剂技术进行配制。本文介绍了一种新型高效复合防水剂FDN-FS的配制技术路线、防水机理、产品性能,高性能防水抗渗混凝土的配制。

    Under the condition of widely using of concrete admixtures in compound of modern waterproof concrete , a kind of high-efficiency waterproof admixture ( FDN-FS ) is introduced in this paper on its synthesizing route , technical performance and waterproof mechanism .

  22. 半固态原料质量与产品性能的控制

    Quality and Properties Control of Semi-solid Forming Product and Primary Material

  23. 该产品性能完全符合QB/T1975-2004标准和化妆品卫生规范。

    The hair conditioner accorded with QB / T1975-2004 ministry standards .

  24. 羊毛卷曲对加工及产品性能的影响

    Affection of wool crimp to property of processing yarns and clothes

  25. 基于灰色关联的产品性能量化评价模型研究

    Evaluation model of product performance based on grey relation evaluation theory

  26. 连铸重轨钢的生产工艺及产品性能

    Production Process and Product Properties of Heavy Rail Steel By Continuous Casting

  27. 印制电路板设计的好坏直接影响产品性能的好坏。

    The design of the PCB influence directly the performance of the products .

  28. 彩色涂层钢板前处理中化学转化膜对其产品性能的影响

    Influence of Chemical Converting Film in Pretreatment on Performance of Prepainted Galvanized Sheet

  29. 产品性能达到了先进国家同类产品的水平。

    The properties of the product meet to the level of the world .

  30. 改善冷轧带肋钢筋产品性能的若干问题

    Several Questions as to Improve the Properties of the cold Rolled Ribbed Wires