
  • 网络Product management;product control;PDM
  1. 敏捷引入了一种新的产品管理角色:产品负责人(Productowner)。

    Agile introduces a new product management role : the product owner .

  2. D中国公司PC服务器的产品管理研究

    Research on Product Management of D China Company PC Server

  3. 的含义:治疗产品管理(澳大利亚)

    What does TGA mean or stand for : Therapeutical Goods Administration . TGA

  4. 在这种产品管理模型的基础上,作者研究了基于产品结构树的产品BOM的构造和组织。

    It is studied how to create and organize BOM based product structure tree .

  5. 他于1997年从Lotus加入Iris,在Lotus期间他从事产品管理,涉及的领域包括竞争性分析、性能和Notes服务器。

    He came to Iris in1997 from Lotus , where he worked in Product Management , covering areas such as competitive analysis , performance , and the Notes server .

  6. EIS是数字电视前端的管理调度系统,完成产品管理、加扰器的调度、CAS的同密管理等功能。

    EIS is to schedule and manage the front devices in DTV field , it can manage products , schedule scramblers , arrange CAS simulcrypt and so on .

  7. 谷歌的安卓产品管理总监巴拉(HugoBarra)说,我们想围绕所有这些优秀的内容进行优化,设计出一个最佳谷歌体验。

    ' We wanted to design a best-of-Google experience that is optimized around all this great content , ' said Hugo Barra , Google 's Android product management director .

  8. 分散及交互式产品管理系统平台的设计与研究

    Design and research of dispersible and interactive product management system platform

  9. 定价,产品管理,晋升和安置。

    Pricing , product management , promotion , and placement .

  10. 加强限制级和禁止级动漫产品管理。

    Strengthen the restricted and prohibited class animation product management .

  11. 最后分析了在有线网络企业中加强产品管理的意义及其方法和措施。

    Finally , the purport and means of cable network enterprise enhancing product management are analyzed .

  12. 识别关键的产品管理任务

    Identify critical product management tasks

  13. 浅谈数字化产品管理

    On Digital Product Management

  14. 产品管理的系统与精细化程度是企业产品竞争力的体现,做好产品管理才是真正实效的企业管理。

    Product management system and the degree of precision is the embodiment of the competitiveness of enterprise , good product management is the real effective enterprise management .

  15. 对于许多企业来说,如何在这样的条件下,有效地进行销售过程中的产品管理、地区管理、过程管理和费用管理,用以控制销售的投入产出状况,就成为一个富有挑战性的课题。

    To many companies , how to manage products , area , process and cost under such condition to control input and output of sale is becoming a challenging topic .

  16. 随后使用相同的方法可以建立副产品管理机构协调下的节点企业副产品物质流稳定性定量模型,并可验证以上假设的正确性。

    And then the model of the material flow stability of by-products which modulated by by-products management agency could be established through the same way above . It also can be validated .

  17. 无论是汽车行业、快消品行业还是IT行业都在产品管理方面都取得了可喜的成效。

    So more and more companies focus on management of product . By this way , no matter automotive industry , FMCG industry or IT industry , they all get delightful results .

  18. 摩托罗拉产品管理副总裁今天表示,这款圆形手表是为了吸引那些“不想在手腕上戴扁平的智能手机”的人。

    Motorola vice president to product management said today the circular watche is designed to appeal to people to " don 't want to wear a shrunken-down smartphone on their wrist . "

  19. 系统主要完成了系统管理、工作平台、客户信息管理、客户资源管理、客户产品管理和业务报表分析等功能。

    The system achieves the modules of system management , working platform , customer information management , customer resource management , customer product management and bordereaux analysis . Finally , the CRM system is tested in detail .

  20. 最后,为使上述营销策略可以顺利实施,取得良好效果,本文从客户管理、风险控制、人力资源、信息系统技术、产品管理保障等五个方面提出具体的保障措施。

    Last but not least , I put forward concrete protection from five aspects of customer management , risk control , human resources , information system technologies and products management , in order to successfully carry out the strategies mentioned above .

  21. 系统的功能设计满足数字电视业务的管理和日常运营的需求,比如数字电视业务定义、业务订购、客户/帐户管理、资费管理、产品管理等。

    The system functional design satisfied the demand of the digital TV service management and the daily operation , for example , digital TV service definition , service order , customer / account management , service charge management , product management and so on .

  22. 产品数据管理使能技术研究WEB使能监控系统研究

    Study of Enable Technology in Product Data Management The Analyse of Web-based Control System

  23. 基于WEB的产品营销管理系统

    Management System of Product Marketing Based on WEB

  24. 敏捷制造中基于WEB的产品信息管理系统

    Web - Based PIM in agile manufacturing

  25. 集成商用CAD的Web产品数据管理ASP服务系统的研究

    ASP-Driven Web Product Data Management Service System Integrated with Commercial CAD Packages

  26. CAD产品数据管理应用研究

    Application and research on product data management of CAD

  27. 基于CAD图形文件的产品结构管理系统

    Product Structure Manager System Based on CAD Drawing File

  28. 面向对象分析与设计技术(OOA&D)及统一建模语言(UML)在产品结构管理中的应用

    Application of OOA & D and UML in the Product Structure Management

  29. 基于UML的虚拟企业产品库存管理模型研究

    Model of Virtual Enterprise Inventory Management System Based on UML

  30. 产品数据管理(PDM)与并行设计的支撑环境

    Product data management ( pdm ) and concurrent design supporting environment