
  • 网络product homogeneity
  1. 民航业的经济技术特征主要有规模效应、可替代性、产品同质性、投资的专用性和沉淀性等。

    Economic and technical characteristics of the civil aviation industry are mainly economies of scale , substitutability , product homogeneity , the investment of a dedicated and precipitation , high investment , low returns , external and quasi-public nature .

  2. 随着全球化进程、可持续发展观念的强化、市场竞争的激烈,产品同质性程度越来越高,消费者与企业的关系已经不再是单纯的产品/服务的联系了。

    With the process of globalization , the strengthening concept of the sustainable development , the fierce market competition , the increasingly high degree of product homogeneity , the relationship between the consumer and the enterprise is no longer a pure product / service contact .

  3. 航空产品同质性,且具有极低的边际成本;

    Identical products and fairly low marginal costs ;

  4. 然而,关于中国汽车市场的现有研究,绝大多数都建立在产品同质性的假设基础之上。

    However , most previous researches of Chinese automobile market , domestic or abroad , were based on homogeneity presumption .

  5. 价格上限、产品同质性与成本竞争&对再生资源产业竞争问题的新解释

    Upper Limit of Price , Homogeneity and Cost Competition & New Explanation to the Competition Problem of Renewable Resources Industry

  6. 在国内市场研究领域,绝大多数研究都建立在产品同质性的假设基础之上,并且是基于产品空间的研究。

    Most of the domestic market researches based on the assumption that the products were homogeneous , and they generally applied product space models .

  7. 一方面,信息网络的迅速发展使得产品同质性进一步增加,产业内竞争进一步加剧。

    On one hand , the quick development of information network makes the products similarities increase , which results in the even more fierce competition with an industry .

  8. 我国个人理财市场的需求者特点、供给方特点及市场环境特点及银行理财产品同质性产生原因。

    Characteristics of environment , investors and suppliers of personal financial market in China , and the cause of homogeneity of personal financial products of commercial banks . 3 .

  9. 由于旅行社产品的同质性,旅行社的营销活动应更加重视营销渠道的建设和管理,以获得竞争优势。

    The product tour agents provided is the same . Pay more attention to the channel marketing and get advantages .

  10. 银行产品的同质性和易模仿性,使得如何为客户提供产品和服务成为在竞争中取胜的关键。

    The homogeneity and simulation of banks ' products make how to provide products and service for customs to the key of winning .

  11. 在许多行业,产品的同质性越来越明显,依靠产品质量、价格以及市场差异化等传统手段已经越来越难以在市场竞争中取胜。

    In many vocations , it is difficult for the companies to win in competition just depending on the quality , price and the difference .

  12. 但是整个市场面临着激烈的市场竞争,产品的同质性加剧了恶性竞争,使得行业趋于微利。

    But the whole market facing the fierce market competition , the product homogeneity aggravates the malignant competition , and makes industry tend to share .

  13. 当前,电力市场竞争机制已经引入,由于电力产品的同质性,成本竞争就成为主要的方式。

    As competition mechanism has been introduced into electric market and the identity of electric production , cost competition become the essential competition in electric market at present .

  14. 基于经营产品的同质性,各商业银行的业务流程成为影响商业银行能否取得市场竞争优势的主要因素之一。

    Because of the homogeneity of business products , different business processes become a major factor in the competition among commercial banks . It affects the quality of commercial banking products and services .

  15. 山西大院旅游作为文化旅游中的重要旅游目的地之一,目前旅游资源开发重复较多,风格同质化的现象较为严重,产品的同质性会带来相同的竞争策略和手段,从而导致恶性竞争。

    Shanxi compound tourism is one of the important travel destinations of culture tourism . Nowadays the resources have been redeveloped for many times and style homogeneity become increasingly serious . Product homogeneity brings forth similar competition strategies and methods so that it leads to vicious competition .

  16. 由于银行提供的金融产品具有高度的同质性和易模仿性,故引出笔者对关系质量对顾客保留关系影响的探索兴趣。

    The financial products offered by banks are with a high degree of homogeneity and ease of imitative , which leads the author to explore with interests in how Relation Quality effects on Customer Retention Relationships .

  17. 银行业金融机构提供产品、服务的同质性和金融需求主体差异化、金融需求多元化之间的矛盾,对银行业竞争差异化提出了内在要求。

    The contradiction between the homogeneity that both products and services are provided by banking and financial institutions and the differentiation of financial demand subjects and diversity of financial demand makes diversified competition a necessity in banking industry .

  18. 为提高行业竞争力,提供差异化,精细化的产品和服务,降低产品的同质性,实现以客户为中心的经营理念转变,数据中心建设已经成为证券公司在激烈竞争中处于领先地位的重要手段。

    To provide differentiated , refined products and services , reduce the homogeneity of the product in order to achieve customer-centric business philosophy changes , the data center has become a fierce competition in the securities companies leading the important means .

  19. 但是,由于我国箱包产品附加值较低,产品同质性较强,箱包企业自主设计开发产品能力较差,品牌意识淡薄,在生产能力和品牌缺失两者之间存在很大矛盾。

    However , because our bags and luggage products are with lower value-added . Each of the products is highly homogeneous . The bag enterprises are unable to designing and developing new products by themselves . Brand awareness is weak among all these enterprises .

  20. 但从商业银行近来发行的个人理财产品来看,大多产品具有显著的同质性,极易被模仿复制,因此,提供差异化、多样化的产品已成为建行甘肃分行竞争优势的主要因素。

    However , most personal financial product recently issued by commercial banks has homogeneity nature , can easily imitate and replication , thus , provide difference and diversity personal financial product is the main competitive advantage for Gansu Branch of CCB .

  21. 探究其中的原因发现:①由于缺乏核心能力,企业多元化行为大多停留在最终产品的引进层面,使得产品的同质性较大,导致了企业获利能力较差;

    Summarized the reason we could find , first as without the key ability , the diversified behavior of enterprises just stay on the introduction of the final products , which makes there is no different among those products , so the company 's earning capacity is low .

  22. 与过去相比,通信市场的产品之间的相互替代性正不断增强,表现出了产品同质性的趋势。

    Compared with the past , the substitutivity of products in the communications market is being enhanced and shows a tendency of product homogeneity .