
chǎn pǐn xínɡ xiànɡ
  • product lines;appearance of products
  1. 因此,汽车制造商面临着怎样向新顾客树立产品形象的大难题。

    So car makers are faced with the ticklish problem of how to project products at new buyers .

  2. 产品形象(PI)的定义和构成

    The Definition and Construction of the Product Image

  3. 企业构建产品形象(PI)的影响因素

    Influencing Factors of Building Product Identity

  4. 在企业的品牌建设中,产品形象识别(PI)策略是非常重要的。

    In the corporate brand building , Product Identity ( PI ) strategy is very important .

  5. 试论产品形象塑造在CIS战略中的地位

    Discussion on CIS Strategic Position of Product Image Build-Up

  6. 基于CIS的产品形象识别系统探究

    The Study of Product Identity System Based on CIS

  7. 最后本文为国内某大型IT企业撰写了一份现有产品形象设计的分析报告,以及一份PI项目立项的建议策划书。

    Finally , the author bring forwards a report on analyzing present product image design for a large domestic IT corporation , and a plan on PI project .

  8. 有关内存(RAM)的概念是新显示器将使各种设计师免除许多昂贵费时的中间环节,直接从计算机图像过渡到最终产品形象。

    RAM 'S idea is that the new monitor will allow designers of all sorts to go straight from computer image to final product , eliminating many costly and time-consuming middle stages .

  9. 他一直十分关注--有时甚至过度关注--营销策略、产品形象乃至包装的细节。”当你打开iPhone或者iPad的包装盒时,

    and he would care , sometimes obsessively , about marketing and image and even the details of packaging . " When you open the box of an iPhone or iPad ,

  10. 因此,导入短期内实现利润最大化的产品形象识别(PIS)战略的方法,对中小企业而言更为现实。

    Therefore , it is realistic for SMEs to introduce the Personal Identification System ( PIS ) strategy that can realize the maximization of their profit in the short-term period .

  11. CMF设计研究既能够丰富产品形象,并使其形成系列化,又能提升产品的外在价值,对于企业增强市场竞争力具有重要意义。

    CMF design studies both to enrich the product image and to form a series , but also enhance the external value of the product , for enterprises to enhance the market competitiveness of great significance .

  12. 本文针对产品形象系统(PIS)研究的现状,分析了数字化技术研究的热点,提出了PIS数字化构架可行性的理论,进行了新媒体和PIS完美融合的有效尝试。

    Targeting at the current situation of research on Products Identity System ( PIS ), this article analyzed the hot issues of digitalized technological research . It also proposed a feasible theory of PIS digitalized construction so as to realize the effective combination between the new media and PIS .

  13. 基于企业品牌识别的产品形象塑造研究

    Study on Construction of Product Image Based on Corporate Brand Identity

  14. 试论湖南旅游产品形象设计

    On the Image Design of Tourist Products of Hunan Province

  15. 产品形象以及产品的色彩形象在市场表现中都呈现一定的规律性。

    The embodiment of the image and the color DNA is regular .

  16. 浅谈隐喻方法在产品形象设计中的应用

    The Application of Metaphor Method in Visualize Design of Product

  17. IT行业产品形象设计的创新与延续

    Innovation and Continuation of the Image Design of IT Products

  18. 企业家形象、企业形象、产品形象探微

    On Entrepreneurs ' Image , Corporate Image and Product Image

  19. 通过机电产品形象设计塑造企业形象

    Shaping Corporate Identity through Product Identity Design of Mechanical and Electrical Products

  20. 显示产品形象在每个可用的颜色。

    Show the product image in each available color .

  21. 基于品牌战略的产品形象识别设计

    The design of product image based on brand strategy

  22. 产品形象战略性设计研究

    A Study on the Strategic Design of Product Images

  23. 家具产品形象设计初探

    Tentative Discussion about the Image Design of Furniture Products

  24. 体现企业形象的产品形象设计研究

    Research on Product Image Design which Reflect Enterprise Image

  25. 而感应性塑造则是产品形象设计的具体化。

    Comparatively , Sensual - figure is the idiographic aspect of Visualization-design of product .

  26. 产品形象识别隶属于企业识别、品牌识别范畴。

    The product identification belongs to the category of corporate identity and brand identity .

  27. 公司已树立起高档次的产品形象。

    The firm 's image has gone upmarket .

  28. 所以他们决定改变产品形象以扩大其吸引力。

    so they decided to change the product image , to broaden its appeal .

  29. 产品形象设计中的标识问题的研究

    Research on Identification of Product Visual Design

  30. 产品形象反映的是公众对某种产品的需要程度以及满足程度。

    What the product image reflects is the demand degree and satisfaction of certain products .