
  • 网络Product Differentiation
  1. 伯川德悖论与产品差别化意义分析

    From Bertrand-Paradox to an Analysis of the Significance of Product Differentiation

  2. 我国大豆产业发展战略的另一种选择&基于产品差别化的审视

    Product Differentiation : Another Strategy of Soybean Industry in China

  3. 这对产品差别化不成任何帮助。

    It isn 't helping our products stand out from the competition .

  4. 产品差别化的技术创新效应研究

    Exploration of the Effect of Technological Innovation in Product-differentiation

  5. 发现产品差别的过程。

    The process of seeing the differences among products .

  6. 运用局部均衡方法研究伙伴国生产能力较低和产品差别化条件下建立自由贸易区的贸易效应,建立局部均衡模型对贸易效应进行分析。

    Establish partial equilibrium models to analyse the trade effect of free trade areas .

  7. 市场结构与横向产品差别化的相互关系分析

    Relationship between Market Structure and Horizontal Product Differentiation

  8. 关于产品差别问题研究的回顾与综述

    A Review on Product Differentiation . Research

  9. 报纸产品差别分析

    Products The analysis of newspaper differentia

  10. 产品差别化的经济分析

    Economic Analyzing on Product Differentiation

  11. 影响产业集聚的因素包括地方需求、产品差别化、市场关联和贸易成本。

    Elements which influence industrial accumulation include local demand , product differentiation , market link and trade cost .

  12. 电视产业具有双边性市场特征,所以频道间的节目差别和一般产业的产品差别有所不同。

    Television industry is a two-sided market , so programming differentiation cannot be interpreted by product differentiation theory perfectly .

  13. 从产品差别竞争的原理看医院专科品牌效应

    Look at the brand name effect of hospital 's specialty from the view point of the principle of product difference competition

  14. 张伯伦等人的不完全竞争理论用产品差别性说明大企业和中小企业都存在产品差别,产品差别使中小企业得以存在和发展;

    Chamberlain 's imperfect competition theory , which illustrates the causes for the existence and development of medium and small enterprises ;

  15. 重点分析对信息产品差别定价的三种主要模式:群体定价、版本划分和个人化定价。

    This article analyzes three main modes of differential pricing to information goods : Group pricing , Versioning and Personal pricing .

  16. 本文简要梳理了双边性市场的相关理论,然后对节目差别的理论基础产品差别理论进行了阐述。

    First , I review the theory of two-sided market , and specify the product differentiation theory , which is the base of programming differentiation .

  17. 第二节介绍了产业组织理论的基本范畴&市场结构的相关内容,主要包括市场集中度、规模经济、进退壁垒、产品差别四个方面,并介绍了国内外对市场结构分类的标准和方法。

    Part two introduces market structure theory , such as market concentration , economy of scales , economy of scope , Market barriers and product differentiation .

  18. 但过高的市场集中度和市场进入壁垒以及跨国公司拥有的产品差别化优势是导致不利于市场竞争的垄断行为产生的结构性前提。

    But high market concentration rate , high market barrier of entry and advantages of products ' difference of transnational corporations may lead to monopolistic behavior .

  19. 通过必要资本规模、规模经济、绝对成本优势、产品差别化和政府管制等在行业内构筑了进入壁垒。

    Entry deterrence has also been built up through capital scale , scale economy , absolute cost advantage , product differentiation as well as government policies .

  20. 市场集中度、产品差别化、新企业的进入壁垒是决定市场结构重要的三个因素。

    Degree of market integration , discrimination of products and the barrier to the entry of new enterprises are three main factors which affect the market structure .

  21. 面对激烈的市场竞争,旅行社越来越难以实行产品差别化策略,而顾客价值成为旅行社的核心竞争优势。

    Since in the fierce market competition it is increasingly difficult for travel agencies to implement product differentiation strategy , customer value has become their centeral competitive advantages .

  22. 本文从市场理论的视角,对我国旅行社行业目前的市场集中度、产品差别化和进入退出壁垒和信息的对称度四个方面进行了分析。

    From the perspective of the market , Chinas travel service industry focus on the current market concentration rate , product differentiation and barriers to access to and i.

  23. 同普通的产品差别一样,电视节目的差别也包括水平差别和垂直差别两个维度,前者指节目类型方面的差别,后者指节目质量方面的差别。

    Like the ordinary product differentiation , the programming differentiation has two dimensions : horizontal differentiation and vertical differentiation , which mean differentiations of programming types and qualities respectively .

  24. 产品差别问题既是微观经济学中分析垄断竞争的出发点又是当代西方产业经济学中重要的前沿问题。

    The product difference problem is not only a start point for analysis monopolistic competition in microeconomics , but also a important forward problem in modern industrial organization analysis .

  25. 在伙伴国生产能力较低时建立自由贸易区只有贸易转移效应,在产品差别化条件下贸易转移效应有可能损害东道国福利也有可能改善福利。

    When partnership is underproduction the establishment of FTA have trade diversion effect , when it is production difference trade diversion effect is damaging or improving welfare of host country .

  26. 本文首先介绍了外资并购我国上市公司的一些基本情况,然后详细分析了外资并购的各种障碍,包括规模经济性壁垒、产品差别化壁垒、绝对费用壁垒、必要资本量壁垒和政策法律制度壁垒。

    Firstly , some basic conditions of transnational M & A in Chinese securities market are analyzed , and then we discuss all kinds of barriers of this conduct in details .

  27. 节目差别的本质是产品差别,本文在产品差别理论的框架内研究了电视频道的节目差别策略。

    In fact , the programming differentiation is on the basis of the product differentiation , so the analysis of programming differentiation should be in the theoretical framework of product differentiation .

  28. 国内医院医疗服务产品差别化竞争的手段,以科研创新与设备先进化、高端医疗服务的开展和广告宣传比较明显且具有代表性。

    In the case of China 's hospital medical service , the effective competitive methods of product differentiation are mainly reflected in scientific innovation , equipment improvement , service for high end and advertisement .

  29. 提出21世纪初我国化纤工程科技发展的方向和重点是加强常规产品差别化、功能性,提高工艺和装备水平和高性能纤维的产业化,研究开发绿色和新型纤维。

    It points out that the engineering and technical trend mainly are exploring differential and functional fibers , upgrading technology and equipment , producing high performance fibers , and developing green and new fibers .

  30. 在这样的背景下,需要企业适时实施产品差别化战略,此种战略对产业市场结构的变迁具有作用的同时,对社会福利也具有重要的影响。

    With this background , it has been demanded that the companies implement the product differentiation strategy . This strategy can have obvious effect on the social welfare as well as on the market itself .