
  • 网络Product Orientation;product-oriented
  1. 第二部分,建立产品导向型旅游景区规划模式。

    Part two , establish product orientation of tourist attraction planning .

  2. 产品导向型旅游景区规划实例研究

    Study on Product Orientation of Tourist Attraction Planning

  3. 企业管理从过去的产品导向转变为客户导向,客户关系管理(CRM)逐渐成为企业的焦点,也成为计算机领域的一个活跃的研究领域。

    Enterprise Management orientation transform from " product " to " customer " . Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) becomes the focus of enterprise and an active research field of computer science .

  4. 在产品导向型制造系统中,时间是至关重要的。

    In the product-oriented manufacturing systems , time is critical .

  5. 发展以机械产品导向电脑辅助设计与制图课程之线上学习内涵。

    Developing web-based learning content for mechanical-product-oriented CADD curriculum .

  6. 产品导向的环境政策研究进展

    Progress of Research on Product-oriented Policy for Environmental Products

  7. 产品导向型的船厂物资管理

    The Shipyard 's Material Management of Product Oriented

  8. 产品导向型企业致力于执着追求产品改进;

    The first is product-oriented , which focuses on how to improve product quality .

  9. 产品导向型生态技术创新过程及其特征的研究

    Research into the Innovative Process of Product Oriented Ecological Technology and its Special Characteristics

  10. 很多学者已经把这种产品导向的研究方法引入口译质量评估研究。

    Many scholars have applied this product-oriented approach to the assessment of the interpreting quality .

  11. 产品导向的供应链策略

    Product - driven Supply Chain Strategy

  12. 在新的市场环境下,传统的生产导向,产品导向以及技术导向已经转变为顾客导向。

    In the new market environment , the traditional production-oriented , product-oriented , technology-oriented have transferred to customer-oriented .

  13. 从用户拉动生产的理念出发,企业必须变产品导向为客户导向,通过为客户创造价值实现自身的生存和发展。

    Starting from the conception of demand creating supply , the vision of enterprise must change from product-orientation to customer-orientation .

  14. 文中引入相似性理论分析产品导向型作业分解,提出了优化排坞计划的动态模拟优化方法和优化壳舾涂一体化计划的改进后的遗传算法。

    Analyzing PWBS by adopting the comparability theory , the authors provide optimized dynamic dock arrangement plan and optimize IHOPS calculation .

  15. 产品导向型作业分解是中心制造船模式下的运作方式的基础,关系到设计、制造和整个管理环节。

    The core of center model operation method is the products-guiding jobdisintegration , which covers design , manufacture and whole management links .

  16. 产品导向的公司经常在设计产品的时候极少或者不考虑顾客,而相信他们的工程师能设计出非凡的产品。

    Product-oriented companies often design their products with little or no customer input , trusting that their engineers can design exceptional products .

  17. 市场营销的渠道管理经历了生产导向、产品导向、客户导向的发展阶段,正朝关系导向发展。

    Channel management has experienced some steps : such as manufacture oriented , product oriented , customer oriented and developing to the relationship oriented .

  18. 论软件企业由产品导向到服务导向的转变作为前导事件,引导或介绍以后的事物。

    The Change of Software Companies from Product-based Business to Service-centered Business ; something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows .

  19. 建置产品导向工程图学与电脑辅助刽针课程之网路学习模组、多媒体资料模组、学员资料撷取模组、课程输入与管理介面模组等之线上学习系统。

    Establishing web-based learning system including the models of student database , curriculum database and multi-media data model , for mechanical product-oriented CADD curriculum .

  20. 红色旅游的发展已由最初的资源导向阶段过渡到了市场产品导向阶段,并且最终将与其他类型的旅游形式一样,发展到形象驱动阶段。

    Red Tourism begins from the resource-oriented stage to market-oriented stage , and is bound to image-driven stage as the other kinds of tourism forms .

  21. 激烈的行业竞争使得现代企业需要将其核心经营理念由产品导向向客户导向转移。

    In the fierce industry competition , it requires the core business idea of the enterprises to change from centering on product to centering on customers .

  22. 一般认为,汽车营销的理论与实践可以分为相继发生的5个阶段。第1阶段是产品导向阶段;

    It is generally believed that the theory and practice of auto marketing can be continued to divide into five phases : First is product guidance phase ;

  23. 产品导向环境政策是当代环境政策的重要发展,它以产品为中心和出发点、旨在降低产品整个生命周期总的环境影响,为当代环境保护提供了一种新的政策范式。

    The product-oriented environmental policy ( POEP ) is a new paradigm which focuses on the product and aims at reducing its total life cycle environmental impacts .

  24. 随着营销管理从产品导向向顾客导向的转变,企业经营的重点也从产品经营、品牌经营向顾客经营转变。

    Accompanied by the change that marketing management is converting from production-orientation to customer-orientation , the focus of company operation is also transferring from production-operation and brand-operation to customer-operation .

  25. 随着旅游规划思想从旅游导向型向市场导向型和产品导向型的转变,旅游规划中对旅游市场的研究重视程度不断提高。

    With the transformation of conception of Chinese tourism planning from resource-oriented to market-oriented and product-oriented , the research of travel market is more and more important in tourism planning .

  26. 近20年的时间里,区域旅游业开发经历了资源导向、市场导向、产品导向、形象导向等4个阶段。

    For near 20 years , the development of region tourism industry has gone through 4 stages such as resources direction , market direction , product direction and image direction .

  27. 前言:本文从讨论生态技术的历史渊源入手,指出生态技术创新包括末端技术创新、工艺导向型技术创新和产品导向型技术创新三种类型。

    Beginning with discussing the history of ecologically sound technology , this article goes on to cover three types of technical innovations : those which are end-use , process and product orientated .

  28. 房地产业的竞争日益加剧,那种以产品导向为主体的营销策略在今天的市场竞争中注定是要失败的。

    As a result , the competition of the real estate industry becomes more and more fierce . The promotion strategies based on the product are doomed to fail in current market competition .

  29. 并通过实证分析,发现企业营销倾向在经历了产品导向、服务导向与关系导向的演变之后,需求导向的重要性不断提升。

    In this article , we dwell on changing process of marketing tendency , which according to the evolution process , namely from product tendency , service tendency , relationship tendency to demand tendency .

  30. 当今,国内外金融企业为了取得更大的竞争优势,正在将市场营销理念从产品导向转变为客户导向。

    Today , financial enterprises at home and abroad are trying to transform their concept of marketing from " product orientation " to " customer orientation " in order to achieve greater competitive advantage .