
  1. 集成数据挖掘系统以实现产品相关性的分析、客户分类和客户行为预测;

    With data mining system to analyze the relations among products , to segment the customers and to predict customer behaviors ;

  2. 实证研究的结果表明信任度、对合作关系的承诺、依赖性、建设性的冲突解决技巧与产品相关性等是影响无障碍旅游区构建的关键因素。

    The main factors include interorganizational trust , commitment towards the relationship , interorganizational dependence , constructive conflict resolution techniques , and products correlations .

  3. 在绿色消费以及由此引发的绿色食品产业和市场迅速发展的今天,中国绿色食品出口仍存在着规模偏小、结构单一、企业国际化程度低、产品相关性不强等问题。

    In green expense and organic foods industry based on it and market rapid development today , the Chinese organic foods exportation still exist some questions .

  4. 因此,本文对西安市蔬菜基地土壤中的有机氯农药类POPs物质残留及其对农产品影响的相关性进行了初步地研究、分析和评估。

    Therefore , this paper carried a preliminary study , analysis and assessment on the soil organic pesticides POPs substances on vegetable bases of Xi ' an and the relevance to their impact on agricultural residues .

  5. 管理任何产品中的相关性都是一项艰难的工作。

    Managing dependencies in any product is hard work .

  6. 聚酯产品链价格相关性分析

    Correlation Analysis on Prices of Polyester Products Chain

  7. 第三,中国与日本磨芋产品流通的相关性;

    The relativity of products in circulation of Amorphophallus konjac in Japan and China .

  8. 中国R&D投入与高新技术产品出口的相关性分析

    Correlativity Analysis Between R & D Expenditure and Export of Hi-tech Production in China

  9. 为此,从国民经济发展角度考察国民经济产出与木材产品需求的相关性,也是衡量林业相对重要性变化的一个重要方面。

    For this reason , investigate the national economy output and dependence of the timber products demand in terms of national economic development , weigh an important respect that forestry 's relative importance changes too .

  10. 但是品牌延伸的有效性受到顾客认知、与延伸产品之间的相关性、新产品自身的成功因素、市场的需求量与竞争状况、品牌实力、企业的品牌战略等因素的影响。

    But the validity of brand extension is subject to many factors such as customer cognition , relativity between brand extension and product extension , new product , market demand and competition status , brand image and strategy .

  11. 注塑机充填压力与产品件重的相关性分析及压力控制应用

    Analysis of pertinence between injection molding pressure and product weight and application of pressure control

  12. 后发城市化的优劣势和初始条件人力资源双刃性工资率市场化和产品国际竞争力的相关性分析

    The Analysis of the Relationship between the Marketing of Labor Wage and Goods International Competitive Advantage

  13. 通过对企业激励机制的分析,指出当且仅当不同企业所属的产品市场不存在相关性时,经理市场才没有任何作用;

    This paper points out that only and if only there exists no covariance between the products of the different firms , will the managerial labor market lose any function .

  14. 对于延伸产品和原产品相关性的探讨,所有研究都认为转移性、互补性和替代性这三个因素均对延伸产品评价起作用,但是作用大小并不一样。

    D. About the fit between the parent and extension product , all the researches acknowledge the importance of three factors of fit ( i.e. transfer , complement and substitute ) to the brand extension evaluation , but they are of different magnitude .

  15. 间断延伸,即产品延伸与原品牌产品相关性较弱,如雅马哈摩托车和雅马哈电子琴。

    Finally , intermittent extension , which means that brand extension is weakly related with original brand products , such as Yamaha motor and Yamaha electronic organ .

  16. 本文则利用我国改革开放以来到加入世贸组织之前的数据,对FDI与我国的出口规模、出口产品结构、出口产品竞争力等进行相关性分析。

    This paper studies the relations between FDI and China 's commodity scale , trade dependence degree , export competitiveness and export structure , based on the data between 1983 to 2001 .

  17. 产品创新战略导向对动态界面与产品创新绩效相关性具有重要的影响作用。

    This research shows that the positive relationship between the level of dynamic R & D / market involvement and the product innovation performance is moderated by product innovation strategy .

  18. 在对产品功能与结构的映射关系及产品子功能相关性分析的基础上,研究汽车底盘大规模定制设计方法。

    Based on the analysis to the mapping relationship of the products function , structure and the relativity of products accessorial function , the design method of the automotive chassis productions for mass customization was researched .

  19. REITs作为房地产证券化产品,具有适中的风险收益特征,与其他金融产品具有低相关性,对保险资金具有一定程度的适用性。

    As a type of real estate securitization products , REITs are characterized by a medium level of risk return , low correlation to other financial vehicles and a certain level of applicability to insurance funds .

  20. 其次,从二个角度对产品创新中的知识进行分类,即按照产品创新中的知识形态和产品的相关性进行分类。

    Secondly , the paper classifies knowledge in product innovation from two angles : the knowledge shape and relevance with the product .