
  1. 当前,我国分时度假处于产业萌芽和产品导入期。分时度假业是旅游业和房地产业相互扩张的产物。

    Being a result of tourism expansion and real estate development , timeshare in China is at the initiating stage of industry germination and product introduction .

  2. 初步认为:在产品的导入期,广告策略应在使消费者尽快了解产品特性的基础上,确立其品牌知名度;

    Guided period : the advertisement strategy should set up the product ′ s brand visualization .

  3. 尽管针对高科技产品从导入期到成熟期的研究比较丰富,理论和方法都已十分成熟,但针对衰退期的定价却较少,现有的方法无法解决衰退期决定价问题。

    The research for pricing from introduction period to maturity period is very rich , but that for decline period is very few .