
  • 网络product description;product specification;specification;Manual;product manual
  1. 然后,设计文件就为执行过程组确定了产品说明书。

    Then , the design document defines the product description for the ensuing Executing Process Group .

  2. 食品、食品添加剂的产品说明书,不得有夸大或者虚假的宣传内容。

    The product description for any food or food additive shall not contain exaggerated or false advertising .

  3. MOV的最大热稳定功频电压VS不应低于制造商的产品说明书所声明的数值。

    The MOV 's VS should not less than the specified value of the manufacturer 's instructions .

  4. 作家和技术人员例行公事般地创作出以SGML(标准通用标记语言)格式表示的大量产品说明书、规章需求和计算机系统文档。

    Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications , regulatory requirements , and computer system documentation in SGML ( Standard Generalized Markup Language ) format .

  5. PDF文档的设计是为了在纸张上打印,而不是在电脑屏幕上阅读,但人们以数字形式分享文件(尤其是产品说明书、宣传册以及任何曾印制成小册子的东西)时仍然常常采用PDF格式。

    PDFs were designed to be printed on paper , not viewed on computer screens , but the format is still popular for sharing documents digitally ( especially product manuals , brochures and anything that was once a booklet ) .

  6. 结果:符合PRRs阈值的Drug-ADR组合共275种,其中115种没有在产品说明书中列出。

    Result : The method detected 275 Drug-ADR combinations meeting the minimum criteria , of which 115 were not marked in the production instruction .

  7. 需要产品说明书,请点击免费索取!

    Need product manual , please click ( message ) here !

  8. 协助制定康明斯产品说明书。

    Ensuring the adherence to Cummins product introduction and release requirements .

  9. 英文产品说明书中的非谓语动词结构及其翻译

    On Non-predicate Verb Structures in English Product Instructions and Their Translation

  10. 首先,从产品说明书获知测试对象的软件的输入和应该得到的输出。

    I-Input-Equivalence Classes based on how data gets into the system .

  11. 将检测结果与产品说明书进行比较。

    The detection results were compared with that of their product instruction .

  12. 产品说明书的服务设计研究

    A Study on the Service Design of Product 's Instructions

  13. 以前翻译的一本产品说明书中摘节的一段。

    Excerpta from a product operation manual I translated before .

  14. 技术员需要认真研究产品说明书。

    The engineer needs to carefully study the manufacture 's data sheets .

  15. 提供详细的产品说明书,包括检测报告、产品认证等。

    Provide the specifications , including the test report and quality authentication , etc.

  16. 中文酒产品说明书翻译中的语篇体裁结构策略运用

    The Employment of Generic Structure Translation Strategies in Chinese Alcohol Product Instruction Texts

  17. 要不要看看我们的产品说明书?

    Shall I show you our product information sheet ?

  18. 该产品说明书将进行修改来描述这个可能增加的风险。

    The product labeling will be changed to describe this possible increased risk .

  19. 使用前请确实遵从产品说明书内之操作指示及注意事项。

    Make sure to follow the product instruction manual before opening or using .

  20. 那就请看本厂产品说明书。

    In that case , please take this brochure which explains products made here .

  21. 电子产品说明书分段优化组合方法设计电子产品加工工艺路线

    Designing the machining process course for an electronic product by assemblage of subsection optimization

  22. 内附我公司最新产品说明书。

    Enclosed is our latest new products brochure .

  23. 通过对家电产品说明书的分析,作者讨论了家电产品说明书的四种功能:信息功能,指示功能,美学功能和成篇功能。

    After analyzing the features of household appliance instructions , the author discusses the text function .

  24. 请参阅当地的产品说明书关于应用方面授准确描述。

    Please consult the local Product Data Sheet for the exact description of the application fields .

  25. 品质和技术数据必须与卖方所提供的产品说明书严格相符。

    Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller .

  26. 最后对目的论视角下产品说明书的英译先前的研究进行回顾。

    The last is the previous studies on translation of product instructions from the perspective of Skopos Theory .

  27. 《产品说明书》可能会声明这个计算器应该从不死机,锁定或冻结。

    The product spec might state that the calculator should never crash , lock up , or freeze .

  28. 实际上,许多临时申请常常很快修补后变更为科学论文、设计或产品说明书。

    In fact , many Provisionals are often quickly cobbled variations of scientific papers , design or product specifications .

  29. 在泵制造商的产品说明书内通常会注明为防止过热所建议的最小潜水参数。

    The minimum recommended submergence to prevent overheating will normally be noted in the pump manufacturer 's product information .

  30. 对于施工时需要稀释的涂料,包装标志上或产品说明书中应明确稀释比例。

    The dilution rate shall be marked on package or user manual if paints need to be diluted during manufacturing process .