
  • 网络Product Life;MTBF
  1. 基于产品寿命周期的QMS运行效果研究

    QMS Operation Effect Based on Product Life Cycle

  2. 负责新产品寿命期内的PPAP的提交。

    Be responsibility for submitting PPAP during product life .

  3. 他们通过提供有助于延长产品寿命的服务向消费者承诺其质量和耐用性,也因环保而收获声誉。

    By offering services to help expand the longevity of their products , they 're promising quality and durability to consumers , and receiving the reputational gains for being environmentally friendly .

  4. BP神经网络与广义RBF神经网络在产品寿命分布模型识别中的应用研究

    Application Study on BP Network and Generalized RBF Network in Estimating Distribution Model of Mechanical Products

  5. 灰色GM(1,1)模型在机械产品寿命试验数据预测中的应用

    The Application of Grey GM ( 1,1 ) Model to the Forecasting of Life Test Data of Mechanical Products

  6. 产品寿命的MandrivaLinux操作系统发布18个月为基础更新和12个月的台式电脑的更新。

    The product lifetime of Mandriva Linux releases is18 months for base updates and12 months for desktop updates .

  7. 为了评定零构件的寿命可靠性,给出产品寿命服从二参数威布尔分布、基于任意第k试验故障的寿命可靠性评估的理论计算公式。

    To assess the life reliability of the components , in this paper , the theoretical formulas of reliability assessment based on the kth failure experiment life of two-parameter Weibull distribution were deduced and proved .

  8. 利用RBF网络能够逼近任意非线性函数的特性,进行退化轨迹的建模,并结合失效阈值预测产品寿命。

    The RBF network can approach any non-linear functions , the feature is used for modeling the degradation paths and forecast the lifetime of products based on the critical level of degradation .

  9. 另外针对TRV模型,在序加试验下就两参数Weibull分布给出了损伤系数,同时给出了产品寿命的残存函数。

    In addition , for the parametric setting where the life distribution under the progressive stress is two parameter Weibull distribution , the tampered coefficient is investigated and the survival function of its life length is also derived for the tampered random variable ( TRV ) model .

  10. 基于产品寿命次数的闭环供应链生产优化问题研究

    Monopoly Production Optimization Problem for Product Lifetime in Closed-loop Supply Chains

  11. 产品寿命周期理论与标准化工作的探讨

    Research on Life cycle Theory of Products and Work of Standardization

  12. 第四部分:产品寿命周期成本法与目标成本规划。

    The forth part : product-life-cycle cost method and target costing .

  13. 产品寿命周期与财务预算模式的确定

    The confirmation of product 's lifespan period and of financial budget mode

  14. 机电产品寿命与可靠性综合验证试验技术研究

    Study on electromechanical products life and reliability integrated compliance test

  15. 基于产品寿命周期的成本控制方法研究

    Cost control Methods Studies Based on the Product Life Cycle

  16. 新型无触点电气产品寿命试验仪的研制

    Development of New-type Contactless Life Test Instrument for Electrical Products

  17. 定期更换的机械产品寿命费用分析

    Life - Cost Analysis of Mechanical Products under Periodic Replacement

  18. 关于产品寿命的一种预测方法

    An Estimate Method of the Failure Time of Product

  19. 成本控制战略之演进逻辑:基于产品寿命周期的视角

    The Evolution of Cost Control Strategy : A Viewpoint Based on Life-Cycle Costing

  20. 并将有力地促进产品寿命期最佳效能-费用目标的实现。

    It will also promote the implementation of optimum life cycle effectiveness-cost target .

  21. 无触点、无噪音,自由开关,产品寿命长。

    No trigger or noise , free Switching , and Long Operating Life .

  22. 通用可编程自适应机电产品寿命测试系统

    A Programmable Adaptable Mech-Electrical Products Endurance Testing System

  23. 机械产品寿命分布模型的识别

    The distribution model identification of mechanical products life

  24. 电子产品寿命周期费用与可靠性关系的动态研究

    The Dynamic Study of the Relationship Between Life Cycle Cost and Reliability in Electronic Product

  25. 概率在产品寿命预测中的应用

    The Probability Applied for Product Life Forecast

  26. 绿色产品寿命周期评估方法探讨

    Green Product Life-Cycle Assessment Method Investigation

  27. 产品寿命周期工程设计研究

    Research on life cycle engineering design

  28. 柴油机产品寿命分布规律的研究机械产品寿命分布模型的识别

    Study on Life Distribution Rules of Diesel Engines The distribution model identification of mechanical products life

  29. 产品寿命周期费用分析

    The life cycle cost of products

  30. 二次函数拟合产品寿命周期存贮模型的最优解

    An optimum solution to the memory model with imitate life cycle by using a quadratic function