
chǎn pǐn xù liè hào
  • product ID
  1. 安装程序没有此注册表所需的产品序列号

    Setup does not have the Product ID number needed for the registry

  2. 数字水印是一个包含例如作者ID,公司标志,产品序列号等信息的代码。

    A watermark is a digital code containing information of author ID , company logo , product serial number or something else .

  3. 随着企业生产自动化水平的提高,产品序列号的自动识别已成为现代化生产和管理网络中不可缺少的一环。

    Automatic recognition of serial number of products is an essential step in modern production and management .

  4. 很抱歉,但是这是一个对于一个已被替换产品序列号。

    We 're sorry , but this is a serial number for a product that has been replaced .

  5. 当产品序列号或产品编号被故意更改、涂销或删除时,此质保不适用。

    This warranty does not apply when the serial number or production code has been deliberately altered , defaced or removed .

  6. 由于一个订单只能生成一个产品序列号,授权用户需要为每一个应用程序或工程保留一个单独的授权,以便于管理。

    Since one product serial number will be issued for one order , licensee needs to keep one license for one application or one project for easy management .

  7. 如果你使用我们的注册码自动即时生成系统,顾客输入的产品序列号将与其它客户信息一起发到你的注册码生成服务器上,以便正确的注册码可以发送给顾客。

    If you use our automated system of generating registration codes at the time an order is placed , the serial code that a customer enters will be posted to your generator along with all other customer information so that a proper registration code can be given to the customer .

  8. 任何产品上的序列号已被删除,涂改或修改。

    F any product on which the serial number has been removed , defaced or modified .

  9. 该软件自动搜索您存储在注册表中或在缓存中的计算机软件程序的产品密钥和序列号。

    The software automatically searches your computer for the product keys and serial numbers that your software programs store in the registry or in the cache .

  10. 因而可以被使用在产品的外包装上,用于鉴别产品真伪和携带产品序列号。

    Therefore , this method can be used in product casing , in order to distinguish fake and carry the serial number of product .