
chǎn pǐn shì chǎnɡ
  • Product market;produce market
  1. 她的生意在不断扩大,而且在隔壁开了一个产品市场,她过去曾常常在那里睡觉。

    She has expanded and opened a produce market next door , where she used to sleep .

  2. 这是合作社为什么能在西方农产品市场中占据主导地位的主要原因。

    This is the major reason why agricultural cooperatives play a leading role in the Western farm produce market .

  3. 到明年,专为老年人设计的产品市场规模可能达到300亿美元,初创公司也想加入这一行列。

    The market for products designed specifically for older adults could reach $ 30 billion by next year , and startups want in on the action .

  4. 战后产品市场的地理范围扩大了。

    The geographical scope of product markets has widened since the war .

  5. 长期以来集团在OTC类产品市场已经建立了自己独有的品牌特色。

    For a long time in the OTC products market , the Group has established its own unique brand .

  6. 当地成分要求直接影响东道国中间产品市场,间接影响外国直接投资(FDI)和贸易自由流动。

    The local content requirements have a direct effect on the host country 's market of middle-stage prod - ucts and an indirect effect on foreign direct investment and mobility of free trade .

  7. 利用数据库和数据挖掘技术设计了以顾客为导向的电信产品市场细分应用案例,给出了基于质量功能配置(QFD)进行营销设计的概念程序,提出了基于质量工具集成的改进模式。

    The thesis presented concept program improving model based on QFD in marketing design through a case study on telecom service market segment designed with database and data mining technology .

  8. 在此基础上,选用Cscore作为稳健性的替代变量,建立相应模型,实证检验稳健性对企业债务成本和投资效率的作用是否受到产品市场竞争的影响。

    It researches the influences of product market competition on conservatism . On this basis , using C_score as alternative variable of conservatism , we test whether competition affect the role of conservatism in debt cost and the efficiency of investment in a company .

  9. 文章介绍了Linux操作系统下,基于Apache和Tomcat服务器以及JSP和其它Internet技术综合集成的农产品市场信息分析预测系统的结构、功能、关键技术和特点。

    The article introduces its architecture , func ˉ tionality , key techniques and characteristics about the system of agricultural market information analysis and forecast based on the Linux , Apache and Tomcat Server and other Internet technology .

  10. 本设计是JAC汽车集团有限公司市场部即将使用的汽车产品市场分析与销售管理系统的一个组成部分。

    The project is a part of market analysis and sales management system that soon be used by marketing department of JAC Automobile Corporation .

  11. 据世界国际互换交易商协会(ISDA)公布的数字,仅97年互换市场的交易规模现已达24.11万亿美元,成为世界金融衍生产品市场的重要组成部分。

    According to the data issued by ISDA , only in 1997 , the transaction scales in swap market reached to 24,110 Billion $ . It makes swap market become the most important part of the Financial Derivatives Product .

  12. 值得注意的是:通过对CPIC公司玻璃纤维产品市场的研究发现,建立产品差异性的主要策略,应采用提高销售服务水平的方式,以此提高产品的竞争力;

    The thing that should be noticed is that the main tactics to set up the difference between products of different company and improve the ability of competition is to enhance the level of marketing service .

  13. 国际乳品强化产品市场简况

    A brief account of the international dairy of intensified production market

  14. 我国水产品市场状况分析

    Analysis on the Present State of Aquatic Product in China

  15. 食品工业产品市场战略浅析

    An elementary introduction to the strategy of products markets of food industry

  16. 网络产品市场均衡无穷维变分模型

    The Market Equilibrium Model of Network Products with Infinite Dimensional Variational Inequality

  17. 绿色农产品市场中的柠檬效应及应对策略

    " Lemon Effect " in Green Agricultural Products Market and Handling Strategy

  18. 实施名牌战略,推进畜产品市场国际化;

    Implementing famous trademark strategy will promote internationalization of animal product market .

  19. 资产专用性、产品市场竞争与资本结构

    Asset Specificity , Product Market Competition and Capital Structure

  20. 产品市场竞争、高管激励和企业业绩

    Product Market Competition , Managerial Incentive and Firm Performance

  21. 所有权结构、产品市场竞争与企业绩效

    Ownership Structure , Product Market Competition and Firm Performance

  22. 制止机电产品市场恶性竞争的建议

    Put an End to Vicious Competition in Mechatronic Market

  23. 试论文化体验设计增强旅游产品市场竞争力

    On the Competition Enhancement in Tourist Market Through the Design of Cultural Experience

  24. 资本结构的产品市场竞争理论述评

    Comment on the Product market Theory of Capital Structure

  25. 未来10年金融衍生产品市场在中国的发展趋势

    Financial derivatives market in China : tendency in the future of ten years

  26. 新产品市场投放策略的研究综述

    A Summarization of Time-to-Market Strategy of New Product

  27. 当前,要搞活农村经济,必须拓宽农产品市场空间。

    To enliven rural economy , market space for agricultural products must be expanded .

  28. 产品市场竞争程度对公司资本结构的决定有重大的影响。

    The level of product market competition has important effect on corporate capital structure .

  29. 提高销售质量扩大产品市场

    Improving sales quality , expanding product market

  30. 略论发展我国天气衍生产品市场

    On developing China LNG derivative product market