
  • 网络product chain
  1. 聚酯产品链价格相关性分析

    Correlation Analysis on Prices of Polyester Products Chain

  2. 分析了武汉化工新城产业规划的总体框架、模式进程及产品链结构;

    It analyses the overall framework and model process and products chain structure of chemical industry planning of Wuhan .

  3. h.进一步在产品链和关键环节分析基础上,确定了我国在硅元素利用率和能源利用率上与世界平均水平差距最大的环节。

    A further study based upon product chain analysis and key process analysis identifies the process where China is behind the world average the most in element silicon utilization efficiency and energy utilization efficiency .

  4. 本文在Kim论文的基础上,运用博弈分析方法,研究了垄断产品链中制造商与供应商在供应商革新中的合作问题。

    On the basis of the Bowen Kim , this paper applies game theory to investigate cooperation between manufacturer and supplier in the supplier 's innovation activities in complete monopoly product chain .

  5. 其次提出HR外包服务提升对策,主要从丰富外包服务产品链、提高服务反馈质量、强化员工沟通实效、规范员工档案管理和加强员工职业激的角度进行服务提升。

    Second HR outsourcing services put forward countermeasures to improve , mainly from rich outsourcing services , improve the service quality feedback accord , strengthening employee communication effectiveness , standard staff file management and strengthen the professional staff of the perspective of service enhancement .

  6. 最后,研究了基于物料依赖矩阵(MRM)的化工产品链空间布局优化策略。

    A case study of the product chain optimization of XX enterprise is illustrated and the effectiveness was proved . Finally , the paper studied spatial distribution optimizing strategy of chemical product chain based on matrix related material ( MRM ) .

  7. 甲醇燃料与化工产品链工业的发展策略

    Industrial Development Strategy of Methanol Fuel with Chemical Product Chain

  8. 利用循环经济理念促进化工产品链延伸

    Accelerating Extension of Chemical Industry Products with Circulation Economy Theory

  9. 肉桂酸产品链消化四氯化碳的前景展望

    Prospect for Consumption of Tetrachloride in Cinnamic Acid Production Chain of Immunology

  10. 高科技产品链的供需关系及其协调决策研究

    The Research in Order and Pricing Decision - Making of Hi-Tech Product Supply Chain

  11. 包装机企业产品链规划的可重构模块方案设计

    Reconfigurable Module Design Based on Enterprise Product Chain

  12. 通过定义化工产品链延伸,研究了化工产品链延伸机理。

    Through the definition of chemical product chain extension , the paper studied the extension mechanism of chemical product chain .

  13. 分清产业链和产业集聚、供应链、价值链和产品链的关系,对如何建设产业链意义重大。

    Anyway , it 's important to distinguish industry chain , industry cluster , supply chain , value chain and product chain .

  14. 为了强调材料-产品链的后端部分,本文将材料-产品链改称为材料-产品-消费残余链。

    In order to emphasize the rear of material-product chain , this dissertation renames the material-product chain as the material-product-consumption residue chain .

  15. 公司为追求价值最大化、完善产品链和分散经营风险而选择跨行业转型。

    Companies select inter-trade transforma ˉ tion in order to seek after maximization of value , perfect product chains and spread risks .

  16. 在分析国内外醋酸乙烯市场的基础上,提出新建装置规模以100kt/a以上为宜,乙炔法和乙烯法生产工艺长期共存,发展相关产品链的建议。

    Based on analyzing market situation of vinyl acetate at home and abroad , the paper present some suggestions of developing vinyl acetate and downstream products .

  17. 随着行业的高速增长以及产品链的拓展和国际化布局,预计三一重工未来五年将实现高于行业平均水平的增长,年均收入增长率达到30%,2011年收入增长将达到50%。

    As the industry growth and expansion of product and international layout , Sany is expected to achieve higher annual growth than the industry average , to 30 % .

  18. 供应链管理涵盖了五方面的内容:计划、采购、制造、配送、退货,包含了产品链和信息链,不仅是单纯的销售产品,还是对客户需求的预测和保障。

    Supply chain management is composed by scheme , purchase , manufacturing , transportation and return of goods , including product chain and information chain , not only marketing , but also customer prediction .

  19. 财富管理的制胜之道在于与富裕者市场的关系、全面的产品链、一流的投资顾问支持系统、多层次的服务以及优良的品牌。

    The success of wealth management depends on relations with the rich , the overall chains of products , the first-class system of investment consultants , the multiple levels of service and the fine brands .

  20. 传统产业链的结构主要表现为纵向竞合架构,形态上表现为产品链、价值链和知识链的有机结合。

    The configuration of traditional industry chain mainly shows as the vertical competition and cooperation relationship . The organic combination of product chain , value chain and knowledge chain constructs the modality of traditional industry chain .

  21. 介绍了充分利用本地资源,延伸产品链形成煤、电、盐、化一体化和从原料中间体到产品,实现绿色环保、循环发展的具体技术改造措施,以及开展技术创新的具体内容。

    The full utilization of local resources , including extending products chain to forming the integration of coal , power and salt , realizing green environmental protection from intermediate to products , technical innovation cyclic development were introduced .

  22. 通过对粉末冶金产品链块技术进步的介绍和摇架结构零件的经济效果分析,表明粉末冶金零件质量可靠,技术经济效益显著,从而说明粉末冶金工艺是开发生产纺机新产品的可靠方法。

    It is shown that PM parts are reliable in quality , remarkable in economic benefit and an effective way to develop textile machinery parts through the introduction of PM chain technology and economical analysis of machinery rocking parts .

  23. 阐述了产品设计链协调的概念,指出产品信息共享对产品设计链协调的重要性,提出了基于多agent的产品设计链协调模型。

    Coordination of PDC is expounds , the importance of product information sharing to coordination is emphasized , and a coordinate model of PDC based on multi-agent is proposed .

  24. 该研究有助于为供应链各成员提供RFID技术投资决策,并且为生鲜农产品供应链特定的不对称信息提出了解决方案。

    This study helps to provide RFID technology investment decisions and asymmetric information solutions for each member of the supply chain .

  25. 本篇论文的主要内容是设计一个基于Internet的DSS进而形成一个网上信息中心,从而可以完成对农产品供应链辅助决策支持的功能。

    , This thesis is to design a DSS based on the Internet and set up an online information center , thus forms an agricultural products supply chain DSS .

  26. 通过多项Logit模型研究了农产品供应链垂直协作关系的影响因素及其机制。

    Multinomial Logit Model will be used to study the factors and mechanisms of vertical relationship in the agricultural products supply chain coordination .

  27. 基于多种生产和订购模式的Newsvendor型产品供应链协调问题研究

    Research on Supply Chain Coordination Issues for Newsvendor-Type Products with Multiple Production and Ordering Modes

  28. 并针对青岛市水产品冷链物流需求量进行定性与定量的预测,定性分析采取调查问卷的形式,定量分析根据数据的可获性和不完全性选择灰色G(1,1)预测模型进行预测。

    And in the light of Qingdao aquatic products cold-chain logistics measurement requirements for qualitative and quantitative prediction , qualitative analysis to take the form of questionnaire , quantitative analysis according to data obtains nature and incompleteness choose grey G ( 1,1 ) forecasting model forecast .

  29. 变质产品供应链中多品种的订购策略研究

    Study on Ordering Policy of Multi-product in Deteriorating Items Supply Chain

  30. 真空技术在农产品产业链中的应用与发展

    The Application and Development of Vacuum Technology in Agricultural Industry China