
  • 网络product awareness;product cognition;PRODUCT PECOGNITION
  1. 促销目标创建并促进产品认知,促进潜在需求,鼓励产品试用。

    The promotion objectives are creating and enhancing product awareness , stimulating potential demand and encouraging product trial .

  2. 收入结构、产品认知、群体诱导和广告宣传因素是影响消费者非理性消费行为的关键因素。

    Revenue structure , product awareness , group induction and advertisement are the key factors of non-rationality consumer behavior .

  3. 车间管理,质量控制,产品认知培训。

    Workshop management , quality control , product familiarity training .

  4. 社交媒体在顾客从产品认知到考虑购买的转化过程中同样起着重要的作用。

    Social also plays a key role in moving consumers from awareness to consideration .

  5. 色彩是人类的第一视觉,在消费者对产品认知过程中承担着传递信息的重要媒介作用。

    Color is " the first vision " of human , and it has the important media function of transmitting information in the process of consumer 's cognizing products .

  6. 感官评定技术是一种通过人的视觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉和听觉的反应而对产品认知、测量、分析和解释的一种科学方法。

    Sensory assessing technology is a science method to evoke , measure , analyze and explain products , according to response through vision , scent , feeling , taste and hearing .

  7. 国家形象理论的诞生距今已有40多年的历史,其间产生了大量的理论文献和实证研究,各国学者均认同来源国形象在消费者产品认知过程和购买决策过程中具有重要的作用。

    There are a lot of literatures and research on the theory of CI ( Country Image ) during recent 40 years . Analysts from different countries all agree with the importance of CI conducted in the process of buying .

  8. 品牌资产包括许多方面的内容,比如产品认知、产品忠诚、产品体现的品质、产品联想等,这些都是与品牌内涵联系在一起的。

    From the perspective of business management , brand equity is a series of property , including brand awareness , brand loyalty , brand quality , brand imagination , etc. , these are all about brand name and logo linked .

  9. 以西北农林科技大学北校区大学生为调查对象,通过随机抽样问卷调查,得出大学生对葡萄酒产品认知及消费倾向如下:①大学生对葡萄酒产品基本知识了解较少;

    The students in Northwest A F Science Technology University had accepted random sampling questionnaire survey and their recognition and consumption propensity of grape wine products were summed up as follows : ① most university students knew little about the basic knowledge of grape wine products ;

  10. 产品知识认知程度对初始激活域的影响研究

    The Effects of Product Knowledge Recognition on Initial Evoked Set

  11. 这个关系是受众对产品的认知。

    The relation between the product and the accepter can be called the cognition .

  12. 基于特征匹配的产品风格认知方法

    Product Style Recognition Based on Feature Matching

  13. 产品意象认知模型阐明了消费者情感需求与产品造型之间的关系。

    Product image cognitive model clarifier the relation between customers ' emotional needs and product form .

  14. 后者则深入探讨了消费者对产品的认知效果与广告媒介传达的贴切程度。

    The latter has discussed the consumer thoroughly to the product cognition effect and the advertising media transmission appropriate degree .

  15. 大学生对葡萄酒产品的认知状况及消费倾向&以西北农林科技大学北校区为例

    Recognition and Consumption Propensity of Grape Wine Products Among University Students Northwest A F Science Technology University as Survey Objective

  16. 或者监控类似的资源以度量新的市场推广如何影响产品的认知程度。

    Or you could monitor similar resources to measure how a new marketing campaign has changed the perception on a product .

  17. 文章结论:A公司油气田业务主要客户对产品的认知价值主要体现在质量、价格、服务水平上;

    The conclusion of this text is that the key customer of A company regard quality , price and service as high value ;

  18. 品牌是消费者对产品的认知,它是企业、产品和购买者之间关系的载体。

    Brand means how the consumer cognize the enterprises and its products , it is the relationship between enterprises , products and buyers carriers .

  19. 银行贴现资格将直接影响客户对产品的认知&制造商Y公司的产品将被作为高品质产品而得到认可。

    Bankability will cause a sudden effect on the clients perception of the product-the producer ′ s products will be considered as high quality .

  20. 利用计量经济的研究方法,分析消费者对无公害农产品的认知及行为。

    With the econometrics , the cognition and behavior of consumers to the safe agro-food were investigated , and many useful results were obtained in this research .

  21. 实际上,包括他们在内的几乎所有涉足无线领域的厂商,从内心还是期待用户能够尽快提高对无线产品的认知,排除掉内心的疑虑。

    Actually , all manufacturers that get involved in the wireless area almost expect that the users could enhance the awareness of wireless products to eliminate their doubts .

  22. 接下来介绍了消费者购买行为模式以及消费者效用的相关知识,引入并详细介绍了消费者性能偏好系数和消费者产品性能认知函数两个概念;

    Then , the thesis introduce the buying form of the consumer , give two concepts : the coefficient of consumer capability and the function of consumer product cognizing ;

  23. 已有的研究文献表明,消费者对产品的认知程度、购物环境、社会经济因素以及消费者的个体特征是影响消费者购买意愿的重要因素。

    The existing literatures show that the important factors that affect purchase intention are the cognition degree of products , shopping environment , social economic factors and consumers ' characteristics .

  24. 在对无形“的产品的认知过程中,拟物化的图形界面设计带给了人们更多的真实体验,拟物化的过程即为从实体空间到无形”虚拟空间的映射过程。

    In the cognitive process of the intangible product , quasi-physical design brings people more real-life experience , fitting for physical process is from physical Spaces to " intangible " virtual space mapping process .

  25. 在第四部分:介绍了基于塑料产品意象认知模型的图像检索系统的设计与实现,包括产品信息采集和产品意象检索两个子系统,并给出了实例验证。

    In the 4th part , the design and implementation of the plastic image recognition model based image retrieval system is introduced , including product information extraction and image retrieval subsystem . Then verification is presented .

  26. 如果可以这样比喻的话,习语的构成词就像原料,习语义就像产品,认知机制就像把原料加工成产品的机器。

    To put it in a metaphorical way , constituent words of idioms are like raw material , and figurative meanings of idioms products , then , cognitive mechanisms are like the machine which makes the raw material into product .

  27. 在文章的最后,作者就如何提升学生家长对工业旅游产品的认知,以及提高他们对子女参加工业旅游活动意义的认识,提出了相应的对策建议。

    In the last section of the article the author gives his ideas on how to enhance the parents ' perception of the product of industrial tourism and their recognition of the benefits arising from their children 's participation in the industrial tourist activity .

  28. 通过分析计算机辅助工业设计现状和产品型态认知理论,提出以感性工学的观点探讨构建计算机辅助造型设计支持系统的方法。

    After the state of Computer Aided Industrial Design ( CAID ) and the cognition theory of product kansei image are analyzed , this paper aims to explore the issue related to the construction method for styling design support system based on Kansei Engineering theory .

  29. 绿色产品概念的认知测度和绿色营销策略建议

    Cognition Measure of Green Products Conception and Green Marketing Strategic Suggestions

  30. 产品用户界面认知与传达研究

    The Research Based on Product User Interface Cognition and Communication