
  • 网络conceptual design;Concept Design;product concept design
  1. 质量功能配置(QFD)对满足用户需求的产品概念设计提供了一种切实可行的方法。

    QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) provides an effective method for product concept design to meet requirements of customers .

  2. 反求工程(RE)和快速成型技术(RP)作为敏捷制造技术的重要分支,在产品概念设计与复杂设计中担任着重要角色。

    Reverse engineering and rapid prototyping as the important branches of agile manufacturing ( AM ), which play critical roles of product concept design and complex design .

  3. 机械产品概念设计&智能CAD中的关键技术

    The conceptual design of mechanical products key technique in intellectual CAD

  4. 基于Petri网仿真的产品概念设计效率分析

    Efficiency Analysis of Product Conceptual Design Based on Petri Nets Simulation

  5. 基于Petri网的机电产品概念设计模型研究

    Research on Conceptual Design Modeling of Mechatronic Products Based on Petri Net

  6. 基于RBF神经网络的产品概念设计方案评价

    Product conceptual design schemes evaluation based on RBF neural network

  7. 针对复杂产品概念设计知识的特点,应用XML技术,提出一种新的面向对象案例知识表示方法。

    A new object oriented approach using XML to represent case knowledge is proposed according to the features of complex products .

  8. CPC环境下产品概念设计集成知识模型的研究

    Study on Integrated Knowledge Model of Product Conceptual Design in CPC Environment

  9. 在公理化设计(Axiomaticdesign)理论的基础上,研究了机械产品概念设计方案生成的几个关键技术。

    On the basis of Axiomatic design ( AD ) theory , several key techniques for generating conceptual design schemes of mechanical products are studied .

  10. 基于QFD的产品概念设计系统的研究

    Study on the System of Product Conceptual Design Supported with QFD

  11. 讨论了基于Web数据挖掘技术对机械产品概念设计的支持。用Java实现网页上数据挖掘并将结果存入数据库;

    Discusses the data mining on Web support the computer aided conceptual design system and course of the data mining base on Web by Java and stores the results into database .

  12. 以复杂产品概念设计为应用研究背景,论述了如何在Java环境下进行CBR(Case-BasedReasoning)工具的研究、设计与开发。

    Introducing the research and development CBR ( Case-Based Reasoning ) tools by using Java language at the background of conceptual design of complex products .

  13. 本文旨在研究绿色模块化设计(GreenModularDesign,简称GMD)技术与方法及其在产品概念设计(PCD)中的应用。

    This dissertation aims at the study of the technology and method of the Modular Green Design ( MGD ) and its application in PCD .

  14. 概念设计方案实例的知识表达关键是将CBR应用于产品概念设计。

    The knowledge expression of scheme case in conceptual design is the key for applying CBR to product 's conceptual design .

  15. 另一方面提出面向CIMS的CAD的和谐化智能化研制思想,开发了和谐化智能化计算机辅助陶瓷产品概念设计系统。

    On the other hand intelligentized and modelling idea for developing of CIMS-oriented CAD is proposed , and harmonious and intelligentized computer aided conceptual design system for china products is developed .

  16. 介绍了液压支架的集成智能CAD系统,引入设计型专家系统解决产品概念设计以及从概念设计到结构设计的映射。

    お? The paper describes an integrated intelligent CAD system of hydraulic supports . The authors introduces the design expert system into the CAD system to solve the problems of conceptual design and the mapping between the conceptual and structural design .

  17. 预计基于这些模型开发的ICAD系统,能支持产品概念设计。

    This paper foresees that developed ICAD based on the model and the reasoning can support product concept design .

  18. 在大规模定制(MC)模式下,利用可拓方法给出了敏捷产品概念设计的一种物元可拓模型,讨论了其创造性思维的一般规律及开拓的方向和途径。

    In system of mass customization , the extension method is used and a matter-element extension model of agile product conception is set up . The general rules of creative thinking and its extension ways are discussed .

  19. 基于改进Freeman-Newell模型的机械产品概念设计过程研究

    Research on process of mechanical product conceptual design based on improved freeman-newell model

  20. 最后,开发实现了面向产品概念设计的专利地图系统GIST,并给出锁、塑料凳等产品的专利地图实例。

    A visualization and interaction structure was set up based on Flex technology . Finally , the patent mapping system for conceptual design was developed , named GIST ( GIS for patent ) . And some practical examples were presented such as lock and plastic stool .

  21. 指出产品概念设计包含设计早期的功能、原理、形状、布局和结构设计等内容,阐明计算机辅助概念设计(computeraidedconceptualde-sign,CACD)的内涵。

    Product conceptual design includes the function , principle , shape , layout and structure design during early product design phases . The paper illustrates the fundamental connotation of Computer Aided Conceptual Design ( CACD ) .

  22. TRIZ创造性问题解决理论可以有力支持产品概念设计过程,通过对技术进化规律的研究,可以拟定产品未来概念,有助于发现现有产品的问题;

    The theory of Inventive Problem Solving ( TRIZ ) can support product conceptual design process powerfully . We can draft the future concept of product by researching the laws of Technology Evolution , and it is beneficial to discover the problem of current product ;

  23. 机电产品概念设计支持系统的研究

    The Studies on the Concept Design Sustaining System of Electromechanical Products

  24. 多工具集成支持的产品概念设计方案评价与选择决策

    Evaluation and Selection of Conceptual Design Schemes Supported by Multi-tool Integration

  25. 基于知识的机械产品概念设计启发式求解

    A Knowledge-based Heuristic Approach to the Conceptual Design of Mechanical Products

  26. 复杂产品概念设计多学科过程建模方法研究

    Research on multi-disciplinary process modeling of conceptual design for complex product

  27. 基于数据挖掘工具的机械产品概念设计研究

    Research of Mechanical Product Conceptual Design Based on Data Mining Tool

  28. 基于本体映射的产品概念设计方案生成新方法

    New product conceptual design scheme generation method based on ontology mapping

  29. 技术进化驱动的产品概念设计宏观过程模型

    Macro Process Model for Product Conceptual Design Driven by Technological Evolution

  30. 机械产品概念设计的方案生成过程模型与决策

    Scheme Generating Process Modeling and Decision-Making for Mechanical Product Conceptual Design