
  • 网络product prototype;working prototype
  1. 本文结合领域工程相关知识,对构件体系结构及构件可复用性进行了研究,并设计和实现了一个柔性ERP平台产品原型。

    This paper studies the software architecture , reusability of component , designed and implemented a flexible ERP platform prototype .

  2. Tempo利用健身房内的举重评估装置SmartSpot健身镜来收集数据,历经很长时间才制作出了产品原型。

    While collecting data from its SmartSpot in-gym weight lifting assessment device , Tempo survived long enough to build this prototype .

  3. 由于CAD技术的快速发展,人们可以直接获得零件设计的3D数据,能将在计算机上设计的图形迅速、准确地变成具体的产品原型或直接制造成零件。

    Because of the rapid development of CAD technology , we can directly acquire 3D data of part designing , and convert the graphics designed on the computer to concrete products prototype or direct part quickly and accurately .

  4. 关于样品呢?我能不能寄一个产品原型?

    How about a sample . Can I send a prototype ?

  5. 一种RE/RP集成的工艺产品原型快速开发方法

    The RE / RP Integrated Prototype Rapid Development for Art Products

  6. 即以此拍摄条件作为反求产品原型尺寸的已知参数。

    Let this shooting conditions as Reverse known parameters of the prototype .

  7. 评估过程亦被加以应用于创造出具有功能性的产品原型。

    The evaluation process will then be applied to creating functioning product prototypes .

  8. 我们因为一些原因构建产品原型,这些原因绝大多数出于成本的考虑。

    We build prototypes for several reasons , all of which largely boil down to cost .

  9. 本课程将介绍产品原型技术与方法辅助在产品设计过程中产品测试与评估阶段。

    The course will introduce prototyping techniques and approaches for objective evaluation as part of the design process .

  10. 第三,该公司所显示的产品原型照片和实际产品看起来会有所不同。

    And third , the company is probably showing photos of prototypes and the real thing will look different .

  11. 且产品原型贡献阈值受合作双方吸收能力、得益分配、合作时间等因素影响。

    Moreover , the threshold value is influenced by absorptive capacity , benefits share , cooperative time and other factors .

  12. 我们的努力不仅创造了一些产品原型,也促成了一些交互式多媒体艺术作品和展览。

    Sometimes our efforts result in a product prototype , other times they result in interactive art pieces or performances .

  13. 该产品原型是一个必要的因素,您的最终分配将不会被标记如果没有提交。

    The prototype is a required element , and your final assignment will not be marked if it is not submitted .

  14. 学生在课程中将报告阅读心得、学习原型技巧、创作一个产品原型以及完成一份学术报告。

    Students in the class will present readings , learn prototyping skills , create a product prototype , and complete a publication style paper .

  15. 对于一种专利技术(安全保护计时器),详细介绍其电路结构及工作原理,简要介绍使用该保护计时器的优点,并给出该专利技术的产品原型实例。

    A patented security timer is introduced in this essay , illustrating its circlets , working principle , advantages , and at last , the prototypes .

  16. 实验室的企业赞助者受邀到实验室认识这些产品原型,并讨究是否有销售市场及量产能力。

    Lab sponsor firms are then invited in to look at the prototypes and see if they can identify links to their own markets and production capabilities .

  17. 快速原型制造技术可以快速制出产品原型和相应的模具,缩短产品生产研制周期。

    The rapid prototype manufacturing ( RPM ) technology can produce the prototype and corresponding mould fast , and shorten the producing and developing period of the products .

  18. 纤维增强硅酸钙复合实心轻质隔墙条板是在引进澳大利亚产品原型的基础上自主研发的,各项性能指标得到了全面的提升。

    Fiber reinforced calcium silicate board compound with light solid partition board was developed under the introduction of Australian antitype product , its performance index was improved also .

  19. 你有可能会将自己的研究假设在一幅草图中进行视觉化,或者建造一个产品原型来详细地推敲某个主要设想。

    You might try to visualize your research hypothesis in a sketch , or build a prototype to have a detailed view on one of your main assumptions .

  20. 文章给出了产品原型的定义和分类,指出了在概念设计阶段计算机上关于产品的可视化形象是产品虚拟原型。

    The paper gives definition and sort of product prototype , and points out that visual behavior of product in computer is product visualization prototype during the process of conceptual design .

  21. 媒体实验室有许多有极富创意的人材(有些是尖端使用者),这些人因兴趣及需要,建立了许多构想及具潜力的产品原型。

    The Media Lab houses very creative people ( some of them leading-edge users ) who build prototypes of new ideas and potential products based upon their own interests and needs .

  22. 布局模板是原型特征装配的结果,它以草图形式描述方案设计的产品原型特征组成及其整体布局形式。

    And layout module results from the " assemblies " of prototype features and describes the composition of prototype features and their global layout of product in the form of sketch .

  23. 介绍粉煤灰挤塑泡沫复合砌块产品原型构造及热工性能表现,分析其传热过程特点及作为保温材料存在的缺陷。

    The formation and thermal performance about the prototype of pulverized-coal-ash & extruded-foamed-plastic composite masonry unit are introduced , which characteristics in heat transfer processing and the drawbacks as a thermal insulation material are analysed .

  24. 选择图像灭点法初步确定照片拍摄初始条件,再根据透视原理应用量点法反求产品原型尺寸,并进行三维造型。

    Select the image vanishing point method initially identified the photo shoot initial conditions , then according to the perspective principle , and reverse the prototype size using mass point method , and make the three-dimensional modeling .

  25. 反向工程是指针对已有产品原型,消化吸收和挖掘蕴含其中的涉及产品设计、制造和管理等各个方面的一系列分析方法、手段和技术的综合。

    Reverse engineering is a series of methods , means and technology integrated that for the Prototype has been , digestion , absorption and related mining products which contain the design , manufacture and management of all aspects .

  26. 在此部分,本文建立了保险客户模型、保险客户需求模型,以此来使设计的保险产品原型能最大可能的满足保险客户。

    In this section , we established the model of insurance customers , and the demand model of insurance customers , in order to make the design of insurance products meet the need of insurance customers as greatly as possible .

  27. 作为一个产品原型,该系统可向客户展示本系统的主要功能,并希望通过其来帮助减轻交通管理部门的负担,促进和帮助改善城市交通状况。

    As a product prototype for the customer , the system can display main functions of the product . Hope the system can help traffic management to relieve their burden , promote and improve the traffic situation of our city .

  28. 他说:我们可以制作产品原型,可以帮助他们找到客户,可以保证他们有充足的资本,甚至可以在他们发展美国市场的同时,帮助他们发展亚洲市场。

    We can create prototypes , we can help them find clients , we can ensure they have sufficient capital and we can even help them develop markets in Asia as they develop their market in the US , he said .

  29. 并以手动压力机和洗衣机为例,详细介绍了产品原型的反求过程及产品功能表面扩展,验证了本文理论研究与技术实施的正确性和实用性。

    With examples of hand-lever press and washing machine , the recovery process of the product prototype and the product functional surface expansion are illustrated in details . The correctness and rationality of the theory research and implementation of technology is validated .

  30. Internet的产品快速原型制造过程建模

    Internet-Based Process Modeling for Rapid Prototyping Manufacture of Product