
chǎn quán zhènɡ shū
  • Certificate of title;muniment of title;title document
  1. 他有此财产的有效产权证书。

    He have a good title to the property .

  2. 就可以取代之前收到的那份产权证书。

    Certified copy of certificate of title .

  3. 当然,还应规定,停车位所有权须办理产权证书,流转时须经登记。

    Further , it comes natural to stipulate that owners shall be issued ownership certificates while circulation is based on registration .

  4. 而证券市场是各类金融契约的集合,是通过产权证书的交易以实现产权的合理配置及有效选用的交易规则或者制度安排。

    As the congregation of various financial contracts , securities market allocates rationally property rights and chooses efficiently the dealing rules or system by the exchange of certificate of property rights .

  5. 虽然涉案房屋暂时不具备办理房权证的条件,但房屋买卖合同是有效的,购房人的合同权利存在,购房人有依据合同约定要求卖房人为其办理房屋产权证书的权利。

    Although the room without conditions for authorized , the contract of sale of house is valid , and the contract right exists , the buyer could request the certificate for the housing property according to contract .

  6. 离婚诉讼中,按揭房产的归属与分割问题已逐渐成为夫妻财产分割的难点和热点,尤其是婚前出资按揭购买,离婚时已取得房屋产权证书的按揭房产,权属争议相对较多。

    Among divorce cases , the mortgage real estate ownership and the division of marital property are difficult and popular points , especially in such cases when the divorced couple have got property ownership certificate of the premarital mortgage purchased house .

  7. 新颖的设计立刻获得了国家知识产权局的高度认可,并颁发了多个自主知识产权证书。

    In no time , the National Bureau of Intellectual Property granted several patent certificates for this new design .

  8. 这样,在办理完产权过户手续后,购买人所得到的就是普通商品房的产权证书,再次交易的时候,就无需交纳土地出让金了。

    Such , after dealing with formalities of property right change the name of owner in a register , buying what person earning arrives is the property right certificate of general goods room , when trading again , need not hand in gold of land sell one 's own things .