
  • 网络Master Brand;main brand
  1. 信息满足服务是指,广告主利用品牌的几个核心网络空间,通过传递广告信息和商务互动等行为,满足消费者信息搜索需求。

    Information satisfaction service means that advertisers satisfy consumer s needs of information searching through transmitting advertising information and business interaction by using its own brand core network space .

  2. 这是给企业主参加的品牌研讨会,讲如何搞清自己品牌的定位,并做好准备等待机遇之窗的到来。

    It 's a branding seminar for business owners to define who they are and get them primed and ready for their window of opportunity .

  3. 与格里芬和巴辛不同的是,弗莱梅尔属于这样一个越来越壮大的影响力群体,他们在经营博客的同时还推销博主本身的品牌。

    Unlike MS Griffin and MS basine , MS framel is one of a growing group of influencers who are marketing the brand of the blogger as well as the blog .

  4. 文章最后讨论了以信息获取为标准进行行为细分的可能性,并试图提出超越管理的新的广告主策略:建立品牌自己的信息资源。

    The paper ends with a discussion of the possibility behavioral segmentation and targeting using the criteria of information search and proposes a new advertiser strategy beyond " management " build the information resource of your own brand .