
  • 网络Principal Components;Principal Component Analysis;pCa;Principle Component Analysis
  1. 主成分分析法将测量数据空间划分为主成分子空间(PCS)和残差子空间(RS)。

    PCA approach partitions the measurement space into principal component subspace ( PCS ) and residual subspace ( RS ) .

  2. 然后再将改进后的主成分分析法和Fisher线性判别分析方法组合起来进行人脸识别,在ORL人脸数据库上进行了实验,识别率得到了明显提高。

    Then combines the improved PCA and Fisher linear discrimination to recognize human face . We experimented on ORL face database , the experimental result proves that recognition ratio is higher evidently .

  3. 基于主成分分析法的Web页面推荐算法

    The Web Page Recommend Algorithm based on Principal Component Analysis

  4. 基于主成分分析法和BP神经网络的电力客户信用评价

    Evaluation on the Electricity Customers ' Credit Based on PCA and BP Neural Network

  5. 最后运用主成分分析法和Logistic回归的方法构建财务预警模型。

    Finally uses principal component analysis and Logistic regression model to construct financial warning model .

  6. 分别采用主成分分析法和BP人工神经网络法对安徽省17个市2008年生态市建设状况进行了综合评价。

    The eco-city construction of seventeen cities of Anhui has been evaluated by the principal component analysis method and BP-ANN in 2005 .

  7. 对四种植物的光谱数据采用十种预处理方法,并利用主成分分析法(PCA)对光谱数据进行降维处理。

    Ten types of spectral data pretreatment methods were used to pretreat the spectral data .

  8. 主成分分析法和Fisher判别方法在汽油分类分析过程中的应用

    Application of principal component analysis and Fisher discrimination method in the classification of gasoline

  9. 由于聚类分析方法只能进行面条类别的划分,不能对面条品质进行定性描述,所以本文结合主成分分析法(PCA)和感官评价方法,对聚类分析的结果进行了对比分析。

    Clustering analysis only can give a qualitative description of noodles quality but only a partition of the noodles .

  10. GC-MS及主成分分析法用于咖啡香精的指纹图谱分析和微差样品的识别

    Fingerprint analysis of coffee flavor with GC-MS and principal component analysis and differentiation of little difference samples

  11. 前处理过程是对BP神经网络的输入变量采用主成分分析法进行预处理,确定主要的影响因素,解决了神经网络训练时输入变量过多造成的效率下降问题;

    The principal component analysis was used as the preprocessing to select principal components from the input variables , which numbers are too large to deal with .

  12. 主要运用Pearson相关系数法和主成分分析法(PCA)。

    The statistical analysis methods of Pearson correlation coefficient and Principal component analysis ( PCA ) were applied .

  13. 利用主成分分析法对物流供应商进行评价,对其进行了理论分析和实证分析,在实证分析部分分别采用主成分分析法和TOPSIS分析法对物流供应商做出评价。

    Principal Component Analysis method and TOPSIS method are adopted respectively in the case study part .

  14. 本文提出了用主成分分析法(PCA)进行空调系统传感器故障检测与诊断的基本思想。

    This thesis presents principal component analysis ( PCA ) approach for sensor fault detection , identification and reconstruction in HVAC system .

  15. 研究方法:主成分分析法。利用主元相关变量残差统计量代替平方预测误差Q统计量,并采用累积方差贡献率及复相关系数确定PCA模型的主元数。

    Method of principal components was employed . The principal components in PCA is decided by virtue of ( cumulative ) percent variance and multi-correlation coefficients .

  16. 本文首次提出了利用绿色GDP综合指数来衡量我国的可持续发展并且利用主成分分析法建立了相应公式。

    This article examines the comprehension index of Green GDP in China , which is helpful to improve the study of the calculation system of Green GDP in China .

  17. 用主成分分析法选取了最能代表西湖水质状况的7号点(湖心)作为研究对象,并用该方法筛选了部分水质参数,作为BP网络的输入变量。

    Selecting spot 7 which can most represent the water quality status of it as study object and filtrating the water quality parameters as the inputs for network by principal component analysis .

  18. 利用主成分分析法,得出泰安市耕地减少的四大驱动因子:农民人均住房面积、第一产业GDP、非农业人口和公路里程。

    The results showed that peasantry average house area , the first industry GDP , nonagricultural population and highway mileage are the four main factors of reducing cultivated land in Tai'an .

  19. 在此基础上,从商业银行的治理机构和财务方面建立治理风险的指标体系,并运用主成分分析法筛选指标,构建Logistic预警模型。

    On this basis , this article established the index system of bank corporate governance risk , and used the principal components analysis and logistic regression model to warning the risks .

  20. 基于主成分分析法的高校EHR系统

    University EHR System Based on Main Component Analysis

  21. 在上述基础上,应用SPSS数学统计中的主成分分析法,对上海新市镇的发展水平进行了测评和分析,将新市镇发展水平分为三个等级。

    Based on the above-mentioned research , the present paper evaluates and analyzes the development of Shanghai new towns by applying the principal component analysis in SPSS mathematical statistics .

  22. 磨粒颜色与磨粒组成成分有很大的关联,本文使用主成分分析法在HSI色度空间上判断磨粒颜色,通过磨粒颜色分布确定磨粒组成成分。

    The primary component analysis was applied to the wear particle HSI color parameters to judge the composition of the wear debris .

  23. 根据供电企业的特点,建立了适用于评价供电企业营销效果的指标体系,综合运用主成分分析法和BP神经网络方法建立模型,对供电企业的营销效果进行了模拟综合评价。

    According to the characteristics of electric power supply enterprise , the authors present a indexes system . Based on principal component analysis and BP neural network the marketing fruit of electric power supply enterprise is assessed .

  24. 最后,本文应用数理统计学中的主成分分析法,运用SPSS软件,对影响中国养老保险基金缺口的各种因素进行统计分析。

    At last , this thesis applies principal component analysis method of statistics and the SPSS software to analyze the factors which influence the IPD and the pension fund gap .

  25. 以不良贷款率作为信用风险衡量标准,尝试构造商业银行信用风险评估的Logit模型,并结合t检验和主成分分析法对模型进行实证分析。

    This paper uses non-performed loan rate to measure credit risks of commercial banks , and constructs the Logit model for credit risk evaluation .

  26. 方法:采用直接测定法测得了样品的FTIR,并结合主成分分析法进行排序比较。

    Method : Using fourier transform infrared spectrometer to record the characteristic spectra of eleven samples of Dendrobium , and to compare the spectra by PCA ( principal component analysis ) .

  27. 应用主成分分析法,结合加权TOPSIS法进行综合评价充分利用原始数据,不损失原指标的信息,更具科学性、真实性。

    Using principal component analysis and combining weighted TOPSIS in systematical evaluation is more scientific and authentic as they take full advantage of the original source .

  28. 目的应用主成分分析法对我院1999&2005年的医疗质量进行综合评价。方法选取具有代表性的医院工作效率、工作质量指标共7项,在SAS软件支持下得出综合评分,评价医院医疗质量。

    Objective To use the Principal Component Analysis to evaluate the composite medical quality in a hospital from 1999 to 2005.Methods We chose seven typical aspects such as work efficiency , work quantity etc.

  29. 对预处理后图像从颜色、形状、纹理三个方面进行特征提取,初步提取了49个特征值,然后用PCA(主成分分析法)筛选出具有代表性的32个特征参数。

    Primarily extracted 49 characteristic values from color , geometry shape and monochrome statistic on processed images , the picked out 32 typical characteristic values resorting to PCA ( principal component analysis ) . 4 .

  30. 利用主成分分析法提取了主成分,以提取的主成分作为数据源采用模糊c-均值聚类算法(FCM)来划分土壤养分管理分区,为实现烟区土壤养分的精准管理奠定了基础。

    Taking the principal components as data source , the management zones were divided through fuzzy c-means cluster algorithm , which provided basis for the site-specific management of soil nutrients in this area .