
  • themed restaurant
  1. 爱祖莲娜:你们是不是去了那间黑手党主题餐厅?

    Adriana : Didn 't you go to that Mafia themed restaurant ?

  2. 周星驰电影主题餐厅的内部

    Inside the Stephen Chow movie-themed restaurant .

  3. 泛亚主题餐厅精彩的现场烹饪展示了厨师精湛的厨艺。

    Open kitchen in Asian Delights shows the live demonstration of culinary skill of hotel 's chef .

  4. 诺维科夫先生说他正在筹备一家新的苏联怀旧主题餐厅,搭配怀旧的菜式及餐间舞。

    Mr Novikov says he is planning a new retro-soviet restaurant , with a retro-menu and mid-meal dancing .

  5. 钻石餐饮集团在日本共开设了六家爱丽丝漫游奇境主题餐厅,快来掉到这里的兔子洞吧。

    Fall down the rabbit hole at one of Diamond Dining 's six Alice in Wonderland-themed venues throughout Japan .

  6. 共有19间主题餐厅包房,分为商务包院型、高尔夫景观型及湖景型。

    The restaurant is consist of19 private dining rooms designed in3 styles : suites , golf view and lake view .

  7. 他说,战争主题餐厅是一个新创意,但与黎巴嫩近代战乱的历史无关。

    He said the war theme was a novel concept that has nothing to do with Lebanon 's recent history .

  8. 打造海洋主题餐厅,以一流的海鲜品质和主题文化的完美融合,形成连云港最具吸引力最具特色的海鲜餐饮餐厅。

    The sea restaurant harmonized with first-class seafood and ocean theme culture will be the unique seafood restaurant with best attraction in the city .

  9. 于山顶出席鸡尾酒会,晚上前往主题餐厅享用欢迎晚宴,然后前往兰桂坊或诺士佛台,玩乐遣兴。

    Cocktail at the peak then a welcome dinner at a theme restaurant followed by a night out at Lan Kwai Fong or Knutsford terrace .

  10. 主题餐厅&建筑及装修由意大利设计师设计,从整体到细节完美体现意大利托斯卡纳风格。

    Theme restaurants-the construction and renovation designed by the Italian designer , from the perfect embodiment of the whole to the details of the Tuscan style .

  11. 英国首家过山车主题餐厅将于下周在奥尔顿塔乐园开业。这家英国主题乐园迎合了肾上腺素上瘾者的胃口。

    England 's first Rollercoaster Restaurant is set to open next week at Alton Towers Resort , a British theme park that caters to adrenaline junkies .

  12. 第一家“便所”主题餐厅创办于2004年,创始人王子伟的灵感来自一个日本漫画。“便所”餐厅的菜单和酒水单全都围绕着“厕所”这一主题。

    Owner Wang Tzi-wei opened his first Modern Toilet in2004 after being inspired by a Japanese cartoon and the toilet themes run through the food and drinks menus .

  13. 这家以角色扮演为特色的新主题餐厅采用亮紫色为装修主色调,女招待都穿着法国女仆的服装,并称呼顾客为“主人”。

    The new themed , or " cosplay ", restaurant had striking purple decor and waitresses in French maid outfits who greeted customers by calling them " master " .

  14. 这家餐厅的管理层认为,“便所”餐厅受到追捧,说明创意餐饮深受台北人喜爱。除厕所餐厅外,台北还有监狱、医院等主题餐厅。

    Managers of the restaurant say the restaurant 's popularity shows that Taipei customers , who have a choice of theme-eateries that resemble jailhouses and hospitals , appreciate creative dining .

  15. 最后,根据研究结论,分别从主题餐厅顾客体验价值设计、顾客体验价值生成和主题餐厅顾客体验价值维持三个方面,对主题餐厅顾客的体验价值管理提出了对策与建议。

    In the last place , this thesis presents some conclusions and advices of managing Customer Experience Value from the following aspects : Designing Customer Experience Value , Forming and Maintaining Customer Experience Value .

  16. 主题餐厅成功的秘诀在于主题的文化设计,文化性是主题餐厅的核心本质,差异性来自于文化,是文化性的外在特征。

    Theme restaurants secret of success is the theme of culture design , culture is the core essence of the theme restaurants , the difference from the culture , the external features of the cultural .

  17. 进门之前要在看门人耳边低声说出你的暗号,你才能进入这家标着国际出口有限公司的大门,这家间谍主题餐厅创办于1966年。

    You 'll need to whisper the secret code into the ear of the doorman to enter International Exports Ltd. , the fake front of this spy-themed Milwaukee restaurant that has been open since 1966 .

  18. 相对于其他餐饮企业,主题餐厅的顾客更加追求顾客体验价值的实现。因此,顾客体验价值的管理,就成为主题餐厅经营能否成功的关键问题。

    Compared with other forms of enterprises in Restaurant Industry , Themed Restaurants need to take more measures to maximize Customer Experience Value , therefore , how to manage Customer Experience Value has become an important problem to them .

  19. 这家航空主题餐厅在12月份开业时场面十分混乱,印度媒体声称这家餐厅没有完全消除火灾隐患,此外还有报道称飞机的机翼伸到了卢迪亚纳·费洛兹堡的国际高速上。

    The aviation-themed eatery had a turbulent opening in December , with Indian news outlets alleging that it didn 't have adequate fire safety clearances and there were reports that the wings of the plane jutted out into Ludhiana-Ferozepur national highway .

  20. 在香港电影导演周星驰最近的电影《美人鱼》于周日以27亿人民币(4.14亿美元)登顶票房冠军的同时,一家周星驰电影主题餐厅也随之开张,在上海市民中间反响强烈。

    While Hong Kong film director Stephen Chow 's latest movie Mermaid has topped the box office with takings of 2.7 billion yuan ( $ 414 million ) on Sunday , a Stephen Chow movie-themed restaurant opened recently has also became a hit among residents of Shanghai .

  21. 主题餐厅的出现恰好满足了大众的消费需求,它不仅满足了人们的饮食需求,更重要的是满足了人们日益提高的文化、精神、健康、个性、体现价值的消费需求。

    The emergence of the theme restaurants just to satisfy the needs of mass consumption , it not only meets the dietary needs of people and , more importantly , to meet the increasing culture , spiritual , health , personality , and reflect the value of consumer demand .

  22. 在美国有几个奇怪和独特的麦当劳店,包括在俄亥俄州独立区的一个殖民主题餐厅,密苏里州的圣路易斯市的密西西比河上的一个水上船餐厅,和时代广场中央的有着一个闪亮的金色拱门的餐厅。

    There are several strange and unique McDonalds " in the United States , including a colonial-themed locale in Independence , Ohio ; a river boat restaurant on the Mississippi River in St. Louis , Missouri ; and a brightly lit Golden Arches in the middle of Times Square .

  23. 从那以后,他们把冰激凌店发展成一家综合类的主题连锁餐厅,分店遍布台湾。

    Since then , they have developed into a fully-fledged themed chain with branches all over Taiwan .

  24. 一家以喀斯特溶洞为主题的餐厅于10月2日在贵州省贵阳试营业。

    A karst cave-themed restaurant opened for trial operation in Guiyang , Guizhou province on Oct. 2 .

  25. 努力打造主题风味餐厅是促进餐饮业发展,实现规模餐饮经济、构建和谐社会的必然要求。

    It is necessary for us to analyze the quality and function and create and develop such restaurants so as to develop the catering industry , forming large-scale economy and building harmonious society .

  26. 这个主题酒店的餐厅里,装饰有中国风筝,上面还印着《玩具总动员》里的可爱角色,如“啄木鸟伍迪”和“巴斯光年”。

    Inside the hotel 's restaurant , there are Chinese kites featuring the loveable Toy Story characters such as Woody and Buzz Lightyear .

  27. 56岁的莱特曼说:我想打造一个疯狂而不同寻常的旅馆,最好能与附近以铁路为主题的博物馆和餐厅风格一致。

    ' I wanted to make a crazy and unusual stopover that fitted in with the Railway themed museum and restaurant we had established nearby , ' said the 56-year-old .