
xī shì kuài cān
  • western-style fast food
  1. 西式快餐泛滥,特别是在儿童和家庭经常光顾的带空调的商场。

    Western-style fast food is abundant , particularly at the air-conditioned malls frequented by children and families .

  2. 就员工服饰而言,消费者对中式快餐企业的评价低于对西式快餐企业的评价。

    On the evaluation of staff dress , China fast food is under the Western-style fast food .

  3. 大约10%的日本青少年超重。营养学家指出主要原因是对西式快餐越来越依赖。

    About 10 % of Japanese teenagers are overweight . Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food .

  4. 干预组小学生在外就餐频度、饮奶频度、摄食西式快餐频度和早餐食物的种类四种饮食行为干预前后差异具有统计学意义(P均小于0.01)。

    Intervention group students eating out frequency , the frequency of drinking milk , eating Western-style fast-food frequency and types of breakfast food before and after intervention were statistically significant differences ( P0.01 ) .

  5. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)2015年的一项调查结果显示,自2012年以来,汽水和西式快餐的消费量下降了五分之一。

    Results from a 2015 survey by McKinsey show that consumption of fizzy drinks and western fast food has fallen a fifth since 2012 .

  6. 中、西式快餐营养素含量与DRIs比较,结果显示其不尽合理。

    Contrasting with DRIs the nutrient content of both Chinese and Western style fast-food was not reasonable .

  7. 上世纪70年代中后期,麦当劳(McDonald's)、肯德基(KFC)等西式快餐连锁店刚刚在香港站稳脚跟,当时对于它们在中国市场发展前景的讨论我至今记忆犹新。

    In the mid to late 1970s , when Western fast food chains like McDonald 's and KFC were just gaining traction in the Hong Kong market , I recall lively debates about their future potential in China .

  8. [方法]对辖区内销售量较大的中、西式快餐进行调查检测,并用SY-2营养膳食分析软件进行处理分析。

    The Chinese and Western fast-food which had a good sale in our district was surveyed and detected . The data were analyzed by using SY-2 nutrition analysis software .

  9. 西式快餐连锁店在乌鲁木齐市的发展现状

    The Status Quo of Western Fast Food Chain in Urumchi

  10. 随着快餐业的迅猛发展,中式快餐与西式快餐之间的竞争将日趋激烈。

    Chinese snack is in inferior position with the competition of western style .

  11. 中、西式快餐企业品牌形象比较研究

    A Comparative Research on the Fast Food Enterprises Brand Identity of China and Western Style

  12. 广州市中小学生西式快餐消费现状及影响因素分析

    Western pattern fast-food consumption and it 's influencing factors of primary and secondary students in Guang-zhou

  13. 我国7城市中小学生西式快餐消费行为调查

    Study on consumption of western fast food among primary and secondary students in seven cities of China

  14. 你更喜欢西式快餐例如麦当劳和肯德基,还是中式快餐?

    Do you prefer western fast food ( e.g Mcdonald 's and KFC ) or Chinese fast food ?

  15. 自从十年前西式快餐进进直以去,我们的饮食风俗产死了剧变。

    Our eating habits have changed drastically since western fast food was introduced into China ten years ago .

  16. 太阳蛋也叫清煎蛋,是西式快餐中的主要食品。

    Sun egg is also called plain fried egg , which is a main kind of food in Western snacks .

  17. 其次,对西式快餐的优势以及中式快餐的现状进行分析比较。

    Second , the article compares the Chinese fast food with western fast food , according to weakness and strength .

  18. 84%中、西式快餐三大营养素的能量比例不合理。

    The energy proportion from the three main nutrients was unreasonable in about 84 % of Chinese and Western fast-food .

  19. 吃什么,快餐还是点菜?西式快餐和中餐完全不同,人们真的觉得西式快餐好吃吗?

    David : But the food is very different from Chinese food . Do people think it really tastes good ?

  20. 我国四城市儿童少年食用西式快餐频度和肥胖率关系的分析

    Relation between the frequency of fast food consumption and obesity prevalence among children and adolescents living in four cities of China

  21. 中餐连锁快速发展,但同时面临西式快餐的挑战。

    Chinese restaurant and fast food chains are developing well , but they confront the challenge from western fast food chains .

  22. 快餐正逐渐深入人们的生活,然而中国的快餐市场却早已被西式快餐一统天下。

    Snack is getting into people 's life gradually . But the market of Chinese snack has been unified by western style snack .

  23. 台湾新竹市国中生摄取西式快餐行为及其相关因素研究

    Study on the Influence Factors and Status of the Fast-Food Eating Behaviors of the Junior High School Students in Hsinchu County , Taiwan

  24. 儿童营养状况正常与常吃早餐、不挑食偏食,以及不吃腌制食品和西式快餐有关。

    Children 's normal nutrition status was related to having breakfast every day , no food preference and not eating salted food and fast food .

  25. 这家24小时营业的餐厅还提供鱼头咖喱,但不提供任何与麦当劳有关的西式快餐。

    The restaurant , which is open 24 hours a day , also serves fish head curry , but not the western fast food associated with McDonald 's.

  26. 在西式快餐店进餐在中国还相对较贵,因此也能让人知道你是有钱可花的。

    Eating in Western fast-food restaurants , which are relatively expensive in China , is also a way of letting people know that you have money to spend .

  27. 学校餐厅提供多种多样的食物保证学生每天的营养均衡,包括中餐,韩餐和西式快餐等。

    The school canteen provides arrange of options for students , including Chinese , Korean and Western Fast Food are available to ensure balance and variety in meals each day .

  28. 随着西式快餐如麦当、肯得基和比萨饼的出现,“快餐”这个词第一次被引入到汉语中。

    The word fast-food seems to be first introduced into the Chinese language with the coming of Western fast food , such as Macdonald 's , Kentucky Chicken and Pizza Hut .

  29. 中餐连锁发展应克服其存在的障碍,吸取西式快餐连锁的经营管理优势,革新中餐管理模式,并采取强有力的发展对策。

    The development of Chinese fast food chains should get over its shortcomings , absorb the advantage of western fast food chains , reform the management patterns , and adopt effective measures .

  30. 方法用三阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法抽取样本1539个学生-家长对,通过问卷调查的方法收集中小学生西式快餐消费行为的资料。

    Method The study population included 1 539 student parents pairs selected from Guangzhou by using the method of stratified multistate cluster random sampling , and data were collected through questionnaires survey .