
  • 网络uwe;University of the West of England;West of England;University of the West of England, Bristol
  1. 西英格兰大学的研究人员们称,互联网的普及意味着要重新思考雇主所定义的“工作时间”。商界领袖们并没有对此漠不关心。

    Researchers from the University of the West of England say that the spread of internet access requires a rethinking of what employers mean by ' working hours ' . Business leaders were not unsympathetic .

  2. 发电马桶是布里斯托尔的西英格兰大学与乐施会(Oxfam)的研究人员们共同合作取得的成果。

    The urinal is the result of a partnership between researchers at the University of the West of England in Bristol and Oxfam .

  3. 巴斯大学与西英格兰大学(布里斯托尔)和伦敦帝国理工学院联手,用一种叫做PhotoFace的系统对鼻子进行三维扫描。

    The researchers used a system called PhotoFace , developed by researchers at the University of the West of England , Bristol and Imperial College , London , for the3D scans .

  4. 西英格兰大学享有高度的国际知名度。

    The University of the West of England ( UWE ) is proud of its international reputation .

  5. 西英格兰大学的研究人员希望,这项技术最终将会使人们能够在断电时,依然保持通信。

    Researchers at the University of the West of England hope the technology will eventually allow people to stay connected when off-grid .

  6. 西英格兰大学的研究人员调查了5000名火车乘客,他们往返于伦敦到伯明翰与伦敦到艾尔斯伯里两条通勤路线。

    Researchers at the University of West England surveyed 5000 train passengers commuting on the London to Birmingham and London to Aylesbury routes .

  7. 它位于西英格兰大学弗朗蔡学院的学生会附近,研究人员也希望项目完成后会带来巨大商机。

    It is located near the students ' union at the university 's Frenchay campus and researchers will be hoping for brisk business at closing time .

  8. 西英格兰大学每年将拨款1.5万英镑,用于研究影响巧克力口感的遗传因素,巧克力是英国人最喜爱的美食。

    The University of the West of England is offering a 15000 pounds-per-year grant to study the genetic factors that influence the flavor of Britain 's favorite treat .