
xī cān tīnɡ
  • western restaurant;western-style restaurant;western dining room
  1. 罗宾叔叔比萨店是一家双语西餐厅,经营着纯正的美国比萨、意大利美食、美国冰淇淋、美式咖啡和甜点等西方饮食。

    Uncle Robin 's Pizza , located in Yinchuan ( Ningxia , China ) is an authentic western-style restaurant serving pizza , Italian food , homemade ice cream , specialty coffees , and desserts .

  2. 帕奈拉冷饮西餐厅(Panera)营养经理凯蒂·本斯顿(KatieBengston)则表示在菜单上标明卡路里这一变化对生意没有影响,我们没有看到高卡路里食物销售额猛降和低卡路里食物销量猛增。

    Katie Bengston , Panera 's nutrition manager , said menu labeling has not affected its business : We did not notice a jump in sales from higher calorie items to lower calorie items .

  3. 这项规则旨在对此进行改善。帕奈拉冷饮西餐厅(Panera)营养经理凯蒂·本斯顿(KatieBengston)则表示在菜单上标明卡路里这一变化对生意没有影响,“我们没有看到高卡路里食物销售额猛降和低卡路里食物销量猛增”。

    Katie Bengston , Panera 's nutrition manager , said menu labeling has not affected its business : " We did not notice a jump in sales from higher calorie items to lower calorie items . "

  4. 亲爱的顾客朋友,欢迎光临聚缘咖啡西餐厅。

    Dear customers , welcome to our cafe restaurant poly edge .

  5. 酒店设有风格雅致的中、西餐厅。

    There are different styles Chinese and Western restaurants in this hotel .

  6. 我就知道该去丹尼斯连锁西餐厅拍摄。

    I knew we should 've shot at a Denny 's.

  7. 中、西餐厅室内设计中光环境的比较与运用

    Comparison of Light Environment in Interior Design of Chinese and Western Restaurants

  8. 这宾馆里有西餐厅吗?

    Is there a western restaurant here in this hotel ?

  9. 那么我们到西餐厅去换换口味吧。

    Then let 's go to a western restaurant for a change ?

  10. 当我第一次在西餐厅吃饭时,我不知道应怎样做。

    When I first ate in a western restaurant .

  11. 先生,这是您的房间钥匙和房卡,您的房费包括西餐厅的一次早餐。

    And your room rate includes one buffet breakfast in the western restaurant .

  12. 一个传统的欧式菜系的西餐厅,环境优雅而宁静。

    Western restaurant with traditional European cuisine set in an elegant but quiet surrounding .

  13. 全新的食物和红酒理念立即使百域成为哥德堡10家最好的红酒西餐厅之一。

    The new wine and food concept Barrique immediately established as a top10 restaurant .

  14. 在西餐厅里面,你觉得服务生应该穿什么样的?

    In a restaurant , how do you feel the waiters should be dressed ?

  15. 于是,我们今天晚上就带她到她最喜欢去的餐馆&威尼斯西餐厅去吃饭了。

    Then we brought her to her favorite restaurant , Venice Restaurant this evening .

  16. 我们酒店配有中餐厅及西餐厅。

    There are both a Western restaurant and a Chinese restaurant in our hotel .

  17. 试试大饭店里的西餐厅。

    Try western restaurants inside major hotels .

  18. 莫莉:别担心,大多数大饭店最少有两家西餐厅。

    Molly : Don 't fret . Most big hotels have at least two western restaurants .

  19. 我从来没有在西餐厅看过一个炒菜锅或一双筷子。

    I 've never seen a wok or a pair of chopsticks in a Western restaurant .

  20. 此卷只限在酒店西餐厅享用早餐。每卷只限一位客人使用;

    This coupon is valid only at the western restaurants and one coupon for one guest only .

  21. 我们步行来到江汉路大洋百货楼下的“绿茵阁”西餐厅。

    We walk to the downstairs department Jianghan Ocean Road , the " Garden Cafe " restaurant .

  22. 雪莉:辛迪已经在市区新开的一家西餐厅帮我们预定好位置了。

    Shirley : Cindy has reserved a table for us at a newly opened western restaurant downtown .

  23. 凉爽的西餐厅让您品尝各种西式美食,及在傍晚供应自助餐和各式烧烤。

    The Cafe offers fine continental cuisine , buffet and barbecues by the garden in the evening .

  24. 酒店设有中餐厅,咖啡厅(西餐厅),大堂休息室和酒吧。

    Also features a Chinese restaurant , coffee shop ( western restaurant ), lobby lounge and fun bar .

  25. 当你想去西餐厅用餐时,你应该提前预订。

    When you want to eat at a western restaurant , you should first consider making a reservation .

  26. 另外,在一层的大堂吧和红橙西餐厅有免费的无限网络。

    And we provide the free wireless internet in Piano Lounge and Red Orange restaurant on the first floor .

  27. 令人震惊的、新型的、最好理念的西餐厅已经来到大连!我们寻找最好的队伍。

    An exciting new western fine dining concept is coming to town and we are looking for the best !

  28. 有中、西餐厅,高档宴会厅以及设施一流的高级会议厅、多功能厅等,能提供上千人同时用餐和开会。

    The Chinese Restaurant , Western Restaurant , Banquet Hall and Function Hall may hold over a thousand people .

  29. 还有澳洲西餐厅的调酒师登台表演,让沪友们大饱眼福。

    Also , the bartender from an Australian restaurant put on an entertaining demonstration of how to make a cocktail .

  30. 在康帝的意大利西餐厅,近日出现了这样一位神秘人物。

    A fresh face shows up in the Italian restaurant these days who devotes himself to cooking delicious Italian dishes .