
  1. 然而,目前中国的网络订餐服务非常有限制。

    However , such service is very limited in present Chinese market .

  2. 然而,对于提供网络订餐服务的企业来说,如何进行合理的座位预订控制以使企业收益最大化,是企业界和学术界共同关注的话题。

    However , how to make reasonable seat reservations control policy to maximize revenue in online restaurants is a topic of common concern in business and academic circles .

  3. 随着生活节奏的加快,人们对生活质量改善的期待,广大城市工薪阶层的午餐是一个急需解决的问题,由此催生了网络订餐的快餐业在全国的兴起。

    With the quickening pace of life and people look forward to improving the quality of life , the lunch is an urgent problem to the majority of working-class in the urban . Therefore , the industry of fast food ordered online rises rapidly across the country .

  4. 北京最有名的连锁店海底捞想出了一个新的解决办法:客人通过网络或电话订餐,然后送货上门。

    Hai-Di-Lao , the most well known chain in Beijing , has come up with a new solution : home delivery , where customer order online or by phone .