
  1. 对压水堆功率控制过程进行了计算机仿真,仿真结果表明,与传统的PID控制相比,神经网络监督控制具有较强的自适应能力和鲁棒性,有效地提高了控制系统的精度。

    The computer simulation results show that the neural network supervisory control has more adaptive ability and robust than that of a PID controller , and the control precision is increased .

  2. 但他们使用微信(WeChat)——一款中文移动讯息服务——至少每周与孩子们联系一次,并通过网络监督孩子们的家庭作业。

    But they use WeChat , the Chinese mobile messaging service , to keep in touch at least once a week and monitor children 's homework online .

  3. 此类的团体只是较庞大的网络监督构架中的一部分。

    Such groups form only one part of a broader framework of cyber-supervision .

  4. 电液伺服系统的模糊径向基函数网络监督控制

    Supervised Control Using Fuzzy Radial Basis Function Networks for an Electro-hydraulic Servo System

  5. 减摇鳍系统的神经网络监督控制

    Neural Network Supervised Control of Fin Stabilized System

  6. 本论文提出了一种新的机舱油气浓度控制方法,即神经网络监督控制。

    This paper discusses a new method to control the consistency , which is NNC .

  7. 这种通过舆论施加压力或者舆论产生影响的方式,就是本文所要探讨的网络监督。

    This through the pressure of public opinion or public opinion influences in the way .

  8. 网络监督是现代社会公民政治参与的一条有效途径。

    Network supervision is a effective way for citizens ' participation in political affairs in modern society .

  9. 个案引发行政权运作之网络监督思考

    Cases rise to the thought of the supervision of administrative rights by civil rights through using the internet

  10. 在本文中,首先对我国公民网络监督公务员机制的基本内涵和理论来源进行了阐释。

    First , the discourse explains the basic connotation and theoretical origin of the Mechanism of citizen-network-supervision on civil servant .

  11. 其中,进一步规范互联网舆论环境,寻求将网络监督和电子政府有效结合,使网络反腐变为制度性反腐,将有利于我国反腐倡廉大局。

    Further improving internet environment and the combination of internet supervision and e-government will be good news to the situation of anti-corruption in China .

  12. 再次,要加强素质教育和实施正确的舆论引导,优化网络监督的环境。

    Third , strengthen again the public opinion guide of education for all-round development and exactitude , thus excellent turn the environment of network direct .

  13. 同时也应该看到,网络监督是个新生事物,运行机制和保障机制均有待完善。

    At the same time should also see , network supervision is a new thing , operation mechanism and the safeguard mechanism have to be perfect .

  14. 在党风建设中加强对网络监督的引导与控制应从网络监督的主体、客体、载体三个大方面进行。

    In the construction of Party Style , we should guide and control the establishment of internet supervision from the aspects of its subject , object and carrier .

  15. 网络监督的局限性还表现在,由于网络监督的情绪化导致的司法审判的不公正和缺乏管控的网络监督也可能危害公共安全。

    The limitations of network supervision are also reflected in unfair administration of justice because of emotional network monitoring and lack of supervision and control may also endanger public safety .

  16. 相关的监督部门应做到完善网络监督制度化相关法规以及制度化平台的建设,以保障有效信息能够得到及时处理与反馈。

    The related direct section should attain perfect network direct to systemize related laws and systemize platform , can get the processing and feedback in time by guarantee effective information .

  17. 在此基础上,结合一些网络监督涉及党风的热点事件,对网络监督在党风建设中的积极和消极影响进行了客观描述和辩证分析。

    On the basis of the theoretical founding , the author made an objective and dialectical description of the positive and negative effects of internet on the construction of Party Style .

  18. 在北京,强大的网络监督系统“中国网络防火墙”会关闭一些言辞过激的网站或屏蔽敏感话题的网络内容。

    Beijing has set up a huge online censorship system sometimes dubbed the " Great Firewall of China " that aggressively blocks sites or snuffs out Internet content on topics considered sensitive .

  19. 但是,在网络监督蓬勃的发展势头下,我们也要清醒地认识到网络监督自身存在的问题。

    And finally to a range of social influence rising public events . However , We must clearly recognize the problems of the network supervision during the robust development momentum of the network supervision .

  20. 加强网络监督制度建设,促进网络监督健康发展,主要包括以下几个方面:首先,网络监督的健康发展需要制度上的规范与保障。

    Strengthen network direct to systemize construction , promote network direct health development , and mainly include a few aspects as follows : First , the healthy development of network direct needs an institutional norm and guarantee .

  21. 本文针对这些存在的问题,提出以下解决问题的建议:1、提高领导干部直面网络监督的能力,树立“五种”意识;

    In this paper , these problems , the following suggestions to solve the problem : 1 , to improve supervision of leading cadres to face the capacity of the network , establish a " five " consciousness ;

  22. 据北京《法制晚报》报道,一位网民日前向网络监督局举报,称高三学生使用的《中国古代诗歌散文欣赏》教材中含有一个色情网站。

    A Net user reported to the Internet supervision department on Saturday , saying that the Chinese Ancient Poetry and Prose Appreciation textbook used by high school seniors contains a porn website address , according to Beijing-based newspaper the Legal Mirror .

  23. 光靠政府来对网络监督和管理是远远不够的,政府对网络的监督和管理工作扮演着重要的角色但也还必须依靠家庭及学校的支持,才能共同营造一个健康的育人的网络环境。

    The government play the most important role in network management and supervision of the work , but they also must rely on the support of the family and the schools , to work together to build a healthy education network environment .

  24. 本文首先介绍了逆系统和α阶积分逆系统理论,接着研究了逆系统方法和神经网络监督学习控制理论在单机&无穷大系统励磁控制的综合应用;

    In this paper the method of inverse system and ath-order inverse system are introduced , then it studies the application of the method of inverse system and supervised neural controller in the excitation controlling of one machine infinite bus power system .

  25. 网络监督逐渐成为公众监督的主要表现形式,网络在一系列的反腐案件的曝光、查处和惩治过程中发挥了举足轻重的作用,在推动政府廉政建设过程中的有效性得以彰显。

    Network supervision is gradually becoming the main form of public supervision , the network has played an important role in the exposure , investigation and punishment process of a series of corruption cases , its effectiveness in promoting the construction of clean government has been demonstrated .

  26. 中国的网络监督机构国家互联网信息办公室表示收到了网民举报,并在周一说,将会同国家工商行政管理总局、国家卫生和计划生育委员会对百度进行联合调查。

    The Cyberspace Administration of China , the country 's online regulator , acknowledged the public complaints and said on Monday that it would conduct a joint investigation into Baidu with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce as well as the National Health and Family Planning Commission .

  27. 但也必须指出,网络监督在发挥自身政治功效的同时,也存在某些消极影响,它有时会误导舆论、侵犯当事人的正当权益,甚至会干扰司法审判。

    But it must be pointed that when network supervision brings into play its political effects , it also brings some negative effects . It sometimes misleads the public opinion , infringe upon the parties ' legitimate rights and interests , and it even interferes with judicial trial .

  28. 在不同频率、不同幅值输入信号下,超磁致伸缩致动器的磁滞非线性非常不同,为此构建了在线磁滞补偿控制器,采用反馈误差法神经网络监督控制对超磁致伸缩致动器磁滞非线性进行补偿。

    There are different hysteresis nonlinearity for the actuator driven with the signal of different frequency and different amplitude . It is necessary to establish hysteresis compensation control for the actuator system . Neural network supervisory control using feedback error is used to compensate hysteresis nonlinearity of the actuator .

  29. 直属教育部的人教社在新浪微博上一份声明中表示:“网址已经修正,并已将这一情况报告给网络监督部门。”

    The People 's Education Press ( PEP ) , which is under the direct leadership of the Ministry of Education , said in a statement published on its Sina Weibo account that " the web page had been altered and we have reported the situation to the Internet supervision department . "

  30. 网络执法监督MIS系统中基于分组的权限控制算法研究

    Study of Privilege Control Algorithm on Grouping in MIS for Law Execution in Police Department