
  • 网络administrative planning;Administrative Plan
  1. 行政计划之正当程序

    The Due Procedure of the Administrative Planning

  2. 本文从三个逻辑层次来对我国行政计划的法律规制问题进行分析。

    This text analyzes the legal regulation of administrative planning in our country in such three logic levels .

  3. 行政计划行为是一类特殊的行政行为。

    Administrative plan is a kind of special administrative act .

  4. 试论对行政计划的行政法调控

    Regulating and Control of Administrative Plans according to Administrative Law

  5. 行政计划理论初探论社会行政主体

    The Primary Discussion on Administrative Plan On Social Administrative Body

  6. 行政计划确定程序制度研究

    On the Working - out Procedure of Administrative Plan

  7. 第二部分是行政计划确定程序的基本理论。

    The second part is the basic theory of the working-out procedure of administrative plan .

  8. 德国与台湾地区确立集中事权效力的行政计划裁决,计划制定行为可被起诉,大陆尚不具备此制度基础;

    Formulation of administrative plan can be sued in Germany and Taiwan District in China .

  9. 行政计划诉讼问题研究

    Study on Proceedings of Administrative Plan

  10. 行政计划的特点决定了对行政计划进行实体法上的控制是非常困难的,主要是通过程序法来规制。

    The characteristic of administrative plan determines that it should be regulated primarily through procedural law .

  11. 教育的形式机制主要包括行政计划式机制、指导服务式机制和监督服务式机制;

    Formal mechanism of education mainly includes administration-planning oriented mechanism , guidance-service-oriented mechanism and supervision-service-oriented mechanism .

  12. 地方行政计划亦有助确保政府对地区问题和需要迅速作出回应。

    The scheme also helps to ensure that the Government is responsive to district needs and problems .

  13. 电动汽车项目属于重大基础创新项目,政策性强,风险性高,其发展需要国家创新政策支持和行政计划推进。

    The electric vehicle project is a national level program for foundation innovation , highly dependent on the support of national policies .

  14. 第一部分论述了对我国行政计划进行法律规制的必要性,这是最直观、最表象的一个层次。

    Part one analyzes the necessity of legal regulation on the administrative planning in our country , and this is the surface level .

  15. 这部分的内容重点阐述了传统人事管理体制是行政计划中心制的观点和行政计划中心制确立的因由、历史、概况。

    It 's explained in detail the cause , history and general situation of the establishment for the traditional personnel management mechanism and executive-plan-centered system .

  16. 但是,目前在我国农村集体土地向城市流动的渠道上,行政计划色彩浓厚的土地征收仍然是唯一的手段。

    However , land expropriation with strong characteristics of administrative planning is still the single channel for the circulation from collective owned land to urban areas .

  17. 与行政计划相关的诉讼大致可以分为对计划的具体内容不服的诉讼、对计划的制定行为不服的诉讼与对计划的变动行为不服的诉讼。

    There are three kinds of proceedings relevant to administrative plan : proceedings against specific contents of plan , formulation of plan and changes of the plan .

  18. 第五部分通过对近来我国现实生活中发生的几个典型事例的评析,得出我国的相关实践正处在自发的状态,急需行政计划理论来指导的初步结论。

    The last part draws a conclusion that we need the theory of administrative plan to guide the practice through analyzing a few typical examples in reality .

  19. 第三部分是行政计划程序论,介绍行政计划的制定程序,并区分了专案式行政计划与通盘式行政计划的不同的计划确定程序;

    The third part is the procedural theory of administrative plan . It introduces the working-out procedure of administrative plan and distinguishes two different administrative plan constituting procedure .

  20. 本文的主要内容有三部分构成,第一部分包括第一章电视台传统人事管理体制的特点和第二章电视台行政计划中心制的发展轨迹。

    The first part includes Chapter 1 " Characters on Traditional Personnel Management in Television Station " and Chapter 2 " Course of Development of Executive-plan-centered Mechanism in Television Station " .

  21. 其中层次机制包括宏观和微观机制;形式机制包括行政计划式机制、指导服务式机制和监督反馈式机制:功能机制包括激励、制约和保障机制。

    Mechanisms which include macro-and micro-level mechanisms ; form of mechanism to the Chief-Program type mechanism to guide-service-type mechanisms and monitoring-feedback mechanisms ; functional mechanis-m of incentives , constraints and safeguards .

  22. 所谓行政计划中心制,是指电视台的人力资源配置完全以行政计划或行政权力作依据,而媒介市场中心制指的是以媒介市场力量作为人力资源配置的依据。

    As the author mentioned , Executive-plan-centered Mechanism referred to such television manpower as is distributed in principle of executive plans or powers , and in basis of media market in Media-market-oriented Mechanism .

  23. 城市总体规划的本质属性为综合性行政计划,其法规体系的构建可从行政实体法、行政程序法和行政监督救济法三个方面入手。

    The essential property of urban master plan is a comprehensive administrative plan , whose legal system construction can be started from the three aspects of Law of Administrative Entity , Administrative Procedure Law and Administrative Supervision and Remedy Law , etc.

  24. 在传统的行政计划与强烈的自由要求之间,法律的本质属性敦促着一个程序化、系统化的社会监管框架的形成与运转来保证主体的良性成长;

    Between the traditional administrative plan economy and strong requirement for freedom , law fosters the construction and the development of the framework of social supervision and regulation with a programmatic and systematic manner so that it could ensure the good operation of economic identity .

  25. 所以研讨行政决议计划中的政治义务题目特殊是政治义务系列题目具有主要的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore research for political responsibility especially series question in administrative decision has the important theory and the practical significance .

  26. 国家运输安全管理局的行政人员计划前往国会,要求详细审查联邦机场安全政策。

    The TSA administrator is planning to go to congress to call for a thorough examination of federal airport security policy .

  27. 全部或者大多数政府部门将会迁移,行政大楼计划将在2017年建成。

    All or most of the municipal government 's departments will move , as the office buildings are scheduled to be completed that year .

  28. 政府试验室职责是为政府行政决议计划,制订法律法规、行政执法,提供可靠的技术依据。

    Government laboratories duty is to the Government 's administrative decisions , formulate laws and regulations , administrative law enforcement , provide a reliable basis for the technology .

  29. 坚持依法行政抓紧抓好计划生育工作

    Holding On Administrating On Law , Keep Family Planning Work Good

  30. 当前,柬埔寨王国政府和教育、青年与体育部已拟定行政战略改革计划。

    Recently , the Royal Government of Cambodia has made the Strategic Planning of Administrative Reforms .