
  1. 敏捷的行动力和高超的爬树技巧使它们成为所有松鼠的敌人。

    Their agility2 and tree-climbing skills make them the enemy of any squirrel .

  2. 让你变得更有创意的,是你的行动力,而不是你的想法。

    Execution , not ideas , is what makes you creative .

  3. 铺轨、架桥机走行动力系统改造方案及应用

    Renovation proposal and application for tracklayer and bridge-erector running system & power system

  4. 行动力能增加组织的效率。

    Productivity increases the efficiency of an organization .

  5. 男生的行动力都很强,他们不会用语言表达情感。

    Men are very action motivated , they don 't express their feelings verbally .

  6. 改变惯性激发行动力。

    Changing the habits unleash your power within .

  7. 查理的行动力有所好转。

    Charlie 's ability to walk improved .

  8. 农村都市主义是基于对农业生产力和城市行动力关系的二次联想所引发的一个命题。

    Agri-urbanism is a proposition founded on a re-imagined relationship between agricultural productivity and urban activity .

  9. 他行动力很强,却又喜欢思考。

    He 's a man of action and he 's also a man of deep thought .

  10. 假性痴呆症:抑郁可导致痴呆症,包括记忆力的丧失和行动力的减弱。

    Pseudodementia : Depression can result in dementia symptoms , including memory loss and a lack of motivation .

  11. 在处理生活中的事物时,你比一般人拥有更强的行动力。

    You are more aware than most people of the " stop and go " energy of life .

  12. 需要的出现会促使中学生产生行动力,为满足这些需要寻求实现的途径和措施。

    The appearance of needs accelerates Middle School Students ' actions that are the ways and measures to meet the needs .

  13. 所以,你得把你的思想和说法改变成一份更乐观的充满信心,希望和行动力。

    Turn your thoughts and conversations around to be more positive and power packed with faith , hope , and action .

  14. 一个有行动力,活泼,友好,随和,有礼貌,富有进取心,勤奋,有信心和有雄心的新兵。

    I am a motivated , vivacious , friendly , easy-going , polite , enterprising , studious , confident and ambitious person .

  15. 提高潜力的能力与你在缺陷面前行动力的表现息息相关。

    Your ability to grow to your highest potential is directly related to your willingness to act in the face of imperfection .

  16. 他们不自由,然而他们的行动力是西方人所缺乏的,尽管后者拥有一切自由。

    They were not free , and yet they had powers of agency that westerners , for all their freedom , lack .

  17. 它是有表达力和行动力的,但当表达和行为被错误地指导、或错误地执行的时候,结果很可能是灾难性的。

    It is expressive and active , and when expression and action are ill advised or poorly executed , the results can be devastating .

  18. 我们西方社会,特别是在美国,总是赞扬有行动力的人,而非有沉思能力的人,有沉思能力的“男人”。

    Western societies , and in particular the U.S. , have always favored the man of action over the " man " of contemplation .

  19. 和掌管赠与和幸运的木星,还有会带来良好的沟通和信息流通的水星,掌管爱情的金星,掌管行动力的火星。

    You will also have Mercury , bringing improved communication and lots of news , along with Venus ruling love , and Mars ruling action .

  20. 通过对它的编辑活动和小说创作的分析,我们将会看到作为一种新兴的文学范式,纯文学所蕴含的强大的政治行动力。

    With the observing on its edition and novels , we can find that a new literature paradigm the Pure Literature movement is politically powerful .

  21. 世界历史观念不仅与民族文化反省密切相连,更直接影响着该国民的自我定位及前瞻未来的方向与行动力。

    The conception of world history is not only closed to the self-examination of the national culture , but also influences its people 's future activities .

  22. 也许所有的成功人士都具有非凡的魄力与行动力,他想到的一刻,就是行动开始的一刻。

    Perhaps all of the successful people have extraordinary courage and action force , he thought of the moment is the moment of start of the operation .

  23. 他还担心,经济可能因无法获得上行动力而陷入更深的衰退,尤其是在失业率持续上升而消费支出又持续下降的情况下。

    He also fears the economy could fail to gain traction and slip into a deeper recession , especially if unemployment continues to rise and consumer spending continues to decline .

  24. 这颗红色星球以创造精力与行动力而闻名,然而,使这次两年一次的穿越更加特别的是:金星将与火星几乎同时移动。

    The Red Planet is known to create energy and action , and what makes this once-in-two-year visit extra special is that Venus will move with Mars in very close proximity .

  25. 需要首先说明的是,本论文研究的动力不是物理学的概念,而是管理学的概念,也可叫行动力。

    What needs tobe explained first is that the motive power in this thesis is a concept of management , not of physics , which is also called energy to act .

  26. 行动力比收入和利益更重要,毕竟利益只能反映最终的结果,行动力却能反映提升的效率以及你整个的效率。

    Productivity is much more important than revenues and profits , because profits only reflect the end result whereas productivity reflects the increased efficiency as well as effectiveness of you overall .

  27. 许多人行桥的自振频率介于人行步频范围内,因而它们可能在人行动力荷载下产生过大的振动。

    Many footbridges have natural frequencies that coincide with the dominant frequencies of the pedestrian-induced load and therefore they have a potential to suffer excessive vibrations under dynamic loads induced by pedestrians .

  28. 这种伙伴关系依赖于对个人工作表现的坦诚反馈,你对阻碍个人和组织更好表现的绊脚石的认知,以及你持续不断移开绊脚石的行动力。

    This partnership depends on candid feedback on the individual 's performance , your identification of personal and organizational barriers to better performance and your ongoing availability to help remove those barriers .

  29. 这能让你生活的更加轻松,生活富于行动力,也不至于总是陷入自责或者被那些无力的精神习惯死死捆绑住。

    This makes it easier to live a lighter and more action-filled life and to not fall down into a pit of self-pity or getting stuck in a mental habit of perceived powerlessness 。

  30. 这是个很有趣的现象,在这儿这个左脐轮的地方,这里的人们十分地深刻,有着左右平衡的秉性(诚恳的关怀,活力非凡的行动力)。

    It 's an interesting phenomena , here in the Left Nabhi Chakra , that people are so deep , with a balance of left and right side qualities ( honest concern , and dynamic action ) .