
hánɡ jì rén
  • commission agent;broker
  1. 行纪人有前款规定情形的,仍然可以要求委托人支付报酬。

    The broker may still request the principal under the circumstances stipulated in the preceding paragraph to pay the remuneration .

  2. 在一定情况下,行纪人享有介入权,从而使行纪关系成为一种两方之间的关系。

    Under certain circumstances , the commission agent has the right to intervene , thus make the brokerage relationship a bilateral one .

  3. 这种行纪人身份决定了期货经纪公司在期货民事法律关系中的法律地位,进而决定了它在期货市场中的权利义务内容和相应的基本行为规范。

    This kind of identity determines its legal position , thus determining its rights and obligations and corresponding basic behavior regulations .

  4. 第四百二十一条行纪人与第三人订立合同的,行纪人对该合同直接享有权利、承担义务。

    Where the trustee-trader entered into a contract with a third person , it directly enjoys the rights and assumes the obligations thereunder .

  5. 未经委托人同意,行纪人补偿其差额的,该买卖对委托人发生效力。

    If such sale was effected without consent by the trustor , and the trustee-trader made up the deficiency on its own , it is binding on the trustor .

  6. 委托人对价格有特别指示的,行纪人不得违背该指示卖出或者买入。还可指做非法买卖者

    Where the trustor gives special pricing instruction , the trustee-trader may not make any sale or purchase in contravention thereof . Dealer is also used of someone who buys and sells illegally dealer

  7. 行纪人高于委托人指定的价格卖出或者低于委托人指定的价格买入的,可以按照约定增加报酬。

    Where the trustee-trader sold the trust item above , or purchased the trust item below , the price designated by the trustor , the remuneration may be increased in accordance with the contract .

  8. 第三人不履行义务致使委托人受到损害的,行纪人应当承担损害赔偿责任,但行纪人与委托人另有约定的除外。

    Where the third person failed to perform its obligations , thereby causing damage to the trustor , the trustee-trader shall be liable for damages , except otherwise agreed by the trustee-trader and the trustor .

  9. 行纪合同直接介入权制度与行纪人担保履行责任研究

    Research on the System of Direct Intervention Right and Commissioner 's Duty of Guarantee Performance in Commission Contract