
  • 网络Industry Analysis;line analysis
  1. 但斯蒂芬•贝克,NPD行业分析的副总裁,说有一个亮点:Windows8带触摸屏的笔记本销售占了6%的销售额。

    But Stephen Baker , NPD 's vice president of industry analysis , said there was one bright spot : sales of Windows 8 laptops with touchscreens made up 6 % of sales .

  2. 在加入WTO后,以基金、社保、保险、券商为首的机构投资者,坚持行业分析、上市公司业绩研究和预测,这种基本面分析价值投资理念将成为市场主导。

    After entering into WTO , organization investors led by fund , social insurance security , insurance and securities , which are insisted in industry analysis , research and forecast of listed companies ' performance , which has been prominent notion for value investment .

  3. 保险行业分析型CRM的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Analyse-type CRM in Insurance Industry

  4. 基于上述目的,从保险行业分析型CRM的基本设计原理、关键技术以及规避风险等方面进行了研究和论述,并对保险行业分析型CRM具备的功能进行了描述。

    So the paper researches on the principium , key technology and evading risk of the analyzing CRM in insurance , and defines the functions of analyzing CRM in insurance .

  5. 相对于国内证券投资基金,QFⅡ具有更强的行业分析能力和广阔的国际化视野。

    Relative to the domestic securities investment funds , QFII has stronger ability and broad industry analysts view .

  6. 汽车行业分析人员JeremyAnwyl表示,这些激励措施将创造2300个新的就业岗位。

    Auto analyst Jeremy Anwyl says the incentives could create as many as 2300 new jobs .

  7. 文章指出,分析企业的战略环境主要是从宏观(PETS即:政治、经济、社会、技术)层面、中观层面(波特行业分析五力模型)、微观层面(企业竞争分析)展开。

    In general , the enterprise 's strategic environment is analyzed from macro - ( politic , economy , technology , and society ), middle ( five-competence module ) or micro ( company ) level .

  8. 主要包括行业分析和竞争对手分析。

    Including the rival analysis primarily to analyze with the profession .

  9. 工业化的深入加速对钢铁的需求&中国钢铁行业分析

    China 's Deepening Industrialization Speeds up the Demand for Metal

  10. 大多数投资都带有行业分析的成分。

    Most investment processes include some sort of industry analysis .

  11. 破除垄断首先需要行业分析

    Breaking Monopolies Needs in the First Place Industrial Analysis

  12. 协助项目顾问进行行业分析工作。

    Assisting Consultants to participate in the industry analysis .

  13. 国内汽车检测行业分析

    Analyzing the auto detecting industries in our country

  14. 中国轿车特约服务行业分析

    Analysis on Chinese Engaged Services of Sedan

  15. 行业分析对冰箱业历史、现状与特征进行论述;

    The trade analysis that describes refrigerator industry 's history , current situation and characteristic ;

  16. 行业分析的方法研究

    The Study of Industry Analysis Method

  17. 行业分析可将它们的差别表现暴露无遗,也让我们辨别它们到底盈利与否。

    Industry analyses will uncover these performance differences and help identify both unprofitable and profitable opportunities .

  18. 行业分析。

    First , industry analysis .

  19. 移动通信行业分析报告

    Mobile Telecom Industry Research Report

  20. 采用五力行业分析法,研究了郑州进出口贸易有限公司的行业环境;

    Adopt five strength trade analytic approaches , studying the trade environment of imports and exports Trade Co.

  21. 我国成品油税费改革之经济影响的行业分析

    An Analysis on the effects of Fuel Tax Reform upon Various Industries in China Finance and Investment

  22. 外部融资依赖、金融发展与出口商品结构&基于中国制造业部门的行业分析

    External Financing Dependence , Financial Development and Export Structure : Based on the Analysis of China 's Manufacturing Industry

  23. 该方法可以作为烟草行业分析绿原酸的有效手段。

    The proposed approach appears to be a valid alternative for fast analysis of chlorogenic acid in tobacco industry . 3 .

  24. 第三部分包括第4、5章。系统分析了基本面分析中的行业分析方法和公司分析。

    Part 3 includes chapter 4 and 5 . It gives a systematical research of the analysis of industries and companies in foundation analysis .

  25. 第4章选取了相关行业分析行业中的投资贸易关系。

    The chapter 3 and the chapter 4 respectively lucubrates the relationship between investment and bilateral trade on the base of regions and industries .

  26. 第三部分为行业分析,包括目标行业吸引力分析和目标行业关键成功因素分析;

    In the third part , the focus is industry analysis , introduces methods to evaluate the attraction and analyze the key success factors .

  27. 它将改变券商传统上对机构投资者提供重要信息、行业分析及个股研究报告、对个人投资者提供简单股评报告服务的不平等状况;

    It will change the imbalanced condition of providing the important information to organizational investors while providing the simple stock paper to individual investors .

  28. 银行业绩稳步增长引领价值投资&银行业2006年第三季度行业分析

    Stable Growth of Performance of Banking Sector Leads to Equity Investment An Analysis of Banking Sector in the Third Quarter of the Year 2006

  29. 既然我们知道行业分析对投资的成败关系重大,下一步便要知道如何进行。

    Having determined that industry analyses are important for successful investing , the next step is to find out how we can go about doing one .

  30. 现主要从事市场和行业分析,公司竞争行为与商业策略,技术创新,政府规制与公共政策等方面的教学和研究工作。

    Currently lecturing and researching in market and industrial analysis , firm competitive behavior and business strategy , technological innovation , government regulation and public policy .