
xínɡ zhènɡ quán lì
  • administrative power;executive power
  1. 高校是行政权力与学术权力二元交织的复杂系统。

    Universities are complex systems of administrative power and academic power .

  2. 大学学术权力与行政权力的冲突之辨

    The Debate of Conflicts between College Academic Power and Administrative Power

  3. 他利用自己适用范围广泛的行政权力废止当地政府所作的决定。

    He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments

  4. 大部分数据架构师没有可依赖的此类行政权力,即使他们对组织的要求比ERP少得多。

    Most data architects have no such executive decree to rely on , even though they ask far less of the organization than ERP .

  5. 国内方面,以权力过大的副总统迪克切尼(dickcheney)为首的布什团队,寻求扩大行政权力和取消制衡。

    Domestically , the Bush team , led by the overmighty vice-president , Dick Cheney , sought to expand executive power and dismantle checks and balances .

  6. 论公共行政权力的属性、异化及其超越

    On the Attribute , Alienation and Surpassing of Public Administration Power

  7. 商事登记中行政权力定位的理论思考

    Theoretical Thoughts of the Administrative Power Orientation in the Commercial Registration

  8. 加强行政权力监督的刍议

    Reflections on How to Intensify the Supervision of Executive Power

  9. 浅论行政权力的法律监督我国水权制度立法现状及其对策建议

    The Legislation Actuality on Water Right System and Its Perfection in China

  10. 浅论顺直谘议局对地方行政权力的监督和制约作用

    Supervisory and Restraint Function of Shun Zhi Parliament to Local Officals'Arbitrary Behavior

  11. 行政权力法律制约的执法研究

    Legal Restraints on Administrative Power : a Law Enforcement Approach

  12. 行政权力监督制约机制探析

    Exploring the Mechanism in Supervising and Restricting the Executive Power

  13. 公共行政权力兼具公共性与工具性。

    Publicity and instrumentality are both the attributes of public administration power .

  14. 出现了行政权力被少数人所窃取,并服务于少数人利益的问题;

    A few officials usurp administrative power for private interests ;

  15. 学术和行政权力在高校管理中的定位和关系

    Orientation and Relationship of Academic Power and Administrative Power in University Management

  16. 提出行政权力应当接受司法权的审查与监督。

    Administrative authority should accept the review and supervision of judicial authority .

  17. 组织结构、行政权力与利益关系

    Bureaucracy , Administrative Power and Relationship Based on Interests

  18. 将行政权力与学术权力适当分离。

    Adequate separation between administrative power and academic power .

  19. 高校行政权力与学术权力和谐机制的构建

    Construction of the Harmonious Mechanism Between Administration Power and Academic Power in Universities

  20. 边防检查是最具侵犯性的一种行政权力。

    Frontier inspection is the most infringing executive power .

  21. 分享最高行政权力的委员会。

    A council that shares the supreme executive power .

  22. 20世纪80年代以来,美国高校教师面临行政权力越来越强的控制。

    From 1980s , American faculty have been increasingly controlled by administrative power .

  23. 对税收竞争中地方政府行政权力滥用的思考

    Thinking about the Abuse of Power of Local Government Administration in Tax Competition

  24. 对物质性行政权力异化的法律思考

    Thoughts on Alienating the Administrative Power of Materiality from the Perspective of Laws

  25. 自由裁量权是一项重要的行政权力。

    The administrative discretion is an important administrative power .

  26. 国家行政权力赋予了嘎查自治组织制度上的权威和合法性。

    The government administrative power endows Kacha autonomous region with institutional authority and legality .

  27. 滥用行政权力,限制经营者正当经营活动的;

    Misusing its administrative powers and restricting the proper business activities of any operator ;

  28. 法律控制行政权力的主体路径

    Who Shall Exercise Legal Control Over Administrative Power

  29. 村官权力具有自治权力和行政权力(依授权、依委托)二重性。

    The power of Village Cadres has the dual natures of autonomy and administration .

  30. 关于行政权力有限性的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking on the Limitation of Executive Power